• 重要一场教育运动旨在突出各种种族缺陷”的当代现实影响黑人不论阶级不平等状况

    It is, more importantly, an educational campaign to highlight the contemporary reality of "racial deficits" of all kinds, the unequal conditions that impact blacks regardless of class.


  • 许多公共卫生运动缺陷批评正确的:它们没有调动同伴压力来促进健康习惯而且展示了对心理学严重误解

    Her critique of the lameness of many public-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.


  • 运动捕捉设备创建最终动画缺陷

    This is the pitfall of using motion capture devices to create final animation.


  • 但是社会运动人士则坚称研究存在着“严重缺陷”,这是对手机用户虚假承诺。

    But campaigners insisted the research was "seriously flawed" and would falsely reassure mobile phone users.


  • 包括脊髓损伤运动现代残疾人奥运会邀请视觉缺陷大脑性麻痹症以及截肢患者等参加比赛

    As well as athletes who have suffered spinal injuries, the modern Paralympics invites competitors with visual impairment, athletes with cerebral palsy, and amputees to participate in the games.


  • 遗憾的是,运动补偿电路可能胶片内容看起来劣质的视频——行内被称为肥皂剧效应”的一种小缺陷

    Unfortunately, the motion-compensating circuitry can make filmed content look like a cheap video-a glitch known in the trade as the "soap-opera effect".


  • 冷轧后马氏阻尼不仅界面运动有关,与马氏体中的缺陷有关。

    Not only the movements of interfaces but also the defects in the martensite are responsible for the high damping properties of the martensite.


  • 结论adhd儿童存在知觉视觉记忆、视空间结构、视觉运动注意以及视觉扫描等视觉机能方面缺陷

    Conclusions: the children's visual functions of ADHD have defects in their visual consciousness, visual memory, visual space structure, visual motion attention, and visual scanning.


  • 结合精密运动控制以及车轴圆周方向快速激光扫描,实现了擦伤和剥离等缺陷参数的分类和识别。

    In combination with precision motion control and laser scanning along axle and circular direction, the method can classify and recognize the defects of scotching and flaking on wheel tread.


  • 拉引推竿阶段中后期运动身体普遍明显伸,进而揭示出我国优秀运动员在利用撑竿弹性控制身体能力等方面存在缺陷

    This showed that the top vaulters of China had some defects in utilizing the elasticity of the pole and in exercising control over their bodies.


  • 结论学习问题、多动倾向儿童视觉运动整合缺陷

    Conclusion The children with behavior and learning question have defection in visual motor integration .


  • 这些缺陷使得公共管理运动只能成为公共行政学研究一个视角不能成为其替代模式

    These deficiencies make the movement of public management only a perspective of the public administration study rather than a substitutive model.


  • 操作过程简单首先可以选择,你正在使用缺陷类型运动模糊高斯模糊。

    The process is simple. First, you choose the defect type that you're working with: out of focus, motion blur, or Gaussian blur.


  • 不过,从实践来看,这场已略显喧嚣国内商业银行社会责任运动,“督促机制”所存在缺陷始终制约着运动实际效果

    However, in this slightly noisy social responsibility movement concerning the domestic commercial Banks, the defects in the supervision mechanism always restrict the actual effect of the movement.


  • 目的:比较注意缺陷障碍(ADHD)儿童与正常儿童探究性眼球运动特点

    Objective: to explore the character of the exploratory eye movement in ADHD children.


  • 针对矿井型号流式风机结构缺陷结合现场实际进行技术改造提高了运动效率收到了显著经济效益

    This is directed against structure defect of mine old type tube - axial fan, make technique transform to combine practice, raises main fan running efficiency, receives notable economic benefits.


  • 传统大曲质量判定标准体系存在一些缺陷通过研究,拟用运动的观点、量化指标来重新确立大曲质量判定标准体系。

    There were some defects in traditional Daqu quality judgment standards system. The new Daqu quality judgment standards system was established by the theory of "moving change" and "quantized indexes".


  • 介绍了数控高速高精运动控制重要意义分析了传统数控运动控制方式的缺陷不足

    Significance of high_speed and high_precision motion control of CNC system is introduced, disadvantages and shortages or traditional CNC motion control are analyzed.


  • 本文根据传统直角坐标数控雕刻缺陷,结合工业机器人运动特性,研制了一种自由度关节式雕刻机器人。

    By analyzing the disadvantage of the traditional NC engraving machine based on orthogonal coordinates and the kinematics characteristic of industry robot, a robot with five knuckle arms is designed.


  • 部分运动存在着某些心理问题人格缺陷

    Some of the athletes have certain mental problems and personality defaults.


  • 然而目前常用运动控制器体系结构存在很多缺陷体积过大,支持网络通信

    However, the architecture of current motion controller has many shortcomings, such as huge size, not supporting network communication.


  • 是因为这个衡量社会噪音单一技术所组成的整体运动本身就是缺陷的。

    Because the idea that you can measure the social noise attributable to a single tactic in what will almost certainly be an integrated campaign is a flawed approach.


  • 本文分析带钢表面边缘缺陷特征,对图象运动模糊进行了预处理。

    The characteristic of the edge defect in steel strip is analyzed and the image moving fuzzy is pre-processed.


  • 这个模拟实验显示尽管这样结构造成力学上的缺陷,但事实上短跑运动足跟提供的短力臂非短跑运动员的力臂能提供更大力量

    The simulation revealed that despite providing a mechanical disadvantage, the short lever arm of a sprinter's heel actually produced more force than the longer lever arm of a non-sprinter.


  • 结晶器铜管加工过程由于中心线机床运动方向轨迹线不同,造成加工干涉产品缺陷

    In the course of drawing process, the process interference and defect take place because of the difference between the centerline of concave die and the trace of moving direction.


  • 第五,研究了具有缺陷不可压超弹性材料组成球体表面均布的拉伸载荷作用下的径向运动问题

    In Chapter 5, problem of radial motion for a solid sphere composed of an imperfect incompressible hyper-elastic material, subjected to a surface tensile dead load, is examined.


  • 从而这些缺陷能量平衡方程得到一些泥沙运动理论强度阻力,就难免理论上存在一定的不足。

    Therefore, some sediment transport theories derived from these energy balance equations of sediment-laden flow, such as sediment transport intensity, resistance in movable bed, etc.


  • 传动采用钢质滑板运动、不宜磨损、彻底解决了因链条长时间传动而拉长定位准确缺陷

    Main transmission adopts steel sliding plate which is wear resisting. With this design, we can fix position precisely.


  • 传动采用钢质滑板运动、不宜磨损、彻底解决了因链条长时间传动而拉长定位准确缺陷

    Main transmission adopts steel sliding plate which is wear resisting. With this design, we can fix position precisely.


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