• 第三要抓紧经济重建

    Third, speed up economic reconstruction.


  • 中国作为国际社会一直支持和平经济重建

    As a member of the international community, China always supports Afghanistan for its peace and economic reconstruction.


  • 奥运会成功变为城市经济重建一部分,意义深远。

    The games were part of a successful, longer-term regeneration.


  • 奥运会不仅是一场体育盛会同时也是伦敦东区经济重建契机。

    The Olympic games are not just a sporting event but also a means of regenerating east London.


  • 早日实现地区和平稳定经济重建中国处理达尔富尔问题上基本出发点

    To achieve peace, stability, and economic reconstruction in the Darfur region at an early date is the basic standpoint from which China deals with the Darfur issue.


  • 通过发表演说马歇尔宣布欧洲战后经济重建计划肯尼迪则呼吁全球禁止核武器试验

    Marshall used his speech to announce his plan to rebuild the postwar European economy, and Kennedy used his to argue for an international ban on the testing of nuclear weapons.


  • 政府必须重建垮掉经济

    The government must reconstruct the shattered economy.


  • 总统传达的信息每个人都应一起努力工作重建经济

    The president's message was that everyone would have to work hard together to rebuild the economy.


  • 所提到风力涡轮机制造商我们重建21世纪具有竞争性经济基础

    The wind turbine manufacturer I mentioned, are the foundation on which we can rebuild our economy to compete in the 21st century.


  • 既然银行逐渐恢复我们期待他们给出特别的承诺帮助重建经济

    Now that the banks are back on their feet, we expect an extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild the economy.


  • 它们认为,重建未来创造经济活动,或抵消这些借贷成本

    They add that reconstruction will create future economic activity that could offset those borrowing costs.


  • 经历萧条以来严重的经济危机后,美国按理说应将努力焦点放在重建我们经济上,放在使人民国内安心工作上。

    And having just experienced the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the American people are understandably focused on rebuilding our economy and putting people to work here at home.


  • 一些捐助者认为这个地区可能重建工作完成后,出现经济萧条

    Some donors are concerned the area may see an economic slump after the reconstruction jobs disappear.


  • 但是那时,他们面临重建重创经济、带领亿万人民走出贫困艰巨任务。

    But at that time they faced the enormous task of rebuilding the battered economy and raising hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.


  • 不过随着重建工作展开日本经济今年下半年开始加速增长

    But Japan's economic growth is expected to pick up in the second half of this year as reconstruction gets underway.


  • 世界银行的一年一度的《全球经济展望警示到“重建经济就业需要很多年”。

    The World Bank’s annual Global Economic Prospects warned that it would take “many years for economies and jobs to be rebuilt”.


  • 华盛顿特区,2010年1月15日-世界银行专家组开始筹备海地地震灾后经济基础设施重建艰巨工作

    WASHINGTON DC, January 15, 2010 -a team of World Bank experts is starting to prepare for the arduous task of rebuilding Haiti's economy and infrastructure in the wake of the recent earthquake.


  • 本周印刷版经济学人缓慢重建步伐进行报道

    In this week's print edition, the Economist reports on the glacial pace of the reconstruction.


  • 私有化理论重建经济适用范围但是场火速竞拍的风险就是会使那些优质的资产流入群可以暗中操控以中饱私囊狐朋狗友手中

    In theory privatisation has the scope to restructure the economy, but a fire sale risks letting the choicest assets fall into the hands of cronies who will manipulate regulation to suit themselves.


  • 经济增长在相当程度企业重建库存有关不过鉴于就业工资水平提高更高消费者需求也是一个驱动因素。

    Much of the growth had to do with companies rebuilding inventory, but it was also driven by higher consumer demand as employment and wages improved.


  • 而且洪水以及龙卷风重建可以刺激下半年经济

    And rebuilding after the floods and tornadoes may deliver a fillip in the second half of the year.


  • 但是似乎并不可能给予Tsvangirai所需要权力结束残忍的局面,以及重建津巴布韦崩溃经济

    But it is unlikely to give Mr Tsvangirai the authority he needs to end the brutality and rebuild Zimbabwe’s collapsed economy.


  • 使1950—73年每年2.9%增长率黄金时期相形见绌,那段时期欧洲日本战后重建他们经济

    That would beat the 2.9% annual growth during the golden age of 1950-73, when Europe and Japan were rebuilding their economies after the war;


  • 世界银行负责南亚事务的行长PrafulPratel资金已经开始注入当地经济住房赠款也正在支持重建永久性住宅。

    The World Bank’s Vice-President for South Asia, Praful Pratel, says money has started to flow into local economies and housing grants are supporting the rebuilding of permanent shelters for people.


  • 世界银行负责南亚事务的行长PrafulPratel资金已经开始注入当地经济住房赠款也正在支持重建永久性住宅。

    The World Bank’s Vice-President for South Asia, Praful Pratel, says money has started to flow into local economies and housing grants are supporting the rebuilding of permanent shelters for people.


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