• 韩国国家情报局官员表示:“世界正在进行一场经济战争因此我们正在努力阻止技术外泄使我们的国家成为一个经济超级强国。”

    "The world is engaged in an economic war so we are trying hard to prevent technology outflows to make our country an economic superpower," says an NIS official.


  • 战争期间欧洲贸易中断使经济陷入片困境

    The disruption of European trade during the war had thrown the economy into a tailspin.


  • 这场战争加剧一场严峻经济危机

    The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis.


  • 战争民众注意力经济状况上移开了

    The war diverted people's attention away from the economic situation.


  • 政府欢迎这场战争因为转移了人们国家经济问题的注意力。

    For the government, the war was a welcome diversion from the country's economic problems.


  • 美国繁荣美国人的富足超出经济战争摧毁欧洲人和亚洲人梦想

    America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed.


  • 整个历史进程中,人们为了贸易宗教信仰经济利益战争移民其他同样强烈动机而旅行

    Throughout the course of history, people have travelled for purposes of trade, religious conviction, economic gain, war, migration and other equally compelling motivations.


  • 反映了这样一个事实过去的几十年里,人们总体生活水平有所提高,并且避免大规模战争经济匮乏大规模社会创伤

    It reflected the fact that these decades saw a climb in general standards of living and avoidance of mass societal traumas like full-scale war or economic deprivation.


  • 当今世界战争恐怖主义,经济危机大规模爆发传染性疾病威胁未知因素层出不穷,人类能否这样一个环境中享受和平生活

    Is it possible to enjoy a peaceful life in a world that is increasingly challenged by threats and uncertainties from wars, terrorism, economic crises and a widespread outbreak of infectious diseases?


  • 紧随战争多年经济紧缩

    War was followed by many years of austerity.


  • 企业以前从来没有同时应付战争经济衰退

    Never before has the industry had to cope with war and recession at the same time.


  • 然而不可否认的事实今天战争年代更多学校、更多的医院、更多的饮用水、以及更多的经济活动

    However, the undeniable fact is that today there are more schools, hospitals, more potable water, and more economic activity than during the war period.


  • 我们随着场持续战争经济危机进入一年专家许多美国民众正在寻求快乐和更有意义生活

    As we head into the New Year with an ongoing war and economic crisis, experts say a lot of Americans are in search of happiness and a more meaningful life.


  • 战争经济危机总是会增加白宫权力在可见未来巴马将会继续的从这两件事情上得到含糊的帮助。

    War and economic crisis have always augmented the powers of the White House, and for the foreseeable future Mr Obama will continue to enjoy the dubious "benefits" of both.


  • 使经济陷入危机状态并非疾病战争选举而是金融中心体系失败借贷决策以及银行过大金融杠杆作用共同作用的结果。

    It was not a disease or a war or an election that plunged the economy into crisis, but a combination of bad lending decisions and the excessive leverage of Banks at the heart of the financial system.


  • 华尔街充斥着悲观预测,伴随着新型美国住房购买经常性物品订单下降提醒着投资者即使战争结束经济也会继续保持不振

    A dip on Wall Street undermined sentiment, with declines in new U.S. home purchases and durable goods orders reminding investors that the economy would continue to struggle even after the war.


  • 相对公共领域其他纪录片,《来自报告提到为了保持大规模经济社会稳定需要组织策划战争

    The Report from Iron Mountain, among other documents in the public domain, references the organized and orchestrated requirement for war in order to maintain macro-scale economic and social stability.


  • 经济方面过于倾向牺牲长期利益获得短期回报,让人好奇是他似乎对于一些事关重要细节并不好奇,比如指挥伊拉克战争

    In economic matters, he was too prone to sacrifice the long-term good for short-term gain. He seemed curiously incurious about vital details, such as the conduct of the war in Iraq.


  • 战争结束成为泰晤士报》临时经济社论主编,随后加入大型企业英国煤炭局,并在那儿工作直到退休。

    After the war, he became briefly chief economics editorial writer for the Times before he joined the National Coal Board, a large organisation where he spent most of the rest of his working life.


  • 目前,格鲁吉亚国内局势动荡不安,尤其是面临着俄罗斯给格鲁吉亚断电后即将到来的严寒战争带来的经济危机,萨卡什维利的命运不久出现变数。

    But the country is volatile and that could change soon, especially if Georgia faces a tough winter plagued by power cuts and a post-war economic crisis.


  • 所有这些控制货币升值保护经济增长措施引起国际社会不安,担心各国会竞相采取新措施,避免本国货币升值,从而触发一场货币战争

    All of this maneuvering to keep currencies from strengthening and economies growing is sparking international fears of a currency war: a round of competing measures to weaken exchange rates.


  • 即便我们今晚在此庆祝,我们也知道明天挑战前所未有——战争个奄奄一息的星球、和一场百年不遇经济危机

    For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime - two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.


  • 拉斯姆森研究表明,自从2008年8月份以来美国金融体系运转不畅,经济衰退的严重性开始明显起来,对于战争忧虑一直在降低

    Anxiety about the war has been declining since August 2008, according to Rasmussen, when America's financial system began to seize up and the severity of the recession became clear.


  • 俄罗斯经济战争摧垮了,工厂桥梁破坏了原料被抢掠了矿井被水淹没了机器损坏了

    The Russian economy was devastated by the war, with factories and Bridges destroyed, cattle and raw materials pillaged, mines flooded, and machines damaged.


  • 俄罗斯经济战争摧垮了,工厂桥梁破坏了原料被抢掠了矿井被水淹没了机器损坏了

    The Russian economy was devastated by the war, with factories and Bridges destroyed, cattle and raw materials pillaged, mines flooded, and machines damaged.


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