• 书中提到,美国应该采取的措施包括:中国进行直接经济对抗包括制裁边境控制——必要情况下,军事行动作为支援。

    Measures should include direct economic confrontation with China including sanctions and border controls – backed up, if necessary, by military action.


  • 对抗通货膨胀斗争对抗日益加深经济衰退措施更具优先性

    The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession.


  • 提高经济精英地位的同时,使他们更担心如何保持他们的特权,以及如何对抗他们特权和繁荣的威胁无论威胁来自何方

    And it increases the role of these economic elites or their concern with maintaining their privileges against threats to their privileges and to their prosperity no matter where they come from.


  • 克林顿团队不会带来一时代经济稳定增长失业率一定会带来对抗金融危机宝贵经验。

    Hiring Mr Clinton's team won't bring back that era's steady growth and low unemployment, but it does bring valuable experience of fighting financial crises.


  • 一非盈利性组织2003年北卡罗来纳州建立的,此组织的目的为了对抗饥饿并且可以在当地生产节约劳动力农业设备来帮助农村经济的增长。

    This nonprofit group was established in North Carolina in two thousand three. The aim is to fight hunger and help rural economies with labor-saving agricultural devices that can be reproduced locally.


  • 面临近期资本募集遇到的困难银行通过收紧贷款对抗进一步的坏帐注销(write - offs)局面,而这些措施经济带来更大压力

    Given their recent difficulties in raising capital, Banks might react to further write-offs by being even more conservative in their lending, putting greater pressure on the economy.


  • 惠普公司(Hewlett - Packard)瞻博网络(Juniper Net works)这样竞争对手一直交换机低端路由器市场上发动价格战试图推动销量对抗全球经济衰退带来的影响。

    Competitors like Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Juniper Networks (JNPR) have been waging a price war in switches and low-end routers, trying to boost volume in the face of a weak global economy.


  • 为了对抗经济低迷,增值税(一种消费税)税率过去13个月里都是15%,2010年初,税率重回17.5%,消费者或许会感到受了打击

    Consumers may well have been discouraged when the main rate of VAT, a consumption tax, was restored to 17.5% at the start of 2010 after 13 months at 15% to counter the downturn.


  • 羸弱英镑尤其是对抗美元的时候,另一项几乎可以肯定英国经济处于衰退泥潭所造成的后果

    A weak pound, especially against the dollar, is another near-certain consequence of the British economy's recessionary troubles.


  • 布朗先生自称身经百战老兵对抗金融危机经济衰退中颇受鼓舞。

    Mr Brown presents himself as a battle-hardened veteran who has earned his spurs battling financial crisis and recession.


  • 但是,金恩对抗新一轮经济衰退取决于维持通货膨胀物价也出现混乱,令人忧心忡忡

    But Mr King's ability to counter another bout of recession depends upon inflation obediently behaving-and prices have recently been worryingly obstreperous.


  • 上一次经济衰退对抗中,美联储通过时间的降息而笑最后

    The Fed has brought previous recessions to an end by pushing interest rates low enough for long enough.


  • 新兴经济之所以在对抗经济周期上显得吃力,部分因为他们的景气波动更加明显

    Emerging economies struggle to fight business cycles partly because theirs are more pronounced.


  • 即使那些愿意如此极端的人也认为,任何对抗经济衰退企图都会大于利。

    And even those not willing to go that far argued that any attempt to fight an economic slump would do more harm than good.


  • 中国经济正在持续增长,这似乎美国的国际主导地位造成了威胁,自冷战以来,中美两国的对抗一直持续酝酿

    China's economy is continuing to expand and looks to threaten US dominance on the global scene - with confrontations between the powers brewing ever since the Cold War.


  • 一方面,分析家表示玛斯对抗以色列政策,使得哈玛斯地区的支持率下降因为这已经造成数百巴勒斯坦人死亡扼杀了加萨地区的经济

    On the other hand, analysts say support for Hamas has dropped in Gaza over its policy of confrontation with Israel, which has left hundreds of Palestinians dead and suffocated the local economy.


  • Buttonwood如今勇敢地对抗经济学人网站(Economist.com)转投报纸历史潮流这些数字迷信分析师一些消息

    Buttonwood, who is daringly defying the tide of history by moving from Economist.com into the newspaper, has bad news for the numerologists.


  • 许多问题集中候选人如何回应目前经济危机以及如何对抗日增的失业率下跌房价

    Many of the questions focused on how the candidates would respond to the current economic crisis and combat rising unemployment and falling home prices.


  • 知道很多经济非常讨厌这种对抗政策

    Look, I know that many economists have a visceral dislike for this kind of confrontational policy.


  • 周五迹象表明日本对抗国内通货紧缩的战争失败消费者价格指数连续第八个月出现下滑,这表明该国经济复苏仍然非常微弱

    Separately, there were signs Friday Japan is losing its battle against domestic deflation. Consumer prices there fell for the eighth month, indicating the nation's economic recovery remains fragile.


  • 为什么在1975年左右经济学界会在“如何认识凯恩斯思想”这个问题分化两个完全对抗阵营呢?

    And why did economics, circa 1975, divide into opposing camps over the value of Keynes's views?


  • 白酒的积极社会经济作用以及独特的个性对抗心脏病的保护作用,论证了白酒的存在价值。

    Liquor-making industry exerts positive economic effects on social development and liquor itself has specific characteristics and is proved helpful for heart diseases.


  • 海上对抗中失利日本需要这些熊猫振兴他们经济

    Japan needs those Pandas to boost their economy after the sour confrontation at sea.


  • 海上对抗中失利日本需要这些熊猫振兴他们经济

    Japan needs those Pandas to boost their economy after the sour confrontation at sea.


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