• 纳米流体组成元素各部分总和更佳良导体

    Nanofluids are better conductors than the sum of their parts.


  • 研究发现纳米流体粘度随着颗粒质量分数的增加而增加

    We found that the viscosity of nanofluids increases with an increase in the mass faction of Cu particles.


  • 本文重点研究纳米流体导率异常增强传输机理

    The main subject of this paper is the study of the anomalous thermal conductivity enhancement and the mechanism of thermal transport behavior in nanofluids.


  • 研究了分散剂(SDBS)用量纳米流体稳定性的影响。

    In this article, the effect of SDBS dispersant concentrations on the stability of nanofluids has been investigated.


  • 这种方法制备工艺简单工业大规模制备纳米流体提供了新的思路。

    The method is simple, providing a new way to synthesize nanoparticle organic fluid in a large scale.


  • 固态核磁共振技术工业生物医学领域广泛应用研究重点为多孔介质和铁纳米流体

    Intensive involvement in industrial and biomedical applications of solid state NMR techniques, with emphasis in the study of porous media and iron based nanofluids.


  • 实验室成功研发出纳米流体,当前面临技术难题如何开发出低成本、工业化生产纳米流体

    Nanofluids have successfully been developed in laboratories, and the upcoming challenge is to develop techniques for cost-efficient industrial-scale production of nanofluids.


  • 纳米流体制冷这个人们知的现象已经发现了有约20年之久,仅仅刚刚实验室阶段

    Nanofluid cooling, as the phenomenon is known, was discovered almost two decades ago, but is only now coming out of the laboratory.


  • 纳米流体对流传热系数随着颗粒导率增加、颗粒体积分数增加以及颗粒粒径的减小而增大。

    The heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids increases with increasing the thermal conductivity of nanoparticles and base fluid, and increases with an increase in the volume fraction of nanoparticles.


  • 本文研究结果可为与纳米流体相关研究提供一种实验测试手段,同时也为流体速度测试提供了实验手段。

    The main significance of this paper is to offer an experimental method to measure the velocity of the nano-particle in the nano-fluids.


  • 在对流体测试几种方法进行比较研究基础确定了利用激光散测速技术纳米流体纳米颗粒进行测量的实施方案

    The author decided to use LSV technic to measure the nano-particles velocity based on compare with several methods to measure the particles in flow.


  • 本文结合激光测速技术LSV),应用激光散斑过定向流动纳米流体纳米粒子运动状态进行了理论分析及实验研究

    In this paper, combined with the idea of Laser Speckle Velocimetry (LSV), experiments are carried out to measure the velocities of nano-particles in directional nanofluids with Zero-Crossing Method.


  • 有序研究拓展平板作用形成拟有序层(双壁拟有序层)纳米流体中的纳米颗粒添加剂表面形成的拟有序层(球面拟有序层)。

    The research is further extended to the ordered liquid film confined between two solid plates with the distance of nanometers, and liquid layer cumulated on spherical nano-particle in nanofluids.


  • 装甲控股公司研制剪切增稠流体一种含有二氧化硅纳米颗粒液体聚合物BAE细节闪烁其词,不愿过多透露。

    The fluid that Armour Holdings worked on is a liquid polymer containing nano-engineered particles of silica, though BAE is coy about the details of what it is using.


  • 随着液体蒸发墨水含金量也就随着增多,而流体流过模板上的小孔时,单一黄金纳米颗粒就会进入小孔内。

    As the liquid evaporated, the ink became richer in gold, the fluid flowed over the holes, and a single nanoparticle of gold dropped into each one.


  • 每个电子盒包含许多纳米孔(尽管公司没有具体数目)执行准备工作检测工作分析工作所有流体以及电子器件。

    Each cartridge contains multiple nanopores (though the firm will not say how many) and all the microfluidics and electronics to carry out the preparation, detection and analysis.


  • 配制纳米粉磁流变流体以此为介质设计的磁流变进行了实验研究。

    The magneto-rheological fluid of iron nano-particles was used as working medium of hydraulic system, the designed magneto-rheological valve was studied.


  • 复杂体系内流体分子表现出丰富相态奇异行为纳米材料化学工业其他相关工业中广泛应用重要原因

    The fantastic phase behavior of confined fluids is an important factor to the application of porous nano-materials in chemical engeneering and other fields.


  • 未来,利用广谱功能化纳米颗粒动物细胞组织深入研究全面地阐明流体热疗的潜在治疗价值。

    Future animal studies and further investigations on cells and tissues with a broad spectrum of functionalized nanoparticles will elucidate the overall potential of magnetic fluid hyperthermia.


  • 纳米流体组成制备应用进行详细的综述。

    The components, preparation and applications of nanoparticle magnetic fluid were introduced detailedly.


  • 介绍干法清除纳米污染物几种方法超临界流体清除法、高速凝胶清除法、激光清除法、气相化学清除法和光化学清除法。

    Some new kinds of dry cleaning methods such as supercritical fluid cleaning, high pressure gas and gel cleaning, laser cleaning, gas-chemically and Photo-chemically enhanced cleaning are described.


  • 论文主要研究纳米流体相关磁光学性质,并探讨光子器件材料上的应用

    This dissertation is mainly concerned with the magneto-optical properties of nanostructured magnetic fluid and its potential applications in photonic devices and materials.


  • 纳米流体具有磁性纳米材料具有液体流动性光学性质调谐的特点,是一种新型的光学功能材料。

    Magnetic fluid is a kind of nanostructured material possessing magnetism. It is a novel functional material in optical field, which has both the fluidity of liquid and the tunable optical properties.


  • 大量实验数据都表明纳米粒子添加流体导热性能确实存在影响

    Experimental results indicate that the addition of nanoparticles truly influences the thermal conductivity of fluids.


  • 纳米磁性流体密封应用中最关键的问题密封能力的确定,影响因素很多纳米磁性流体本身性质磁极结构负载运行过程

    There are many factors affecting the sealing capability, for example, the characteristics of nano-ferrofluid, the structure of magnetic pole, the process of load function, etc.


  • 纳米磁性流体密封应用中最关键的问题密封能力的确定,影响因素很多纳米磁性流体本身性质磁极结构负载运行过程

    There are many factors affecting the sealing capability, for example, the characteristics of nano-ferrofluid, the structure of magnetic pole, the process of load function, etc.


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