• MPEG4解码芯片包含复杂算法,利用系统设计语言建立事务参考模型已经非常必要

    The MPEG4 encode and decode module include complex algorithm , so it is very necessary to build a transaction level reference module .


  • 就算只是发生设计层面上系统架构提供一个普遍语言需要一些工作

    Just as it happens at the design level, getting a Ubiquitous Language for the architecture of a system requires some work.


  • 一旦代码自由自由语言重要性会提高……然后操作系统协议设计的自由。

    Once you free the code, it raises the importance of freeing the language... then freeing the operating system and the protocol designs.


  • 为了建立文档系统很多团队最终需求说明测试设计了一领域相关语言

    To create a living documentation system, many teams have ended up designing a domain specific language for specifications and tests.


  • 无疑不同语言使用不同书写体系人们设计系统来传递信息可以减少过程中的翻译错误

    To be sure, passing information through systems designed by people speaking different languages and using different writing systems can increase the level of vulnerability to translation errors.


  • 不过基于任务的语言学习需要研究者设计系统时做出一些调整

    But the idea — known as task-based language learningrequired a few changes as the researchers were designing the system.


  • 更准确地说,他们假设这些学生其中的某种语言已经有足够基础因此一堂系统或者网络操作课程很少时间训练编码设计或者易读性

    Rather, they assume students have sufficient grounding in one language or another, so a course in operating systems or networks seldom includes any time devoted to coding style or readability.


  • 第三常见问题就是需求说明错误设计利用技术语言脚本描述某个功能怎么被测试的,而不是去描述系统应该怎么工作。

    The third common issue is getting the design of specifications wrong, using technical language and scripts to describe how something is tested instead of what the system is supposed to do.


  • 但是真正使得Linux这个环境大放异彩它对环境简化能力,从而使得所有人都可以通过Python之类高级语言进行机器人控制系统设计

    But what really makes Linux shine in this environment is the ability to simplify the environment to make robot control system design accessible to anyone through higher level languages such as Python.


  • 是否会系统创建一个基于统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)设计

    Will you create a Unified Modeling Language (UML) design of the system?


  • WindowsPowerShell一种免费的、基于网络的、命令行式外壳脚本语言它是微软针对系统管理员设计的。

    Windows PowerShell is a free Net-based command-line shell and scripting language designed for system administrators by Microsoft.


  • 需要建立标准机制语言业务流程建模过程中使用这些机制或语言建立的模型,在系统设计实现过程中容易加以利用。

    A standardized mechanism or language needed to be devised by which the artifacts created during business process modeling could be more readily used during the system design and implementation.


  • 框架扩展了所有的. NET语言作为设计运行时构件包含所有当前微软操作系统之中

    The framework spans all.net languages and is included as both design and runtime components in all current Microsoft operating systems.


  • 最初是C 语言设计的,后来移植各种计算系统小型嵌入式设备大型超级计算机)调试多种语言代码

    Originally designed for C, it's been ported to debug code in many languages on a variety of computing systems, from tiny embedded devices to large-scale supercomputers.


  • ODBC作用充当接口连接器,它具有双重设计目标:首先,对于ODBC系统,它充当的是编程语言系统,其次,对于数据存储系统,它充当的是ODBC系统

    ODBC works by acting as a twofold interface or connector design: First, as a programming language system to an ODBC system and second, as an ODBC system to a data storage system.


  • 通过使用业务设计信息系统相关正式语言通常说明矛盾低效复杂的非soa系统的情况。

    Using a formal language that serves to correlate the business design and information systems often reveals just how contradictory, inefficient, and complex non-SOA systems can be.


  • 意味着他们能够承担系统关键方面设计甚至是某种程序设计语言表现一个关键算法

    This might mean being able to undertake detailed design of a key aspect of the system, even to the point of being able to represent a critical algorithm in a programming language.


  • 模式模式语言捕获正式地良好设计和基于经验的最佳实践系统化,以其他人员进行重用

    Patterns and pattern languages capture and formally codify good designs and best experience-based practices in a way that it is possible for others to reuse them.


  • 先前做出有关数据库方案操作系统服务器平台程序设计语言的决策仍然可用并且可以后组合

    Decisions previously made regarding database schemas, operating systems, server platforms, and programming languages remain intact and viable for future recombinations.


  • 编程艺术一直就是语言设计的艺术,编程大师系统看成是故事不是程序,他们使用他们选择的编程语言创建一个更复杂更具有表达性的语言,来讲述这个故事。

    The art of programming is, and has always been, the art of language design. Master programmers think of systems as stories to be told rather than programs to be written.


  • 用户接口设计人员系统设计人员使用同一语言(uml)将它们的系统形式化

    User interface designers and system designers do not use the same language (UML) to formalize their systems.


  • 用户界面设计系统设计没有使用同一语言(uml)形式化的表示他们的系统s。

    User Interface designers and system designers do not use the same language (UML) to formalize their systems.


  • Erlang爱立信计算机科学实验室设计函数式程序设计语言运行时系统

    Erlang is a functional programming language and runtime system that was designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory.


  • 这些系统反过来用于构建高级库(opengl或者gtk),这些库设计通常采用系统库所使用语言

    Those system libraries are in turn used to create higher-level libraries (like OpenGL, or GTK), and the designers of those libraries often decide to use the language the system libraries used.


  • 基于这个结构模型设计了一课程专用标记语言开发了用于论证的课程制作系统

    On the basis of the structure model, it designs a special mark-up language and develops the related class-making system in order to prove it.


  • Python已经演进成为许多处理网络多媒体数据库系统程序设计应用程序开发人员语言选择

    Python has evolved and become the language of choice for many developers working on network, multi-media, database, and system programming applications.


  • IBMRational Soft wareModeler: Rational Soft ware Modeler一个基于统一建模语言(uml) 2.0工具它允许架构设计分析师创建系统不同视图

    IBM Rational Software Modeler: Rational Software Modeler is a tool based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0 that allows architects and analysts to create different views of the system.


  • 本文主要概述了种适用实时控制系统语言GCL设计思想。

    This article mainly expounds a computer Language-GCL (General Controller Language) available for the RTCS (Real Time Controlling System and its design method.


  • 对于室内,屋体边沿设计语言暴露整个施工综合建造系统材料变化因此它经过加固。

    Toward interior, language of edges will be exposed in the whole work synthesizing the construction system and material variation thereof is reinforced.


  • 课程计算机科学、计算机技术、计算机软件系统设计分析程序设计语言程序设计基本原理等等

    The courses I have taken include Computer Science, Computer Technology, Computer Software, Systems Design and Analysis, Program Language, Basic Principles of Programming and so on.


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