• 介绍矿井提升精确位置显示系统设计

    This paper introduce the design of accurate position display system for mine hoisting.


  • 知道精确位置

    You know exactly where to hold it.


  • 放大所在的大体地区使用鼠标标识需要监测精确位置

    Zoom in on your general area and use your mouse to identify the precise location you want to monitor.


  • 拖拉dojo组件视图得到Dojo标签精确位置

    Drag Dojo components to the source view for more precise placement of the Dojo tags.


  • 卫星导航定位中,精确位置测量实际上精确时间测量。

    Measuring of precise distances and positions is really measuring of precise time in a satellite navigation system.


  • 对于我们示例需要地形图公路和县地图正确识别跟踪精确位置

    For our example, we'll need the topographical, highways, and county maps to accurately identify the precise location to track.


  • 注意一个带点的线会向显示消息集合精确位置(如图2所示)。

    Notice that a dotted line guide shows you exactly where the message set will be dropped (see Figure 2).


  • 描述了这些婴儿遗骸精确位置隐藏墙根,或掩埋院子里,紧紧地靠着。

    He gave precise locations for the infant bodies, which were hidden under walls or buried under courtyards close to each other.


  • 研制出简单稳定检测方法实现了探测器加密运动精确位置控制

    A new simple method measurement is developed and accurate control of position in movement of detector data insert is achieved.


  • 地理位置地图上标记使用数据精确位置,对旅游闲逛非常有用

    Geotag your data activities and view them on a map. Very useful when you travel and roam.


  • 位置实现精确位置控制速度环实现快速跟踪电流实现快速动态响应。

    The precise position control was performed by position regulation, and the fast trace was realized by speed regulation, and the fast dynamic control was implemented by current regulation.


  • 重力测量最大困难就是取得高精度地形图以及确定每一测点精确位置

    The biggest difficulties in gravimetric observations are to get a first class map and the exact location of every measurement.


  • 基于人脸特征精确位置,人脸几何信息用来精确验证真实人脸的存在。

    Based on the positions of eyes, the other facial features are located and then the geometrical information of all facial features is used to further verify human face.


  • 切换网页组成开关,网页开发者设计师拥有可视化指导精确位置网页部件尺寸

    By being able to toggle a web composition on or off, web developers and designers can have a visual guide for pixel-perfect accuracy of the position and dimensions of web page components.


  • 研究员现在正在人类眼睛找寻这个时钟精确位置(s)(而且希望找到)。

    Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of this clock in the human eye (and expect to find it).


  • 着重阐述了如何利用解析确定重要贯通工程开门精确位置,从而提高贯通质量

    How to determine the accurate opening position in the course of the important holing - through construction by analytics is expounded. It can lift the holing - through quality.


  • 活动站上对观测数据进行实时处理,便得到活动站相对于参考精确位置

    To deal with the observatory data from both stations on roving station, roving station's accurate location which is relative to reference station can be attained.


  • 最后最优化运动模型用于基于核的均值转移算法从而获得运动目标精确位置

    Finally we use this dynamic model of optimization in mean-shift algorithm, and compute object's true position.


  • ERPs来源无法脑电图来确信然而,将来可以fMRI调查目前观察活动精确位置

    The source of the ERPs could not be determined with EEG; however, fMRI could be used in the future to investigate the precise location of the activity observed here.


  • 第三安全配备根又又细竿子,用来探测深处找出被埋滑雪者精确位置

    The third piece of safety equipment is a long, think pole. It's used to probe deep into the snow to pinpoint the location of a buried skier.


  • 这些星球任何一颗,就对于太阳月亮一样,文学家能够宇宙中的精确位置

    For any of these stars, like for the sun and moon, astronomers are able to find out its exact position in the universe.


  • 之所以能够做到一点,是因为手术之前已经知道种植体精确位置并且结合新的指引台。

    This is enabled since the exact location of the implants is known prior to surgery combined with the new guided abutment.


  • 凯文霍华德认为“沙漠恢复很慢”,从别墅精确位置场地大量仙人掌可以看到这点。

    Kevin Howard's assertion that "The desert is very slow to heal" can be seen in the surgical location of the residence around and within the numerous Saguaros on the site.


  • 一些关于狼群奇特细节信息宝藏收集起来例如它们1958年以来猎杀3654只麋鹿精确位置

    A trove of fantastically detailed information has been gathered about the wolves, such as the exact locations where they've killed 3, 654 moose since 1958.


  • 已告病公司总裁史蒂夫·乔布斯也抽空申明称:“精确位置绝不会传送苹果公司。”使用户放心。

    Steve Jobs, the company's boss, took time from sick leave to reassure users: "Your precise location is never transmitted to Apple."


  • 经过电脑分析数据精确计算出刷子力量擦洗精确位置避开后视镜等,确保洗车安全性

    Through the computer analysis of the data, can accurately calculate the exact position of power of the brush and scrub, avoid the rearview mirror, ensure the safety of the car wash.


  • 创建Local映射嵌套映射时,发现自己深陷一个元素结构中,您希望知道自己的精确位置

    As you create nested mappings such as Local maps, you can find yourself deep within an element structure wondering where exactly you came from.


  • 当地官员并不打算公布这些高树精确位置,这是为了避免游客蜂拥而至,破坏它们所处生态环境

    Officials would not pinpoint the exact locations of the trees out of concern that too many visitors could damage the delicate ecology of the mild, foggy slopes where the trees live.


  • 当地官员并不打算公布这些高树精确位置,这是为了避免游客蜂拥而至,破坏它们所处生态环境

    Officials would not pinpoint the exact locations of the trees out of concern that too many visitors could damage the delicate ecology of the mild, foggy slopes where the trees live.


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