• 可能可以猜出来是不是米亚尔

    Maybe I can guess. Is it, uh, Mildred?


  • 但是一旦融化了太阳就能使海水升温。沃特·米亚尔一个国家冰雪数据中心工作的科学家

    But when the ice melts, the sun warms ocean waters. Walter Meier is a scientist with the National Snow and ice Data Center.


  • 里亚姆·纳尔逊小组委员会主席,负责报告持续性实施。她对最终版本没有包含吃肉购买本地食品两条措施感到失望

    Miriam Nelson chaired the subcommittee in charge of sustainability for the report, and is disappointed that eating less meat and buying local food aren't in the final product.


  • 安德烈亚里克扎克地下室哈尔妻子两个孩子共用洗衣房单人浴室

    Andrea, Rick and Zack stayed in the basement department, sharing laundry and single bathroom with Michal, his wife and their two children.


  • 亚尔拉上个月与其前夫离婚婚前

    Jarmila went back to her maiden name last month after separating from her husband.


  • 根据梅尔维尔的看法,教师可以继续学习有关美索不达数学二种教育方法

    According to Melville, teachers can continue to learn a thing or two about the way math was taught in Mesopotamia.


  • 但是索尔那时候,现在也是有钱出口商人,做火腿奶酪生意,而莉亚跟娱乐界曾经有过的故事林格的“间谍机构”得好好的

    But Sol was, and is, a prosperous importer of hams and cheeses, and any connection he or Miriam ever had with show business is well hidden by the Salinger counterintelligence apparatus.


  • 里克·吉莱斯皮带领下,车队准备下月旅途太平洋加德纳寻找失踪美国航空传奇莉·亚尔·哈特线索

    Led by ric Gillespie, the team are preparing to journey next month to Gardner Island in the Pacific to find clues of missing American aviation legend Amelia Earhart.


  • 这话格斯特•布瑞尔,一位上了年纪的职业书评女儿莉亚以及孙女卡特一起佛蒙特,他在这里度过一个个白天与失眠夜。

    The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya.


  • 这位来自英国诺丁汉的33岁光荣母亲——里亚姆·佩尔曼:“真的试图自然分娩但是一点难,因为康纳实在了。”

    The proud 33-year-old mother Miriam Pearman from Nottingham, said: "I really wanted to try and have a natural delivery, but that was a bit of a feat because Conor was just so big."


  • 这位来自英国诺丁汉的33岁光荣母亲——里亚姆-佩尔曼:“真的试图自然分娩但是有一点难,因为康纳实在了。

    The proud 33-year-old mother Miriam Pearman from Nottingham, said: “I really wanted to try and have a natural delivery, but that was a bit of a feat because Conor was just so big.


  • 当今天早上澳大利亚媒体声称18岁塞门娅是阴阳人之后,斯托·菲尔迫不及待地为她辩护;塞门娅上月柏林赢得了800金牌

    Stofile leapt to Semenya's defence after allegations in the Australian press this morning that the 18-year-old, who won the gold medal in the 800 metres in Berlin last month, was a hermaphrodite.


  • 最近新闻发布会上证实全新以《巴斯克维尔猎犬》、《波西丑闻最后一案》为题材改编

    At the recent Kapow convention, he confirmed that the new run will be comprised of adaptations of 'a Scandal in Bohemia', 'the Hound of the Baskervilles' and' the Final Problem '.


  • 澳大利亚新秀·瓦斯科斯瓦担当女主角爱丽丝德普则将演绎帽子先生,他们将协同蒂姆·波顿再现刘易斯·卡罗尔这部经典之作

    Little known Australian actress Mia Wasikowska has landed the lead role of Alice, while Depp will portray the Mad Hatter in Pal Burton's take on the Lewis Carroll classic.


  • 正在收听的是圣迭戈斯克里海洋研究所里亚姆·戈尔茨讲话。

    You're listening to Miriam Goldstein, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego.


  • 桑切斯,只有131985年内华达德尔鲁伊斯火山爆发受害者此次爆发让哥伦比亚的阿尔遭受灭顶之灾。

    Omayra Sanchez, 13 years old, was the victim of volcano Nevado del Ruiz's eruption in 1985, that devasted the Armero village, in Colombia.


  • ·莉亚初生之伊莎贝尔,刚刚死去使得同妈妈们原本就不亲密关系变得更加疏远,也使得她杰克·伍尔夫婚姻面临解体危险

    Emilia's infant daughter, Isabel, has recently died, exiling Emilia from the careless camaraderie of mothers and leaving her marriage to Jack Woolf in danger of collapse.


  • 古代美索不达粗野的闪特人袭击最终战胜富有先进的苏美尔人

    In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier, more sophisticated Sumerians.


  • 公司于1995年彼埃尔·奥迪亚(Pierre Omidyar)创立现在每天完成数百万拍卖和并提供成百上千玩意竞标者选择

    Founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, the company now provides millions of auctions, and hundreds of thousands of new items every day from which bidders may choose.


  • 邓肯·梅尔维尔(Duncan Melville)纽约坎顿劳伦斯大学数学教授特殊兴趣在于美索不达亚的数学。

    Duncan Melville is a Professor of Mathematics at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, whose special interest is Mesopotamian mathematics.


  • 解释了为什么卷发女性——安迪·麦克道尔除外——应该头发拉直,还有为什么瑞秋·佐伊那种波西亚风格的打扮永远不可能迷倒男人

    She explains why curly-haired women - with the exception of Andie McDowell - should always straighten their hair and why the Rachel Zoe boho look will never be a winner when it comes to bagging a man.


  • 伦敦Lovegrove工作室设计了高山胶囊会应用于意大利阿尔塔巴迪亚,海拔2100美丽的多洛蒂山之中。

    The Alpine Capsule, designed by Lovegrove Studio in London, will be located in Piz la Ila (Alta Badia, Italy) at 2100 meters of altitude, surrounded by the beautiful frame of the Dolomites.


  • 石油化工重镇扎维亚港口城市苏拉塔再到卡扎菲10月20殒命之地苏尔特,许多居民区都毁于战火。

    Neighborhoods stand shattered, from the oil refinery town of Zawiyah to the port cities of Misurata and Sirte, where rebels killed Qaddafi on Oct. 20.


  • 更多务实政客比如阿亚图拉•阿克巴尔•哈•拉夫桑贾尼(Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani)主张西方各国重开和谈大门,避免公开冲突

    More pragmatic politicians, such as Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, would prefer to re-open negotiations with the West to avoid open confrontation.


  • 2007年亚速尔群岛海边跳入3水中抹香鲸共泳时,无法抑制地想表达歉意。

    When, in the summer of 2007, I dove into the three-mile deep waters off the Azores and swam with sperm whales, my overwhelming reaction was to offer my apologies.


  • 乌克兰境内唯一一座西部喀尔巴阡山脉其中最高山峰HoraHoverla,海拔2016位于克里半岛南部沿海

    The country"s only mountains are the Carpathian Mountains in the west, of which the highest is the Hora Hoverla at 2,061m, and those in the Crimean peninsula, in the extreme south along the coast.


  • 乌克兰境内唯一一座西部喀尔巴阡山脉其中最高山峰HoraHoverla,海拔2016位于克里半岛南部沿海

    The country"s only mountains are the Carpathian Mountains in the west, of which the highest is the Hora Hoverla at 2,061m, and those in the Crimean peninsula, in the extreme south along the coast.


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