• 如果这个范围划分为10个区间发现自己处于7位,那么试图说服处于1位的没有什么意义了。

    If you divide this spectrum into 10 units and you find yourself at Position 7, then there is little sense in trying to convince someone at Position 1.


  • 3 个阶段超出本文讨论范围就是应用公司事务更改管理技术克服人们天然抗拒,以更改他们自己的行为

    The third stage, which is beyond the scope of this paper, is to employ organizational change management techniques to overcome people's natural reluctance to change their own behavior for the better.


  • 系列1部分中,着重确定复用范围受众并且企业介绍一些组织模板

    In Part 1 of this series, I focused on identifying the audience for the reuse scope, and I introduced some organization templates for the enterprise.


  • 速度方面来说,CWA调查美国放在世界范围15位处于领先位置日本韩国芬兰差之甚

    In terms of speed, a CWA study puts the U.S. at position 15 on a worldwide scale, far behind the leaders Japan, South Korea and Finland.


  • 系列1部分中,我们已经设定系列的范围满足了先决条件。

    In Part 1 of this series, we laid out the scope for the series and got the prerequisites out of the way.


  • 爱因斯坦:“学习不断地追求真理和美我们永葆青春活动范围”(《爱因斯坦通信》,62)。

    Einstein said: "Learning, constantly pursuing truth and beauty, is the sphere of activity which can always keep our youthful vitality" (Selected Communication of Einstein, page 62).


  • 我们可以在整个路由层次化结构3实时通信这时整个世界范围大小的地址空间十分必要了。

    This enables real time communication with them, and has made the allocation of world-size address Spaces necessary, at the level 3 routing hierarchy.


  • 最后4阶段成功的基础上,这些能力再扩展更多团队项目广阔的范围中,直到成为通常商务(BAU)。

    Finally in Phase 4, upon success, you roll out these capabilities to more teams and projects, on a wider scale, until it becomes business as usual (BAU).


  • 26次南极考察中我国首次南极应用无人机进行范围海冰观测实验。

    China will conduct the first large-scale unmanned aerial vehicle observations of the ocean and icebergs in Antarctica during its 26th Antarctic expedition.


  • 根据公约165爱沙尼亚共和国表明承诺管辖范围完全禁止自动售烟机

    In accordance with article 16, paragraph 5 of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia indicates its commitment to a total ban on tobacco vending machines within its jurisdiction.


  • 巨石阵博客上注明:埃斯佩兰斯居士阵全球范围67个‘永久的大型复制品’。

    According to Clonehenge, a blog about Stonehenge replicas, Esperance Stonehenge is the 67th "large permanent replica" worldwide.


  • 正如4部分所述规范化数据建模定义项目范围最终扩大至整个组织信息公共表示

    As discussed in the Part 4, canonical data modeling is the approach to define a common representation of the information in the scope of the project and, ultimately, of the entire organization.


  • 我们定义1阶段项目范围这样我们就必须进行不止次的技术上的演示客户期望演示一个可以使用的系统的beta版本

    We.d defined the scope of Phase 1 such that it had to be more than a technology demonstration; the customer expected it to be a usable beta version.


  • 英国皇家空军(RAF战斗机最远只能轰炸机护送到巴黎,很快跟不上实际需要,因为8航空队很快就把打击范围扩大到了德国本土目标

    The ability of RAF fighters to cover the bombers only as far as Paris was soon overtaken by events, as the Eighth quickly extended its reach to take in targets in Germany.


  • 今年三月份Twitter实现100亿“推”,而让Twitter等了四;之后由于全球范围内的不断流行数字不到五个的时间内便了翻。

    While it took Twitter four years to reach tweet number 10 billion earlier this year in March, it took less than five months to double the figure thanks to its increasing popularity worldwide.


  • Vimscript函数没有使用前导大写字母相反可以使用式的范围前缀声明函数(类似变量,如1部分所述)。

    Instead of using a leading capital letter, Vimscript functions can also be declared with an explicit scope prefix (like variables can be, as described in Part 1).


  • 2指定当前范围不同元素数量 3 列指定当前范围中的最大值

    The second column specifies the number of distinct elements within the range, and the third column specifies the highest values within the range.


  • 2练习公司i供给表示为aip,即价格为p,且i取值范围为1 23n,则i家公司的供给表示为ai p,问当价格为p时,n家公司的市场供给如何表示?

    2 (Exercise) Supposethe supply of firm i is ai p, when the price is p,where i takes on the values 1, 2, 3, … n. What is the market supply of these n firms?


  • 注意到,1讲述新的“DesignAgnostic(设计不可知论者)”关注如何缩减成为对于项目范围重大变更东西故事

    Notice that Item 1 tells the story of how the new "Design Agnostic" focus curtailed what would have become a significant change to the scope of the project.


  • 行政许可法》12规定行政许可设定范围具有自己特点,但也存在着一些缺陷,优劣互见

    The article 12 of the Administrative License prescribes the scope of the establishment for it, which has the characteristic and limitation as well.


  • 3部分介绍了公司所能掌握用以实现企业范围软件敏捷全部好处七个组织能力附加集合

    Part III describes an additional set of seven organizational capabilities that companies can master to achieve the full benefits of software agility on an enterprise scale.


  • 国有保险公司工作人员394条、271条2规定犯罪主体属于刑法93条规定范围国家工作人员”所吸收。

    The subject specified in Articles 394 and 271 (ii) belongs to the range specified in Article 93 of the Criminal Law and is involved into "the state functionaries".


  • 5引言进一步讨论产品范围项目范围之间关系

    The relationship between product scope and project scope is discussed further in the Chapter 5 introductory material.


  • 任何3规定范围内的补贴被视为专向性补贴。

    Any subsidy falling under the provisions of Article 3 shall be deemed to be specific.


  • 任何3规定范围内的补贴被视为专向性补贴。

    Any subsidy falling under the provisions of Article 3 shall be deemed to be specific.


- 来自原声例句

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