• 突然发现自己起点别人时,就得比别人加倍努力,不断地提升自我

    All of a sudden, I came to realize that if your starting point is lower than others', you should take more efforts to catch up.


  • 相反一次“对金融过度行为突然纠正”,已经压垮市场自我纠正机制只能借助“非同寻常的政策回应”来终结

    Rather, it wasan abrupt correction of financial excesses” that had overwhelmed the self-correcting mechanisms of markets” and could only be ended by “extraordinary policy responses”.


  • 突然间就失去了自我控制,使得妻子每于午夜时分停车场医院或者药店门口找到已昏厥在地的

    But in a flash he is uncontrollably off, leaving his wife to find him passed out in a municipal parking place, a hospital or behind some chemist's shop in the middle of the night.


  • 这些事情发生在7万5千,比曾经认为人类自我表达的突然起源自我装饰洞穴壁画要早4万年。

    This was occurring 75, 000 years ago, some 40, 000 years before the “creative explosion” of self-adornment and cave paintings once thought of as the sudden origin of human self-expression.


  • 丈夫的,或者失望或者突然个人自我感觉膨胀通常就会转向传统对男人奖励——年轻顺从女人

    The husband, either out of frustration or a sudden inflation of his ego, often turns to a traditional type of trophy –a younger or more submissive woman.


  • 自我诊断预先存在智力模糊的一些症状,在化疗期间化疗结束这种症状立即解除了,所以我突然清楚起来

    My self-diagnosis is that I had a pre-existing case of fogginess that lifted during and immediately after my chemotherapy regimen: I suddenly experienced acute clarity.


  • 突然,那些被遗忘的场景浮现在脑海中“金银财宝,石沉大海”,然后开始感觉回想,最终回归自我

    Then long-forgotten things like "sunken wrack and sumless treasuries, "burst upon my eager sight, and I begin to feel, think, and be myself again.


  • 世上每个人都自己的兴趣,问题是时常学校里容易忘记了自我兴趣,仿佛突然之间学习变成了一份工作

    Everyone in the world has interests, but sometimes when you're in school it's easy to forget and suddenly learning becomes a job.


  • 求职女生做完自我介绍张家俊突然麻将可以看出一个兴趣心态

    Zhang Jiajun suddenly asked when a female job seeker finishing her self-introduction. He explained that playing mahjong can observe a person's interest and inside attitude.


  • 北京同事谈到不得不推迟行程时写道:“我突然发烧了。”我面临着医院还是进行自我隔离的艰难选择。

    "I suddenly had a temperature and was facing the difficulty of whether or not to go to a hospital or quarantine myself," a Beijing-based colleague wrote recently about his delayed travel.


  • 伸手回来继续他们开始迷失自我时候Cameron突然停下了

    He reached up and pulled her back down to kiss him. Just as they were beginning to lose themselves again, Cameron suddenly stopped.


  • 感觉好像突然情感,灵魂你的最高自我展现在同一篇章

    It may feel like all of a sudden your emotions, your Soul and your highest self are all on the very same page.


  • 由于一切发生的突然了,根本没有时间感到紧张,我直接开始了自我介绍,希望同事听懂普通话

    As it all happened quite unexpectedly there was no time to feel nervous so I started right ahead, hoping my colleagues will understand my Mandarin.


  • 哥哥有没有所有突然袭来事情面前感觉到自己的渺小了,没有这样的感觉相反,我在这些事件面前感觉到自我的强大。

    My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself.


  • 然后猛地回过神因为单纯自我意识突然苏醒了,告诉我就算是那位X先生无法朋友狗代言

    I came to by the simple assertion of a self-consciousness that even Mr - could not have claimed for his friend's dog.


  • 突然,高维度的创造物开始剥夺19个创造物中的某些音乐,相应地,这些创造物也开始剥夺terra支撑自我

    Suddenly creations above and beyond began to strip the music of some of the 19 creations; in response those creations that were stripped began to strip the music of Terra to shore themselves up.


  • 突然,高维度的创造物开始剥夺19个创造物中的某些音乐,相应地,这些创造物也开始剥夺terra支撑自我

    Suddenly creations above and beyond began to strip the music of some of the 19 creations; in response those creations that were stripped began to strip the music of Terra to shore themselves up.


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