• 他们穿着随意可能是学生

    They were casually dressed; possibly students.


  • 穿着随意而不失雅致

    She dresses with casual elegance.


  • 老师一样穿着随意

    The teachers also got dressed casually like her.


  • 一份披萨电视穿着随意

    Ordered a pizza, watched some TV and wore something casual.


  • 不过我们穿着随意邋遢的时候,我们把这个问题加重了。

    But we exacerbate the problem when we dress sloppily or are not well-groomed.


  • 他们,他们穿着随意他们穿着同样衣服

    They say they want to dress as they please, but all of them wear the same clothes.


  • 工作场所普遍穿着随意并不意味着可以衣装邋遢

    Just because the workplace has a casual dress code, it doesn't mean you should dress like a slob.


  • 虽然现在许多公司实行穿着随意的行为准则雇主希望应聘者面试时穿;

    Although many companies now have casual dress codes, employers still expect job candidates to look like professionals during interviews.


  • 门诊医生们声称,这个男人露面总是胡子拉碴、穿着随意,但对人态度友好、热情

    Doctors at the outpatient clinic said the man was unshaved and casually dressed when he showed up, with a friendly and enthusiastic attitude.


  • 我们穿着不合身衣服或者在参加活动觉得自己穿得过于隆重过于随意时,自然感到局促不安甚至感到有压力

    When we wear ill-fitting clothes, or feel over-or under-dressed for an event, it's natural to feel self-conscious or even stressed.


  • 约翰逊随意穿着条休闲一件蓝色高尔夫衬衫

    Johnson was clad casually in slacks and a light blue golf shirt.


  • 但是参加最高教会会议的主教以及神职人员坚决反对为了神父们穿着随意修订教会法规

    But bishops and clergy in the church's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually.


  • 36%英国人坦称他们休假期间一般穿比较随意。 英国人喜欢穿着袜子穿凉拖的习惯是出了的。

    The findings came despite 36 percent of Britons -- who are famed for fashion blunders like wearing socks with sandals -- admitting that they dress more adventurously than usual while on a break.


  • 好莱坞管理人士一样对冲基金业的老板经常是办公室里穿着随意的(虽然他们穿的Seven牛仔裤鳄鱼(Lacostes)休闲装并不比某些套装便宜)。

    Like Hollywood executives, hedge-fund chieftains are often the most casually dressed guys in the room (though their Seven jeans and untucked Lacostes cost as much as some suits).


  • 今天随意穿衣规则不会机会,让你同“他们面试穿着一样。

    Today's casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as "they" do when you interview.


  • 然后睡个饱,博物馆或者电影院(白天音乐会便宜),随意闲逛,穿着雪地树林里去探探险——一些周末假日通常不会做的事情。

    Then, sleep in, go to a museum or the movies (matinees are cheaper), take a serendipitous walk, venture off into the woods on snowshoes - do something you don't normally do on a weekend or holiday.


  • 坦白地告诉如果穿着十分随意,那有很大的坑能性就是工作时亦十分随意

    Let’s be honest hereif you’re dressed really casually, odds are you’ll be working really casually.


  • 实行便服的这种规定已经越来越普遍了;我们认为即使员工穿着舒适随意一些,也保持专业形象

    Casual days are becoming more common, and we believe employees can maintain a professional image without wearing uncomfortable clothes.


  • 一些失去工作女性自己过去在穿着打扮方面的随意颇为追悔

    Some of the women who have lost their jobs find themselves second-guessing any sartorial liberties they did take.


  • 所以特别是求职面试的时候,一定穿着得体:“即使那家公司是以工作环境宽松、随意著称,你也应该穿上套正装。”

    So, particularly for a job interview, be sure to look the part: "Even if the company has a reputation for being laid-back and casual, wear a suit."


  • 如果穿着随便面试官觉得太在意这个面试或者未来工作随意

    If you dress too informally, the interviewer may think that you are not serious about the interview or that you may be casual about your future work.


  • 窗外一温暖阳光照射脸上,身上穿着橙色的家居服,扎着随意马尾辫轻松,本真自然

    Ray of warm sunlight outside the window in my face, wearing orange clothes at home, wearing a casual ponytail, easy, the real and natural.


  • 运动衫旧的牛仔裤球鞋这类非正式服装可能给人造成这份工作认真印象或者说你对工作的态度同穿着一样随意

    Informal clothes like sports shirts, Tom jeans or dirty sneakers convey the impression that you are not serious about the job, or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes.


  • 滑行双靴使穿着者可以如同使用滑行术”异能一样随意地上滑行。收益增强价值。

    Boots of Skating: These boots allow the wearer to slide along the ground at will as if using the skate power. This benefit counts as an enhancement bonus.


  • 他们可以自由来去随意穿着合适时间工作并且专注于提供良好的工作。

    They can come and go as they please, wear what they like, work the hours that suit them and focus on delivering good work.


  • 某个员工可能平时穿着比较随意最近经常穿,说不定是要出去参加面试呢。

    If he or she usually dresses casually but has recently been showing up in formal wear, there is a chance he or she may be heading to a job interview.


  • 事实上通常可以随意穿着——牛仔西服套装长裙什么都可以。

    In fact, you can usually wear what you like - anything from jeans to suits and dresses.


  • 事实上通常可以随意穿着——牛仔西服套装长裙什么都可以。

    In fact, you can usually wear what you like - anything from jeans to suits and dresses.


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