• 20年前加入了第82空降师

    He enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago.


  • 福特属于第101空降

    Ford was attached to the 101st Airborne Division.


  • 第一空降完全德军的凶猛火力压住了。

    First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces.


  • 第二世界大战期间在第92空降师服役

    During the second world war he served with 92nd Airborne.


  • 觉得空降中的战友认为我已濒临崩溃。

    I thought the soldiers in my airborne unit would think I was broken.


  • 第82空降很快前往阿富汗

    A battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division will be heading to Afghanistan soon.


  • 三个空降包括第82101空投到了内陆地区

    Three airborne divisions, including the U.S. 82nd and 101st airborne, were dropped inland.


  • 内陆空降已经降落并立即与敌军守军展开了战斗

    Far inland, the airborne divisions were already down and fighting hastily rallied enemy garrisons.


  • 果然周四上午8美军第101空降官兵驻守哨所里警报响了。

    Sure enough, just after 8 a.m. on Thursday, the alarm went off for a unit of the Army's 101st Airborne Division, based at the small outpost.


  • 英国空降以北降落主要任务夺取至沿海河流桥头堡。

    The British Airborne Division was to land in the area north of Caen. Its main task was to seize the bridgeheads of the rivers between the town and sea.


  • 名101空降士兵在马哈姆迪亚城外俘虏听到了最让我胆颤心寒故事

    One of the grizzliest stories I heard from the place came after two soldiers from the 101st Airborne were captured outside of the city.


  • 来自宾夕法尼亚州拉克万纳迈克尔·休斯20年前参军第82空降师服役

    Michael Hughes of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago.


  • 尼科尔斯空降设计制造航天气动控制阀涡轮发动机飞机衍生许多应用系统

    The Nichols Airborne Division designs and manufactures aerospace pneumatic valves to control numerous systems for turbine engine aircraft and derivative applications.


  • 当天美军第101空降地区遭到袭击,这战场上被遗弃一只军人靴子

    S. Army's 101st Airborne Division was recently attacked October 14, 2010 in Zhari district west of Kandahar, Afghanistan.


  • 海水美国10182空降造成严重困难,许多士兵重型装备拖累,遭水淹没

    The flooding caused the most trouble for the Americans of the 101st and 82nd Airborne divisions, with many of the troops drowned, laden down by their heavy equipment.


  • 昨天发生意外事件,美军第八十二空降名伞兵东部柯斯特镇附近名狙击手击伤

    In the incident of yesterday, a paratrooper of NO. 82 Airborne Division of the U. S. army was shot by a sniper near Khowst in the east.


  • 话说,第82空降以及其他战斗单位在可见将来主要任务赖斯女士说,伊拉克阿富汗国家重建

    In other words, the main task for the 82nd Airborne Division and other army units for the foreseeable future, pace Ms Rice, will be nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 今年美军部署了只完整陆战队一共大约10000外加第82空降的一个作战航空旅,试图获得这里的控制权

    This year the Americans are deploying a full Marine brigade, some 10,000 men in all, plus a combat aviation brigade from the 82nd airborne division, to try to get a grip.


  • 今年美军部署了只完整陆战队一共大约10000外加第82空降的一个作战航空旅,试图获得这里的控制权

    This year the Americans are deploying a full Marine brigade, some 10, 000 men in all, plus a combat aviation brigade from the 82nd airborne division, to try to get a grip.


  • 事情是这样发生的:交通高峰期名101空降军人开着普通的SUV基地驶往摩苏尔没有携带任何装备

    It had gone like this: Two soldiers with the 101st Airborne Division had climbed into a regular S.U.V., no armor, and driven off the base and into Mosul at rush hour.


  • 伊拉克肆虐枪战美军第82空降随军新闻电视台摄制组助理拍摄下来事件发生在星期三晚上巴格达郊区附近

    A firefight rages in Iraq captured by an Associate Press television crew embedded with the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division. The incident happened Wednesday night near a Baghdad suburb.


  • 伊拉克肆虐枪战美军第82空降随军新闻电视台摄制组助理拍摄下来事件发生在星期三晚上巴格达郊区附近

    A firefight rages in Iraq captured by an Associate Press television crew embedded with the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division. The incident happened Wednesday night near a Baghdad suburb.


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