• 秘鲁安第斯山脉东部马丘比丘古城遗址可以看到世界上一些精美的石头建筑

    Some of the world's finest stone architecture can be seen in the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the eastern Andes Mountains of Peru.


  • 秘鲁安第斯山脉的高山地区马铃薯驯化发源地,这儿的农民仍然种植数千种外形仿如来自外星球的马铃薯。

    High in the Peruvian Andes, where the potato was first domesticated, farmers still grow thousands of otherworldly looking varieties.


  • 煤矿位于利马秘鲁安第斯山脉以北285公里集中体现沿 海运输泥浆通过管道太平洋

    The mine is located 285 km north of Lima in the Peruvian Andes and will transport concentrates as a slurry via pipeline to the Pacific coast.


  • 这位44岁的矿工下秘鲁安第斯山脉17,000英尺冰冷矿道中,把卷古柯叶塞入嘴里,好自己不可避免饥饿疲惫中支撑下去。

    Descending into an icy tunnel 17,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes, the 44-year-old miner stuffs a wad of coca leaves into his mouth to brace himself for the inevitable hunger and fatigue.


  • 如果一切计划所愿,那么到2012年,来自位于秘鲁安第斯山脉托罗莫乔铜矿(Toromocho)第一火车卡车运往卡亚俄座造价七千万美元崭新码头之中;

    IF ALL goes to plan, by 2012 the first shipments of copper from Toromocho, a mine in the Peruvian Andes, will be sent by train and truck to a new $70m wharf in the port of Callao.


  • 1988年,英国登山家JoeSimpson写了名叫《触摸巅峰》译者:这是TouchingtheVoid通用中文翻译的书。该书讲述了秘鲁安第斯山脉发生的一次与死神擦肩而过的登山事故。

    In 1988, a British mountain climber named Joe Simpson wrote a book called Touching the Void, a harrowing account of near death in the Peruvian Andes.


  • 马逊河发源于秘鲁安第斯山脉

    The Amazon River begins in the Andes Mountains in Peru.


  • 安第斯山脉地区也发生着类似的走马灯似的更迭。1990年代毒品生产秘鲁玻利维亚被赶到哥伦比亚,而现在其他方式席卷回来。

    A similar merry-go-round is spinning in the Andes, where production driven out of Peru and Bolivia and into Colombia in the 1990s is now being swept back in the other direction.


  • 现在剪刀已经本地秘鲁村民从安第斯山脉附近村落介绍城区去。

    Today, the scissors dance has migrated with indigenous Peruvians from villages in the Andes to urban areas.


  • 秘鲁中央安第斯山脉高出海平面4300多米(14000英尺)的Bombón高地,寒冷且受大风侵袭,很明显适宜建造新的城镇

    MORE than 4,300 metres (14,000 feet) above sea level in Peru’s central Andes, the cold, windswept Bombón Plateau is not an obvious place to build a new town.


  • 秘鲁中央安第斯山脉高出海平面4300多米(14000英尺)的Bombón高地,寒冷且受大风侵袭,明显适宜建造新的城镇

    MORE than 4, 300 metres (14, 000 feet) above sea level in Peru’s central Andes, the cold, windswept Bombón Plateau is not an obvious place to build a new town.


  • 紧密小鹰分布整个安第斯山脉,包括秘鲁玻利维亚智利阿根廷

    Llaretas can be found throughout the Andes in Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.


  • 1571年,西班牙历史学家克里斯多巴·德·莫利纳曾经报告安第斯山脉中的印第安人部落里流传着这样传言,西班牙人来到秘鲁不是为了寻找黄金而是为了寻找人类脂肪

    Spanish historian Cristobal DE Molina reported in 1571 that rumors circulated among Indians of the central Andes that the Spanish had arrived in Peru seeking not gold but human fat.


  • 此地位于秘鲁山谷深处安第斯山脉雪冠融化的雪水经此流入亚马逊丛林。当地人维德尔·迪亚兹·安古洛切开一个足球大小的可可珍贵的棕色籽实白色果肉中分离出来。

    Deep in a valley where Peru's snow-capped Andes melt into Amazon jungle, Wilder Diaz Angulo cuts open a football-sized cocoa pod and separates precious brown beans from their fleshy white placentas.


  • 上个月走上史诗般非凡的旅程穿越秘鲁厄瓜多尔境内安第斯山脉

    Last month I went on an extraordinary, epic journey through the Andes mountains of Peru and Ecuador.


  • 一些秘鲁安第斯山脉近,生活都要依靠山顶积雪

    For some of Peruvians who live near the Andes, life depends on the snow that's usually on top of mountains.


  • 父亲道格拉斯地质科学家,长期驻扎秘鲁东南部安第斯山脉中的奎卡亚冰冠研究气候变化

    Hardy's geoscientist father, Douglas, was stationed in southeastern Peru at the Quelccaya Ice Cap in the Andes for long-term research on climate change.


  • 秘鲁山水雄奇,资源禀赋得天独厚,“南美洲脊梁安第斯山脉纵贯南北亚马孙河浩浩荡荡,是矿产能源森林生物资源聚宝盆

    The Andes Mountains, "the backbone of South America, " extends from North to South, and the mighty Amazon has nourished a treasure house of minerals, fossil fuel, forests and biological resources.


  • 秘鲁南部安第斯山脉一处山腰上发生公共汽车翻滚事件,至少40乘客死亡

    At least 40 passengers were killed when a bus crashed down a mountainside in the Andes of southern Peru.


  • 科迪勒拉山脉安第斯山脉东部,分支玻利维亚中部,哥伦比亚西部秘鲁东南部。其最高峰秘鲁境内的萨尔坎泰,',275.4(20,575英尺)。

    A range of the eastern Andes with branches in central Bolivia, western Colombia, and southeast Peru. Its highest elevation is Salcantay, ', 275.4 m (20,575 ft), in Peru.


  • 科迪勒拉山脉安第斯山脉东部,其分支波利维亚中部哥伦比亚西部秘鲁东南部最高峰秘鲁境内的萨尔坎泰,6,275.4(20,575英尺)。

    A range of the eastern Andes with branches in central Bolivia, western Colombia, and southeast Peru. Its highest elevation is Salcantay, 6,275.4 m (20,575 ft), in Peru.


  • 图为雪纳瑞GG奥斯卡秘鲁境内安第斯山脉中的失踪”——马丘比丘留影。

    The picture shows Oscar Schnauzer GG Andes in Peru in the "disappearance of the City" - pictures of Machu Picchu.


  • 图为雪纳瑞GG奥斯卡秘鲁境内安第斯山脉中的失踪”——马丘比丘留影。

    The picture shows Oscar Schnauzer GG Andes in Peru in the "disappearance of the City" - pictures of Machu Picchu.


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