• 人们传说,逃亡黑奴总是得到庇护

    Word spread that fleeing slaves could always find refuge at the Coffin home.


  • 科芬经常由于做的工作受到威胁,收到焚毁店铺住宅警告

    For his efforts, Coffin received frequent death threats and warnings that his store and home would be burned.


  • ,利瓦伊·科芬运送逃亡黑奴实在太多就把他们装扮出殡队伍。

    On one occasion, Levi Coffin was transporting so many runaway slaves that he disguised them as a funeral procession.


  • 双眼,以特有的迷离费解的方式回答:“读大书。”

    Skeffington's reply, made with eyes still closed, had been characteristically elusive. "The great books, " He had said.


  • 一〇四〇年,科芬·特里市领主利奥·弗里向市民征收,一时怨声载道妻子戈黛娃夫人收回成命。

    In 1040 Leofric, Lord of Coventry, imposed a tax on the people of the town. When there was an outcry at this, his wife, Lady Godiva, besought him to remove the tax.


  • 英国错失研究德国轰炸机机会之后德军空袭科芬特里,英国无力拦截, 损失惨重, 和这次错失也许不无关系

    The loss of this opportunity to study the German bomber may have contributed to Britain's failure to block the disastrous raid on Coventry eight days later.


  • 德国轰炸机掉头科芬特里号交火,用机关枪科芬特里号扫射。塞普顿中枪重伤:子弹穿了身体,还把身旁的一等水兵打伤了。

    The bombers turned to the engage Coventry, and raked her with machine-gun fire, which heavily wounded Septon, a bullet actually passing through his body and injuring an able seaman beside him.


  • 瑞秋梅赛德斯已经超越了约翰保罗乔治林戈

    John, Paul, George and Ringo have been bested by Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Mercedes.


  • 1984年,戴维·理查德·创立了一个组织,也就在此时,基布加入了他们

    In 1984, David Koch and Richard Fink created yet another organization, and Kibbe joined them.


  • 胜利触发段过场影片回到酒吧第二,泰斯·带着一个友好的生意提议到来。

    Your victory triggers a cut-scene: back in Joeyray's the next day, Tychus Findlay arrives with a friendly business proposition for his old war buddy.


  • 兹在新闻博客网站《赫邮报》上说:“是的一天很多11但是这一天的数字之和等于8

    "Yes, there are lots of 11s, but all the numbers added together equal 8," Decoz told The Huffington Post.


  • 告诉媒体说兄弟其他在政界拼斗方法”,莫卡特斯中心并不会只为集团自身利益出力

    Fink told the paper that the Kochs have "other means of fighting [their] battles," and that the Mercatus Center does not actively promote the company's private interests.


  • 美国华盛顿州代尔癌症女患者邦尼·索恩·特正在向人们传播这样的理念:尽管癌症不会什么乐趣,但是我们可以让它变得充满乐趣。

    Bonnie Southcott, of Ferndale, Wash., is teaching people that even though cancer isn't fun, it can be funny.


  • 看到莱特一下子身上,拼命胳膊下面钻样子活像一个委屈孩子终于看到了妈妈

    Finney to see Klaette, suddenly flew at him, trying desperately to his arm underneath, it looks like one by the aggrieved Child finally see his mother.


  • 尼本来对这浑身散发着恶臭老鼠没什么食欲莱特每天带来大块牛肉

    Finney had only exuded the stench of rat no appetite, she was more likely to eat large chunks of beef, Klaette brings every day.


  • 拥有卡曼格里以及高个子的年轻人快船真的猩猩能去而且资本叫板的球队。

    With Chris Kaman, Blake Griffin, and a slew of long, younger players, the Clips are actually a place LeBron would have a shot at taking on Kobe.


  • 小鬼周二埃尔球场球星中场队员肯·莱曼斯进行了一训练之后拿到了这份“象征性”的合约

    The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans during a training session in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.


  • 马加卢夫犯罪生涯是从盗窃飞行艇开始的。这个来自阿尔马克星球的莱基特洛桑的黑道上闯出片天地。

    Stealing an airspeeder marked the start of a criminal career for Magaloof, an Almakian Leffingite who hoped to become a big player in the Coruscant underground.


  • 在恩多战爆发前不久,曼达人民达洛超级战士恩·西萨的召集下,奋起反对包含了家乡曼达洛星域的领地上的武装力量。

    Shortly before the Battle of Endor, the people of Mandalore, rallied by Mandalorian Supercommando Fenn Shysa, rose up against Takel's forces, whose territory included his home Mandalore Sector.


  • NPR新闻, 大卫·皮尔报道,波士顿球场报道。

    David Schaper NPR News, outside of Fenway park in Boston.


  • 不过词典还是拥有一张一楼地图,它显示了所有位置确定房间。 另外还有格兰男生宿舍城堡场地地图

    The Lexicon includes a map of the Ground Floor, however, showing all the rooms which can be positively located, and maps of the Gryffindor boys' dormitory and the castle and grounds.


  • 向游乐场外面走去完全忘记了可怜的浑身哆嗦母亲神气活现斯蒂根一起,跟在后面

    He walked out of the gardens, quite forgetting poor little Fanny, who came trembling behind him with her mother and the stately costigan.


  • 加拿大新斯舍省西部村庄,位于狭长港湾上。阿卡迪亚人开拓长篇诗作伊凡吉林(1847年)的地理背景

    A village of western Nova Scotia, Canada, on an arm of the Bay of Fundy. Settled by Acadians, it is the setting for Longfellow's poem Evangeline (1847).


  • 莱特几年丰衣足食缺乏运动身体涨势迅猛伸展开来有12几乎有些行动不便

    Klaette years of affluence in the home and lack of exercise, the body gains Finney rapid enough to extend to 12 meters long, but he was too fat to move.


  • 认为维克制造一种凯米拉病毒制造了贝拉尔抗毒素

    I think Nekhorvich created a virus in chimera, and anti - virus to kill it in Bellerophon.


  • 小盆友周二埃尔球场球星中场队员肯·莱曼斯进行了一次训练,之后就拿到了这份象征性”的合约

    The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.


  • 发给赫邮报一则声明中韦氏词典特约编辑彼得·洛夫斯基补充道,如今发表的新词被添加字典数字页面中

    In a statement to the Huffington Post, Merriam-Webster's editor-at-large Peter Sokolowski added that the words announced today were added to the dictionary's digital pages.


  • 发给赫邮报一则声明中韦氏词典特约编辑彼得·洛夫斯基补充道,如今发表的新词被添加字典数字页面中

    In a statement to the Huffington Post, Merriam-Webster's editor-at-large Peter Sokolowski added that the words announced today were added to the dictionary's digital pages.


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