• 我们开车父母华盛顿州

    We drove up to Anacortes, Washington, where my parents live.


  • 周三对阵奥林匹亚比赛之前阿森面临防线危机。 在周一训练中受伤的切尔尼能否出战存在很大疑问,目前他不被期望及时恢复出现在酋长球场的首发名单中。

    Arsenal is facing a defensive crisis ahead of its Champions League tie against Olympiakos on Wednesday night, Goal.com has learned.


  • 这个已被授予专利的新的类型辐射光谱仪设备首次生产很快开始,提前也导致了瓦利的分拆公司创造阿维森仪器的进步,研究者,这些成千上万设备的建成最终可能成为全球性市场

    The market for these instruments may ultimately be global, and thousands of them could be built, researchers say.


  • 利塔诺可能要求尼下台,无法强迫这样

    Mr Napolitano may call on Mr Berlusconi to step down, but he cannot force him to do so.


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表特拉遗产授权影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 瑞典人们烧烤、熏制油炸烘烤鳗鱼它们放进秋季鳗鱼派对准备的汤里这是南部科纳海岸有着数百年历史的传统

    In Sweden the fish are grilled, smoked, fried, roasted, or dropped into soup for the autumn eel party, a centuries-old tradition on the Skåne coast in the south.


  • 张大白鲨照片潜水专家阿莫·拍摄指导那些勇敢潜水大型动物接触

    The great white image was captured by Amos Nachoum, an underwater expert who guides courageous scuba divers to encounters with the large creatures.


  • 2011年1月20号,英格兰尔·泽冲浪者冒着严寒尽情享受科纳冬季海浪

    A surfer braves the cold to take advantage of the Cornish winter waves on January 20, 2011 in Polzeath, England.


  • 联营会社社长弗朗西·认为琴匠们克雷悠久的制琴手艺中受益匪浅远远不够。

    Francesco Toto, the consortium's vice-president, thinks that the luthiers benefit from the craft's long tradition in Cremona. But that has been far from continuous.


  • 26岁作家爱林•杜法儿去年为了毕业生学校去了洛杉矶发现电子邮件帮助和一个在维尔的朋友爱什丽•娃桃亲近了。

    After Erin Duvall, a 26-year-old writer, moved to los Angeles last year for grad school, she found that email helped her become closer to a good friend in Nashville, Ashley Schwartau.


  • 沃尔玛通过建造更多来解决食物荒漠”这问题——诸如蒂亚这类基础设施不足的城市广大乡村缺少便利店销售新鲜产品

    The company says it will also address the problem offood deserts” — a dearth of grocery stores selling fresh produce in rural and underserved urban areas like Anacostiaby building more stores.


  • 这个洗衣粉品牌叫“邦·克”,经常会包装奉送一些儿童玩具而出名。广告中,黑色头发成了金黄色

    The young Sarkozy is almost unrecognizable in the advertisement for Bonux - a brand famed for inserting children's toys into its packets - as his dark hair has been lightened to blond.


  • 2008年,《一个自杀传说》一经出版拿来美国边境的早期神话作家华莱士·泰格以及马克·麦卡锡作品相提并论。

    Published in 2008, "Legend of a Suicide" was immediately compared with the work of Wallace Stegner and Cormac McCarthy, earlier literary mythologists of the American frontier.


  • 3月31日激动人心戏剧《》的最后演出之后皇家莎士比亚剧院一直关闭2010年,在重新开张之前剧院将会大幅改建。

    After a final performance of a gripping production of “Coriolanuson March 31st, the RST will close until 2010, and the theatre will be extensively remodelled before it reopens.


  • 俄罗克市的阿托利·克最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 接下来迪卡普里奥要拍摄的电影巴兹•鲁曼(《红磨坊》导演)的翻拍片了不起的盖茨比》,以及出演另一部传记电影弗兰克屈(美国乐坛传奇)。

    Next on Mr. DiCaprio’s docket is the title role in Baz Luhrmann’s remake of “The Great Gatsby, ” and he’s ready to play Frank Sinatra in another Scorsese biopic.


  • 但是创始人史蒂夫•佩寇拉、达林·克罗·威尔、马修·科纳明•哥塔希望有朝一日直接生产商合作以便能拿到低的价格

    But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.


  • 这就是花钱原因:看看明天出场名单吧,有(萨米尔·)纳斯里、(西奥·)沃尔、(尼可拉·)本特

    I do not spend money because out of tomorrow's squad is [Samir] Nasri, [Theo] Walcott, [Nicklas] Bendtner.


  • 姚明阿里纳斯格鲁恢复状态——有各的原因

    Yao Ming, Gilbert Arenas and Hedo Turkoglu are trying to recover their status — all for different reasons.


  • 苏珊·带着家人纽约来这儿参观,她的儿子能够了解道格拉的事迹。

    Susan Nako brought her family from New York so her son, Simon, could learn about Douglass.


  • 栖息马达加诺西阿沙滩漂流木上雌性塔莱变色龙Furciferoustaleti)。

    Female Oustalet's chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti) perched on a piece of driftwood at a beach on Nosy Anako, Madagascar.


  • 人目前正在进行第四合作影片禁闭》(Shutter Island)的收尾工作,明年会投入特拉传记片的制作中。

    The two are putting the finishing touches to Shutter Island, their fourth film together, before Scorsese turns his attention to making Sinatra next year.


  • 2007年12月30日一位名叫男子试图进入美国

    On December 30, 2007, a man by the name of Coronado Paez tried to enter the United States.


  • 大部分超级牛仔使用丹宁布料来自于总部设在美国北卡罗来州格林罗市牛仔公司(ConeDenim),这家公司同时也是国际纺织集团一个下属单位、美国欧洲高端牛仔面料主要制造商

    Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.


  • 这部马丁·制作的电视剧集拥有的豪华演员阵容,其中包括来自利物浦的史蒂芬·格雷厄姆来自苏格兰的女演员凯莉·麦克唐同样受到了赞誉。

    The Martin Scorsese production was also honoured for its ensemble cast, which includes Liverpudlian Stephen Graham and Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald.


  • 科纳·夫一家国营企业销售汽车,他总是在此之外办法赚钱改善自己生活

    He says he always looked for a way to improve his life beyond the money he could earn selling cars at a state-owned company.


  • 科纳·夫一家国营企业销售汽车,他总是在此之外办法赚钱改善自己生活

    He says he always looked for a way to improve his life beyond the money he could earn selling cars at a state-owned company.


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