• 十九世纪小说家科拉克预言,到2000才能实现卫星通讯,结果提前30年,一设想实现了。

    And in the 1940s, Arthur. C. Clarke predicted that communication satellites would circle the globe by the year 2000. These arrived 30 years before they were due.


  • 故事描述约翰是个一向以事业为重的律师拥有令人欣羡的工作美丽的妻子以及温暖家庭

    S. version of the shooting. The story describing John cora grams is a always career more big lawyers, he has a job, beautiful into wife, and a warm family.


  • 拉克,“如此平易近人,真是难以相信。 说实在的,可以握手,也可以要穿起衣服,因为他的已经输了。”

    “I couldn’t believe that he was so accessible that I could literally shake his hand and heckle him about needing to suit up because his team was losing, ” Mr. Clark said.


  • 彼得拉克庆祝他们征服财富登上顶峰伟大成就就是诺·马基雅维利所颠覆的传记传统

    Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top. This was the biographical tradition which Niccolò Machiavelli turned on its head.


  • 马萨诸塞州伍斯特拉克大学地理研究生生物学副教授多米尼·库夫斯基说:“越来越多的人把房子在了容易起火的环境之中。”

    "We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.


  • RahatHuq,Red 94:取代了受伤的路易斯·斯科拉首发火箭菜鸟帕特里·帕特森使得整支球队的进攻效率大幅下降,而且成为了整支球队的最差防守阵容。

    Rahat Huq, Red94: Replacing injured Luis Scola with rookie Patrick Patterson took the Rockets' starting lineup down to.


  • 十九世纪四十年代华盛顿遇到癌症研究人员西德尼·法写到:那就像是持有一半地图迷路人的相遇。”

    When Lasker met the cancer researcher Sidney Farber, in Washington in the late nineteen-forties, it was, Mukherjee writes, “like the meeting of two stranded travelers, each carrying one-half of a map.


  • 北极加拿大勒维特·伊格·卢利附近的浮冰上休息。

    An Arctic Larry, Moe, and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 塞尔波特拉克萨斯州大学经营认知能力神经实验室,他发现前叶腹部皮层活动取决于一个对待损失态度。

    Russell Poldrack, who runs a cognitive neuroscience lab at the University of Texas at Austin, has found that activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex depends on a person's attitude to loss.


  • 科拉村结束,我们走过树林注意到我们正在我们曾看见过的第一森林梯田里面走。

    The kora ends above Old Zharu Village, and as we were walking down through the woods Xenna and I noticed that we were walking among the first forested terraces we’d ever seen.


  • 克.科拉2013项目主管人,这个项目的任务是希望通过游说希策命名欧洲文化中心。

    “We want to be an incubator for young artists, ” said Marek Kolarcik, project manager of Kosice 2013, a public task force lobbying to have the city named a European Capital of Culture.


  • 但是创始人史蒂夫•佩寇、达林·罗·威尔、马修·纳塔斯明•哥塔希望有朝一日直接生产商合作以便能拿到低的价格

    But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.


  • 吉娜·罗吉瑞格兹是卡门最好朋友,她表现了隐藏在寻欢作乐面具下的恐惧德瑞·丹尼科拉卡门有钱白人男友,他英俊潇洒,但软弱。

    As Carmen’s best friend, Gina Rodriguez conveys terror behind a fun-loving veneer; as Carmen’s affluent white boyfriend, Derrick Denicola is pretty, charming and spineless.


  • 1974年,罗瓦兹,威发表经典著作《变革问题形成原则和问题的解决》。

    In 1974, Watzlawick, Weakland, and Fisch published their now classic book, Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem resolution.7.


  • 罗马农人不朽洞穴留下过表现巨大动物岩画这些罗马农人有着最大体积大脑的智人。

    The Cro-Magnons who left cave paintings of large animals in the monumental Lascaux cave over 17, 000 years ago were the Homo sapiens with the biggest brain.


  • “飞行头”(“Flyhead ”)豪斯拉克(Haus - Rucker - Co)1968年设计头盔,起“环境变压器”作用。

    Flyhead "is a helmet designed by Haus-Rucker-Co in 1968 as an" environmental transformer.


  • 莱特一下飞机,就助手率领骆驼队带沙漠

    Klaette just got off the plane, camels, led by Ike the assistant of Muras into the desert.


  • 肯萨尔-索洛威胁雷利亚星系脱离同盟时发现自己开始怀疑绝地忠诚

    When Thrackan Sal-Solo threatened to have the Corellian System secede from the Alliance, Luke found himself questioning the allegiance of the Jedi.


  • 尔·哈2009年凭《丝带获得金棕榈奖,他如今弗朗西斯·福特·一样,都这个最高两度获得者。

    Michael Haneke won the Palmed 'or with the White Ribbon in 2009, and now joins the likes of Francis Ford Coppola as a two-time winner of the top prize.


  • 安多米达女儿尼法朵•唐斯,纳西莎的儿子·马尔福。

    Andromeda's daughter is Nymphadora Tonks, and Narcissa's son is Draco Malfoy.


  • 当时携带卡利··拉克姆的孩子

    It is said that both were carrying Calico Jack Rackham's child.


  • 领导墨西哥打击组织犯罪内政部长弗朗西斯·布雷·(FRANCISCO BLAKE MORA)墨西哥城市郊一次直升飞机失事

    FRANCISCO BLAKE MORA, the interior minister who was leading Mexico's war on organised crime, has been killed in a helicopter crash on the outskirts of Mexico City.


  • 段期间,去旧城区找尼瓦·接“鲜血颜色”。

    While doing this, get the quest "The Color of Blood" in the old town.


  • 段期间,去旧城区找尼瓦·接“鲜血颜色”。

    While doing this, get the quest "The Color of Blood" in the old town.


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