• 社会支持干扰效应分析显示部份社会支持会强化高科技女性专业人员工作-家庭冲突情绪耗竭讥诮态度的影响。

    The high supports from others may sharpen the positive effects of the work-family conflicts on emotional exhaustion and cynicism.


  • 石油科技金融行业公司尤其难以找到足够经验女性

    It has been particularly hard for firms in the oil, technology and financial industries to find women with enough experience.


  • 北京白手起家亿万富翁硅谷科技创新者加纳先锋法官——在这些以及其他无数领域女性正在留下她们的印记

    Self-made billionaires in Beijing, tech innovators in Silicon Valley, pioneering justices in Ghana—in these and countless other areas, women are leaving their mark.


  • 最近谈论了接受教育初衷女性科技行业中的优势以及为什么技术生涯改变世界提供最佳途径

    Recently, she discussed her early motivation to get an education, the advantages of being a woman in technology, and why a technical career offers the best path to changing the world.


  • 好吧女性现在已经大学研究生主力军,甚至许多传统上被认为男性专区的科技领域里亦如此。

    Well, women now make up the majority of college and grad school students, even in many areas in science and technology traditionally considered to be men’s domains.


  • 科技飞速发展之前年轻女性通常通过阅读“浪漫小说”来达到感情上满足

    Before the advancements in technology, young women who wanted a sense of emotional gratification would live vicariously through romance novels.


  • 另一充满希望预兆如今很多女性年轻时就开始在科技业界工作,涉及到手机医药网络社会媒体

    Another promising sign: Today, most young women are exposed to technology at a very young age, with mobile phones, tablets, the Web or social media.


  • 女性应该好好利用大学科技课程不是一窝蜂都去选传播学或者时装设计专业

    Women need to take advantage of technology courses at the university level, and not all major in communications or fashion design.


  • 如果女性没有获取必需科技技能他们进入科技企业核心管理层的竞争中就处于不利地位。

    If women don't get the required technical skills, they won't be positioned to move into core, general management roles with technology companies.


  • 所以可能的,作者认为女性知识可能不想从事纯数学的兄弟工程、高科技方面职业

    So it's possible, suggest the authors, that women are just less likely to want a career in pure math or its engineering, tech-y Cousins.


  • 科技训营活动唯一一点不满在于:评选委员会没有一女性成员,参与活动的61位导师中也只有5女性

    My one complaint about the Teens In Tech program, however, is that none of the selection committee members were women and only 5 of the 61 mentors focused on the program are female.


  • 科技公司以及电子产品制造商瞄准了女性奢侈品商也是。

    Tech companies and electronics manufacturers are also targeting women, as are purveyors of luxury brands.


  • 调查显示未来年内女性将更多地涉足六大科技领域,包括:数码相机手机电邮可视电话短信网上即时通讯

    The study found over the next five years women see themselves increasing their activities in six tech areas: digital cameras, cell phones, e-mail, camera phones, text messaging and instant messaging.


  • 因为她们真是受够了被追着每次科技事件发言,因为她们都一直努力地寻找能会议上发言的合格女性

    Because they are literally hounded to speak at every single tech event in the world because they are all trying so hard to find qualified women to speak at their conference.


  • 即使我们希望有更多女性取得专业技术方面的文凭还是提醒女性朋友如果科技业开始职业生涯的话,并非一定要取得科学技术方面的文凭。

    Though we do need more women to graduate with technical degrees, I always like to remind women that you don't need to have science or technology degrees to build a career in tech.


  • 非常相信女性进入科技行业没有任何障碍尽管数据指出科技行业女性从业者很少。

    I really truly believe that, despite data on the dearth of women in technology, tech doesn't have a barrier up to women.


  • 科学家们运用了高科技手段对异性吸引力进行了研究:他们让女性沾有男性汗渍的T,结果是女性那些有着自己父亲类似基因的男人穿过的T恤比较青睐

    The study involved a highly scientific means of assessingattraction: women smelled sweaty T-shirts, and tended to prefer those worn by men with genes similar to those of their fathers.


  • 有人女性几乎接管科技产业了。

    Some people say that women are practically taking over the high-tech industry.


  • 然而现在设计师了解大部分女性真正想要实用型的科技产品。

    Now, however, designers are realizing that what most women really want is useful technology that is also stylish.


  • 该项检测方法健康基因(Genomic Health)公司开发,它一家位于加利福尼亚的生物科技公司,目前正在出售种类似的适用于女性乳腺癌检测方法,称为Oncotype Dx。

    The test was developed by Genomic Health, a California biotechnology company that sells a similar test called Oncotype Dx for women with breast cancer.


  • 连线vs女性科技领域存在太多的客体化?

    Wired vs. Women: Too Much Objectification In Tech?


  • 所以可能的,作者认为女性知识可能不想从事纯数学兄弟工程、高科技方面职业

    So it's possible, suggest the authors, that women are just less likely to want a career in pure math or its engineering, techy Cousins.


  • 她们看了幻灯片包括针对科技领域女性的市场推销策略

    They ran through some more slides, including her go-to-market strategy - aiming at women in tech.


  • 同时品牌在不断推出专利科技成份更多更好产品每位女性带来美丽

    Meanwhile, the brand also continue to introduce patented technology and ingredients, with more and better products for every woman to bring beauty.


  • 同时品牌在不断推出专利科技成份更多更好产品每位女性带来美丽

    Meanwhile, the brand also continue to introduce patented technology and ingredients, with more and better products for every woman to bring beauty.


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