• 一笔私人收入

    He has a private income.


  • 私人收入一部分来自其他私人开支

    A part of the receipts of private persons is due to the expenditure of other private persons.


  • 几乎70%难民他们是通过销售谷物或者维修自行车的方式,得到某些形式私人企业那里至少一半收入

    And almost 70% of the refugees said they got more than half of their income from some form of private enterprise, such as selling crops or repairing bikes.


  • 信贷扩张收入上升大量工人汇款支撑起私人消费

    An expansion of credit, rising incomes, and strong worker remittances are buoying private consumption.


  • 同时由于收入下降债务负担居高不下,通货紧缩使公共私人债务问题严重化。

    And it also aggravates debt problems, both public and private, because incomes fall while the debt burden doesn't.


  • BAA打算通过私人飞机管理租赁业务赚取大部分收入

    BAA aims to derive most of its revenue from managing and chartering private jets.


  • 机构担心数量众多私人债务僵化劳动市场阻碍经济复苏,减少财政收入

    The agency worries that high private debt and a rigid jobs market will hold back the economy and hurt tax revenues.


  • 当然了解更多相当私人信息比如说我假期度假的情况,我平时购物形式特点甚至收入情况。

    But he also wanted some pretty personal information - asking about the holidays we've had, our shopping patterns, and my income.


  • 此相反,南非,由于利率提高实际收入减少遏制了实际支出,私人需求预计会出现疲软

    In contrast, private demand in South Africa, where higher interest rates and an erosion of real incomes are curbing real outlays, is projected to soften.


  • 大多数亚洲经济中私人消费gdp50%- 60%,其它收入相仿国家相比这个比重并不小。

    In most Asian economies, private consumption is 50-60% of GDP, which is not out of line with rates in countries at similar levels of income elsewhere.


  • 私人房东要求房租超过中等家庭收入三分之一,三分之一广泛认可承受力上限

    Typical rents charged by private landlords were more than a third of median take-home pay, the widely accepted measure of affordability.


  • 克里斯私人训练市场方面也是专家,他不仅帮助私人教练,也为其他健身锻炼行业提供帮助,在让他们减少一半工作时间的同时却他们的收入增加了倍。

    Chris is also a personal training marketing expert and helps personal trainers and other people in the fitness industry to triple their income and cut their work hours by more than half.


  • 为了支持他们自己所发表的声明作者(指芝加哥大学的那两个教授)编制12收入群体价格指数编制过程中他们利用官方数据详细的关于不同家庭消费习惯私人信息

    To back these claims up, the authors constructed price indices for 12 income groups, using official figures and detailed private information on the spending habits of different households.


  • 4份英镑退休金份是国有的,份是企业的,份适当私人养老金据说收入过去几个月里已经大幅缩减了。

    He has four sterling-based pensions - a state one, a company one and two modest private plans - and says the income he receives has fallen sharply in the last few months.


  • 每年1.5万英镑任何人来说都只是微薄收入而已,更何况是对承认自己患有“超支”、嗜好私人飞机奢侈品而言呢。

    That's a modest income for anyone, but especially so for someone who confesses to an 'overspending disease' and penchant for private jets and luxury goods.


  • 事实上如批评人士所说私人水务公司通常很少鼓励节约用水毕竟用水量下降营业收入会减少

    In fact, critics say, private water companies usually have very little incentive to encourage conservation; after all, when water use falls, revenue declines.


  • 现在一个新的与税收相关批评开始出现关于私人股份企业合伙人他们收入支付税款

    Now a new tax-related criticism has emerged-to do with the low taxes that private-equity partners pay on their income.


  • 2008年末全球经济衰退遏制势头,从而减少了外国投资削弱了私人部门信贷旅游汇款收入受到严重影响

    The momentum was arrested in late 2008 by the global downturn. This has slowed foreign investment, crippled credit to the private sector, and knocked income from tourism and remittances.


  • 该研究团体推断得出年轻收入群体中41%居住私人出租宿舍相比之下,1988年时这一比例为14%——因为现在这一群体中很少有人有能力自己

    It also concluded that 41 per cent of young low-to-middle earners live in privately rented accommodation compared with 14 per cent in 1988 - because fewer can get on the property ladder.


  • 一般装修小时获得50美元的收入一般一个私人装修方案的制定需要一整天甚至几天的时间。

    The average organizer is paid $50 per hour, with individual projects taking a full day or even several days.


  • 要求提供英国居留期间经济活动证明,同时如果雇用,需要提供在英国你的私人收入的证明。

    You will be asked to provide evidence of your economic activity during your period of stay in the UK and evidence of your personal earnings during the period, if you are employed.


  • 私人储蓄家庭支付税收消费之后剩下收入

    Private saving is the income that households have left after paying for taxes and consumption.


  • 在侄子们的帮助下自己经营农场收入以及私人捐款完成超过100英尺的非凡杰作。

    At over 100 feet high he has managed this remarkable accomplishment with some assistance from nephews and with incomes from his farmland as well as private donations.


  • 英国海外收入产生私人资产,并且在英国可任意使用

    Personal assets in UK and Overseas generating an income disposable in the United Kingdom.


  • 妈妈私人授课贴补收入

    Mother gives private lessons to supplement her income.


  • 韦伯大奇迹项目私人基金承诺项目净收入一半用于这些当选遗迹修复

    Mr Weber's privately-funded "New 7 Wonders Project" has pledged that half of all its net revenue will be used for the restoration of selected monuments.


  • 应该更多比例私人公共收入保健上。

    A larger share of both private and public income should be spent on health care.


  • 应该更多比例私人公共收入保健上。

    A larger share of both private and public income should be spent on health care.


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