• 下丘脑神经激素合成分泌G蛋白的信号传导系统有关。

    Synthesis and secretion of neuronal hormones of hypothalamus are associated with G protein linked signalling system.


  • 考特曼认为这种保持神经功能激素可能会阻止活跃大脑恶化

    Cotman believes this hormone, which keeps neurons functioning, may prevent the brains of active humans from deteriorating.


  • 老鼠神经具有的CRF接受器老鼠更为紧密地受到激素约束因此CRF的反应也就比较大。

    In female rats, neurons had receptors for CRF that bound more tightly to the hormone than in male rats, and so were more responsive to CRF.


  • 达到特殊部位的神经可以打开他们分泌神经生长激素基因

    Neurons that reach a particular destination switch on genes that allow them to secrete a nerve growth hormone.


  • 神经系统感受到源源不断压力,便持续释放应激激素

    The nervous system senses continued pressure and pumps out stress hormones over an extended period.


  • 青少年大脑同样催产素另一种神经激素,(在各种其他事物使人社会关系中感受到更多回报)很敏感。

    The teen brain is similarly attuned to oxytocin, another neural hormone, which (among other things) makes social connections in particular more rewarding.


  • 这套自动神经系统利用肾上腺激素(神经质,或者称为化学信使)信号发送身体各个部分以便激活“斗争还是逃避”反应

    A: the autonomic nervous system USES the hormone adrenaline, a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, to send signals to various parts of the body to activate the fight-or-flight response.


  • 答:来自神经系统肾上腺激素“着陆”到心脏细胞受体使得这些肌细胞的中的通道打开

    A: Adrenaline from the nervous system lands on receptors of cardiac myocytes (heart-muscle cells), and this causes calcium channels in the membranes of those cells to open.


  • 这些激素反过来影响大脑神经递质化学信使

    These hormones in turn affect neurotransmitters, chemical messengers in the brain.


  • 有规律体育活动有助于改善功能,它不仅可以增加流入大脑血液,还可以刺激神经发育有关激素神经生长因子产生

    Regular physical activity may improve brain function, both by increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating the production of hormones and nerve growth factors involved in neurogenesis.


  • 迷走神经活动激素催产素的释放联系在一起,激素和催产素会让人产生温暖安静情绪,温暖和安静是和振奋联系在一起的。

    Activation of the vagus nerve is also linked to the release of a hormone called oxytocin, which generates warm, calm feelings - just the sort associated with elevation.


  • 莱加托博士解释说压抑经历激素会激活女性区域神经使得她们所受压力大、具体

    Estrogen activates a larger field of neurons in women's brains during an upsetting experience, explains Dr. Legato, so they experience the stress in greater and more precise detail.


  • 身体产生激活下丘脑的激素,下丘脑中的神经身体发回新的信息

    The neurons in the hypothalamus send new messages back to the body.


  • 对待任何冲击身体反应相同的:除了抗争还是抗争,就像人在面对压力是一种名叫氢化皮质酮的激素会冲击我们神经系统

    The body's response to any threat is the same: fight or flight, as the stress hormone cortisol rushes our systems.


  • 此时母亲不良Dio3基因会使得大脑充满甲状腺激素进而破坏神经

    Now mom's bad Dio3 allows the brain to be flooded with thyroid hormone, damaging the hippocampus.


  • 也是必不可少细胞结构肌肉收缩神经传递激活激素功能

    Calcium is also essential from cellular structure, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, enzyme activation and hormone function.


  • 旧金山美国加州大学Nirao Shah同事打算研究那些大脑神经对睾丸激素产生响应他们发现一个令人惊奇的现象。

    Nirao Shah and his colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco wanted to find out which neurons in the brain were responding to it. What they discovered was a surprise.


  • Rutgers大学神经科学教授TraceyShors指出过去人们一直简单地认为女性男性的差别仅在于前者要受激素影响。

    In the past, it was assumed that a female was simply a male with hormones, says Tracey Shors, a professor of neuroscience at Rutgers University.


  • 背景阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停症较高发病率,它得主要特征急性夜间血流动力学改变神经激素分泌异常,而这些可能增加心肌梗塞患者夜间发病率。

    Background: Obstructive sleep apnea has a high prevalence and is characterized by acute nocturnal hemodynamic and neurohormonal abnormalities that may increase the risk of mi during the night.


  • G -蛋白偶联受体分布细胞膜行使细胞通讯分子(神经递质激素)发生相互作用。

    Found in the cell membrane, GPCRs interact with molecules responsible for cellular communication such as neurotransmitters and hormones.


  • 我们发现表明黄素可能治疗结肠癌有用,同时胃肠激素神经降压素起反应细胞内对结肠癌有潜在的抑制作用。

    Our findings suggest that curcumin may be useful for colon cancer treatment, as well as potential colon cancer suppression, in cells that respond to this gastrointestinal hormone, neurotensin.


  • 这类G蛋白偶受体中的绝大部分激素神经递质有反应它们自然中并不丰富在结构上趋于不稳定

    The vast majority of these G protein-coupled receptors respond to hormones and neurotransmitters. They are not naturally abundant and tend to be structurally unstable.


  • 结论动物模型生殖内分泌激素神经递质两方面均较好地反映更年期抑郁症病理生理变化

    CONCLUSION:This animal model reflects the physiopathological changes of menopause depression disease in the aspects of productive endocrine hormone and neurotransmitter.


  • 结果表明,氨力农可明显抑制严重心衰过度激活神经激素系统治疗心衰的有效药物。

    The results showed that amrinone could inhibit significantly the neurohormonal system which was activated when severe heart failure happened. and it had a good therapeutic effect for heart failure.


  • 特定环境条件信息下, 神经分泌细胞产生分泌滞育激素DH )。

    Under specific enviromental information, neuroendocrine cells produce and secrete diapause hormone ( DH ).


  • 结果采用口服硬膜外注射甾类激素成功治疗腰椎颈椎神经囊肿患者

    Results. Patients with lumbar and cervical perineural cysts were treated successfully with oral and epidural steroid therapy.


  • 然后名研究者对感觉神经施加刺激记录抗利尿激素释放神经中的任何活动来检测这两细胞沟通

    The duo then stimulated the sensory neurons and recorded any electrical activity in the vasopressin-releasing neurons to monitor communication between the two cell groups.


  • 这种紧张状态情绪改变反射神经系统造成激素分泌紊乱通常所说内分泌失调

    This nervous state and the mood change reflect to the nervous system, will create the hormone secretion the disorder, namely usually called endocrine disorders.


  • 这种紧张状态情绪改变反射神经系统造成激素分泌紊乱通常所说内分泌失调

    This nervous state and the mood change reflect to the nervous system, will create the hormone secretion the disorder, namely usually called endocrine disorders.


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