• 有些旅行社会有神秘旅行套餐飞机抵达目的地时,此次旅行目的地保密

    Some travel agents will organize mystery packages where the destination of the trip is kept secret until you are actually on the plane or arrive at the destination.


  • 我们带着昂贵设备(照相机笔记本)旅行不想让它显得神秘

    We also travel with expensive gear (cameras, laptop), and I don't want it to disappear mysteriously.


  • 银河边缘需要80的时间,我们旅行真正的目的解密神秘宇宙

    A trip to the edge of the galaxy would take just 80 years. But the real wonder of our journey is that it reveals just how strange the universe is.


  • 说法是,名称StevenJobs一次前往神秘东方旅行后,根据那里回来果斋食谱定下的。

    One story has it that the name was chosen by Steven Jobs in honor of the fruitarian diet he had brought back from his journey to the mystic East.


  • 旅行2唯一接近我们太阳系众多神秘行星之一天王星艘航天器

    Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has flown close by to one of the more enigmatic planets in our solar system: Uranus.


  • 目前正在计划意大利旅行一趟,想一些神秘迷人景点塔罗公园

    I'm currently planning a trip to Italy, and hunting down obscure and fascinating places to visit, like the "Tarot Garden".


  • 遥远地区桀骜不驯马赛人亲密接触可以增加旅行神秘感。

    Close contact with the proud Maasai in remote areas adds to the fascination.


  • 他们拥有神秘力量使他们可以精神世界旅行鬼祟或者畸形力量战斗甚至召唤土地本身力量

    They possess mystical powers that allow them to travel the spirit world, strike with stealth or monstrous force and even call on the forces of the earth itself.


  • 声音开始进入一个阴暗世界旅行喃喃自语神秘

    Follow the voice and begin a journey into a world of shadows, whispers and mystery.


  • 即使一个国家某个大陆描述在电视上播放时似乎还是那些坚强的、敢于冒险的旅行以外的人们所无法接近遥远而又神秘地方

    Even when another country or continent was described or televised, it would seem to be a far away, exotic place that was unreachable to all but the hardiest and most adventurous travelers.


  • 正是车窗外的神秘世界使乘坐火车旅行变得如此令人心动特别是行走世界第三长的连续铁路线上。

    And it's precisely the mysteries beyond the window that make train travel so appealing, particularly with this journey along the world's third-longest single continuous railway service.


  • 尽管如此很多认同制造火箭科学家有些与众不同的地方。也许太空旅行神秘有关

    Still, many people would agree that there is something special about scientists who build rockets. Maybe it has to do with the mystery of space travel.


  • 带领我们神秘世界可以和神一起旅行

    This brings us to the mysterious world of star gates, where the gods began to travel along.


  • 一对喜欢旅行悉尼吃货超级喜欢路边小店各国神秘食物

    Sydney food blog by two travel nerds obsessed with travel food, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, and international supermarkets of mystery.


  • 旅行一新的神秘之地,香气浓郁的充裕山谷,这一切直到遇到块巨人般的的黑色巨石

    You travel with this new mysterious, sweet smelling wind along the valley, until you come across a gigantic black monolith.


  • 边缘艺术节的团队旅行越野西雅图神秘一名男子攻击老板因为相信他是邪恶撞击角的生物事件学习

    The Fringe team travels cross-country to Seattle after learning of a mysterious incident involving a man who attacked his boss because he believed he was an evil ram-horned creature.


  • 蒂狄洛弗阿(暂译),,去往世界尽头神秘生命奇特故事段非凡旅行游记。

    Etidorhpa, or, the end of the earth: the strange history of a mysterious being and the account of a remarkable journey.


  • 而不可避免的面对时间旅行或许期盼著遭遇神秘

    You're dealing with time travel. Maybe you should expect it to be weird.


  • 神秘之旅琠——购买或者下载一份地图然后闭上眼睛地图上随意标记一个地方,之后就这个地方旅行

    Take a mystery trip - Buy or download a map of your region, close your eyes, and randomly choose spots on the map to visit.


  • 由于旅行变得如此频繁复杂神秘我们一致认为:它天生就有着第六感觉的一只狗。

    As the dog's journeys became increasingly frequent, complicated and mysterious, we were forced to agree that he was endowed3 with a sixth sense.


  • 后面房间结束前,书店经理帮助一个神秘陌生人找到灵感艺术家最近佛罗伦萨旅行信息

    The Back Room Just before closing, a bookstore manager helps a mysterious stranger find information on an artist who recently inspired him during a trip to Florence.


  • 神秘之旅——购买或者下载一份地图然后闭上眼睛地图上随意标记一个地方,之后就这个地方旅行

    Take a mystery trip - Buy or download a map of your region, close your eyes, and randomly choose spots on the map to visit.


  • 人们知道这个神秘时间旅行故事

    People want to know the story behind the mysterious time traveler.


  • 伍迪·艾伦导演的名人》中饰演角色,随后在《海滩》中扮演寻找神秘美国背包旅行者。

    After a small role in Woody Allen's Celebrity, Leo played the role of an American backpacker26 searching for a secret island in the Beach.


  • 伍迪·艾伦导演的名人》中饰演角色,随后在《海滩》中扮演寻找神秘美国背包旅行者。

    After a small role in Woody Allen's Celebrity, Leo played the role of an American backpacker26 searching for a secret island in the Beach.


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