• 最后纳税人社会

    Finally, taxpayer's tax right is a kind of social right.


  • 就业以自由主导兼具社会性质复合

    Employment right is a kind of complex right, whose main nature is liberal right and supplementary nature is social right.


  • 住房作为一项重要社会实现与国家义务之间存在密切关联

    The right to adequate housing is an important part of the social rights, which is closely related to the state obligation.


  • 大学教育属于非义务教育,大学生教育具有选择性具有自由社会双重法律特征

    The right to higher education is uncompulsory, which has quality of select and also manifests the double law characteristics of freedom and society.


  • 主流理论所谓社会自由之间义务区别”、“冲突区别”效力区别”都是虚构错误的。

    The alleged distinction of duty, conflict and validity between social rights liberal rights, which the mainstream human rights theory claims arbitrarily, are fictive and wrong.


  • 今天教育初始受教育义务经“自由形态社会形态”再到“发展形态”历次演变结果

    The current right to education is the result of all previous evolution from the "formation of freedom right", to the "formation of social right", and to the "formation of development right".


  • 这种混乱现象造成社会学术交流困难社会权实现受阻也是社会权一直不能获得与自由同等法律地位的重要原因

    The confusion has aroused great difficulties in learning communication and obstacles to realization of social rights, which is mainly why social rights haven't had the same status as liberal rights.


  • 昂贵东西不一定是富人专利,除非我们放弃社会选择

    Expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society's power of choice.


  • 要让年轻人明智地使用他们投票他们必须了解社会需要必须了解政治活动如何运作的。

    For young people to use their right to vote wisely, they must have an understanding of the needs of society, and they must also learn how politics work.


  • 纽卡斯尔大学的莉莉安·爱德华兹说:“我们就公众使用展开了一场社会辩论比如名人肖像方面的讨论。”

    "We've got a societal debate going on about access to our public commons, as it were, about famous faces," says Lilian Edwards at Newcastle University.


  • 现在第一一个更广泛社会群体包括贵族皮斯这类追逐时尚的平民,有了发言

    Now, for the first time, a wider social group, including both aristocrats and commoners such as Pepys with fashionable aspirations, set the tone.


  • 敦促所有社会成员确保食物如果不能实现一点便是人类尊严一种侵犯

    He urged all members of society to ensure the right to food, the non-fulfillment of which is a violation of human dignity.


  • 否认任何人任何群体投票,就是降低了选举个人社会的重要意义。

    To deny anyone or any group the ballot lessens its importance, for the individual and for the community.


  • 相反展览集中关注于滋养社会

    Instead, the show focuses on the society that nurtured and empowered him.


  • 但是昂贵事物并非必定属于富人范畴,除非我们放弃社会选择

    But expensive things are not inevitably the province of the rich unless we abdicate society's power of choice.


  • 可是,想社会媒体上取得成功要求一定程度上允许客人信息有控制

    But succeeding in social media requires allowing customer control of the message, at least to a certain degree.


  • 通常由于妇女发言平等机会社会规范而加剧

    This is often compounded by social norms that do not give women voice or equal opportunities.


  • 非拥有部分控制利比亚国际社会所不能接受

    Libya with Qaddafi in even partial control would be unacceptable to the international community.


  • 这样想来确保退休无忧禁止使用童工或是赋予妇女投票有着相似意义:不是选择性津贴而是文明社会标志

    To this way of thinking, to guarantee a comfortable retirement is akin to banning child labour or giving women the vote: not optional perks, but badges of a civilised society.


  • 霍莫尔卡忧虑主要那些优先整合德国社会中去的俄国来者是否也会继续作为犹太人

    For him, the big worry is whether the Russian arrivals, whose priority is integrating into German society, will stay Jewish too.


  • 近年来,医学研究方面,人们一直十分重视加强促进知情同意社会监督系统

    In the area of medical research, much attention has been devoted in recent years to strengthening systems for informed consent and community oversight.


  • 后来他们有了孩子合法婚姻可以提供保障一方死亡对另一方的社会保障或一方生病后的探视变得更加重要

    Once they had kids, the protections legal marriage affords, such as Social Security benefits if someone dies and hospital visits if someone gets sick, became more important.


  • 例如妇女家庭社区社会中的地位低:她们男人较少获得和控制资源以及她们在决策方面发言较少。

    For example, women have lower status in families, communities and society: They have less access to and control over resources and they have less of a say in decision-making than men.


  • 民间社会加速制定以广泛的健康社会正义为基础议程人类健康作为全球卫生新颖管理一项重点

    Civil society is now moving rapidly towards an agenda based on broad health rights and social justice, embracing the human right to health as a focal point for innovative global health governance.


  • 因为该项业务跟踪社会网络用户互联网其他领域活动情况——由于侵犯了用户隐私,该项服务招致了广泛的诟病。

    It tracked what the social network's users were doing elsewhere on the web-which caused a huge fuss because of the loss of personal privacy.


  • 虽然昌西本人算不上位高水平的应试者,但他却相信通过考试可以赋予美国精英阶层种“天然高贵”,一个有序的,精英治理的社会奠定基础

    A mediocre test-taker himself, Chauncey believed that tests would filter into the US elite ‘a natural aristocracy, ’ and this would be the basis for an orderly and meritocratic society.


  • 虽然昌西本人算不上位高水平的应试者,但他却相信通过考试可以赋予美国精英阶层种“天然高贵”,一个有序的,精英治理的社会奠定基础

    A mediocre test-taker himself, Chauncey believed that tests would filter into the US elite ‘a natural aristocracy, ’ and this would be the basis for an orderly and meritocratic society.


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