• 采用社会学研究方法,对山东省乡镇居民体育行为人力资本关系进行调查分析

    This paper USES the methods of sociology and investigates and analyzes the relations between village and town residents' sports behavior and manpower capital in Shandong province.


  • 巴赫结构主义由上升鼎盛整个时期开创坚持了语言一种社会学研究方法

    Bakhtin pioneered and advocated a sociological approach to the study of language at a time when structuralism held the sway both in literature and in linguistics.


  • 本文规范化本土化两个方面分析和探讨了提高我国社会学研究方法水平所面临的主要任务

    From two aspects of normalization and indigenization, the paper analyzed the tasks in enhancing our level of social research methods.


  • 一次简单带有社会学研究方法分类实验并且还是建立在关于异国文化理解揣度基础之上

    This is a simple classification experiment with the sociological research method, and, it is established on the basis of the understanding and speculates of foreign culture.


  • 本文揭示了美国伯克利学派法律社会学研究方法宗旨,即力求能够说明是怎样适应社会需求,解决现实问题的。

    The article puts open the tenet of research method of Buckley School in America so as to illustrate how law meets the needs of society and how law settle realistic problems.


  • 第一研究一般较为封闭较少运用法律社会学方法

    First, its research seals up generally, few utilization sociology of law method.


  • 文章吸收了社会学人类学理论方法典型研究为基本研究手段对涉及赣南社会经济诸多方面问题进行了剖析

    With the theories and the researching approaches of sociology and anthropology, it gives a detailed analysis of various issues concerning the social and economic changes in the area.


  • 研究表明社会学观点方法研究农业问题独到之处

    Researches show that there is originality to study the issue with a sociology point and method.


  • 民族社会学理论视角发现,民族社会学可以民族传统体育研究带来很多观点、新方法

    From the viewpoint of ethnosociological theories, ethnosociology can bring along many new ideas and methods for researches of traditional national PE.


  • 本文主要采用比较法学社会学经济学公司合同理论多维研究方法

    This text adopts multidimensional research approaches, such as the contract theories of comparative jurisprudence, sociology, economics, and company, etc. mainly.


  • 大部分学术性风景园林设计研究方法派生历史生物学社会学它们不能完全包含风景园林设计。

    Most of the academic landscape architecture design research methods, which are derived from history, biology or sociology, do not cover landscape architecture design in a complete way.


  • 通过分析文学社会之间密切关系文学社会学研究方法寻找可行性依据。

    Through the analysis of the close relationship between literature and society, the present paper endeavors to locate a liable basis for the method of the literary sociology.


  • 本文美术高考”作为一个教育现象,运用社会学研究方法现象本质探讨

    This paper only takes the Beaux-arts College entrance examination as an education example to make a discussion from the phenomena to the essence, by the use of sociological research methods.


  • 文化学、创造学、文化社会学行为科学交叉跨学科研究是本文基本方法

    The crossed-course research of culturology, creation study, cultural sociology and behaviors science which intersected by each other the basic method of the article.


  • 法学社会学的联姻,不仅使法学理论具有包容性,而且法学研究超越传统提供了综合多维方法指向

    The integration in law and society, not only making the law theory to be more large-scale, but also providing comprehensive and multi-dimension methods for researching the law to surpass tradition.


  • 本文国内外文献研究基础上,运用经济学社会学方法性别分析的角度对福建茶叶产业工人的工资收入问题做定量分析。

    Based on the literature review, the paper, by using the economic and sociological methods, explores the quantitative study on the issue of wage income in Fujian tea industry from gender perspective.


  • 管理学心理学社会学研究方法我国现行体育管理系统的现状进行调查。

    The present situation of sports management system in operation was investigated by adopting science of management, psychology and sociology.


  • 这些研究主要是运用社会学城市规划方法分析城中村现象,关注城中村景观形成,关注城中村社会所造成的负面影响,以及城中村改造等问题

    They based these researches on sociology and science of city planning, paying attention to the formation of these villages scene, the disadvantage, and the reconstruction in these villages.


  • 研究实际考察为基础,借鉴社会学民俗学多学科方法

    On the basis of fieldwork, the research involves methods in sociology, folklore, etc.


  • 使用了社会学研究方法结合传统实证史学方法,也中国史籍里面找一些材料

    And he adopted sociological methodology combined with empirical study and some collected materials from Chinese literature of history study.


  • 教育社会学具体方法系统包括理论研究方法实践研究方法文献研究方法

    The concrete method system for sociology of education includes theory research methods, practical research methods and literature research methods.


  • 论文试图文学社会学方法探讨曾经被过去文学史研究忽视一些问题进一步打开学术研究的空间。

    This paper attempts, by way of literary sociology, to explore some issues ignored in the previous literature history research so as to further broaden the vision of academic research.


  • 结合中国体育社会学研究实际体育概念定义研究方法研究领域等进行反思

    By combining the reality of study of sports sociology in China, the author retrospected the conceptual definition, study methods and study areas of sport.


  • 东西文化制度比较研究贯穿了马克斯·韦伯整个法律社会学思想

    The comparative research of law between east and west is very important in Max Weber's study of legal sociology.


  • 主要研究方法历史学方法现象学方法符号学方法可辅以社会学方法公理学方法

    The main research approach has history method, phenomenon method, Semiology method, and the sociology method, generally acknowledged truth etc.


  • 吉登斯社会学研究,是以条线索为逻辑展开社会学方法规则重构

    The sociological study of Giddens reconstructs rules of sociological method according to three clews.


  • 吉登斯社会学研究,是以条线索为逻辑展开社会学方法规则重构

    The sociological study of Giddens reconstructs rules of sociological method according to three clews.


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