• 细菌这种为食释放硫化氢气体

    Bacteria feed on this oil and release hydrogen sulfide gas.


  • 硫化氢水中反应,得到就是硫酸

    When hydrogen sulfide reacts with the oxygen in the water, the result of that is sulfuric acid.


  • 这种气体硫化氢上升石灰岩裂缝地下水氧气混合。

    This gas is hydrogen sulfide, rises up and mixes with oxygen in the underground water that sits in the cracks and fissures in the limestone.


  • 这些细菌生活体内;管虫它们提供硫化氢二氧化碳

    These bacteria that live inside the tube worms; the tube worms provide them with hydrogensulfide and carbon dioxide.


  • 包括使用硫化氢气溶胶使二氧化硫形成云层进而导致全球变暗

    This would involve using sulphur or hydrogen sulphide aerosols so that sulphur dioxide would form clouds, which would, in turn, lead to global dimming.


  • 他们这些特殊器官收集硫化氢二氧化碳然后把它们转移另一个器官那里有数十亿细菌

    They have these special organs that collect the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide and then transfer it to another organ, where billions of bacteria live.


  • 这些细菌实际上就是硫化氢二氧化碳结合体,这种化学反应产生有机物质更大有机体食物

    These bacteria actually combine the hydrogen sulfide with the carbon dioxide and this chemical reaction is what produces organic material which is the food for larger organisms.


  • 正如我们所说这些喷口正在海洋深处释放这种含有叫做硫化氢化学物质一种气体,二氧化碳

    As we said, these hydrothermal vents are releasing into the ocean depth this intensely hot water that contains a chemical called hydrogen sulfide, and also a gas, carbon dioxide.


  • 水解淀粉进行硝酸盐还原,能使牛奶化,产生硫化氢

    It has the abilities such as starch hydrolysis, nitrate reduction, milk peptonization and H2S production.


  • 提出了控制硫化氢几种可行方法

    Some methods of controlling hydrogen sulfide were provided in this paper.


  • 利用固定生物滤池控制硫化氢气体一种经济有效方法

    The control of hydrogen sulfide using biological fixed-film filter is an economical and effective method.


  • 本文详细地论述硫化氢腐蚀机理影响因素阐述了控制硫化氢腐蚀的方法

    In this paper, mechanism and influencing factors of hydrogen sulfide corrosion were discussed, and methods for controlling hydrogen sulfide corrosion were presented.


  • 方法回顾性分析温岭医院收治8硫化氢中毒患者周围神经损害临床资料。

    Methods The clinical features and elcetromyogram(EMG) characteristics of peripheral nerves injuries in 8 cases of hydrogen sulfide poisoning were retrospectively analyzed.


  • 文中阐述了硫化氢腐蚀原理参数说明了建立硫化氢腐蚀数据库现实意义

    This article discussed the hydrogen sulfide corrosion theory and parameters, and explained the realistic significance of the establishment of the hydrogen sulfide corrosion database.


  • 具有鸡蛋味道硫化氢,小剂量的使用安全减缓老鼠新陈代谢使它们处于一种假死状态

    Low doses of hydrogen sulphide, a gas which smells like rotten egg, can safely reduce the metabolism of mice, putting them into a state of suspended animation.


  • 当然寻找渗出元素硫化氢分解微生物意味着我们寻找与地球观测到的生物进程相同的过程。

    Of course, looking for hydrogen sulfide-eating microbes that ooze elemental sulfur means that we'll be looking for similar biological processes we observe on Earth.


  • 生活在纳米比亚沙漠沿岸人们早已熟悉每当硫化氢海洋喷发,不断从大西洋散发出的鸡蛋

    People living along Namibia's desert coast have long been familiar with the rotten egg smell that periodically emanates from the Atlantic ocean whenever hydrogen sulfide erupts from the ocean.


  • 探讨硫化钠-丙三醇溶液代替饱和硫化氢水溶液进行重金属(铅计)测定分析方法

    This paper discusses the method for measurement of heavy metal (calculate by Pb) by sodium sulphide -glycerine solution instead of saturated hydrogen sulphide solution.


  • 本文研究硫化氢氯化某些有机介质中的反应提出一个合成硫化方法

    This paper has studied the reactions of hydrogen sulphide with titanium tetrachloride in some organic mediums, and advanced a new method of synthesizing titanium disulphide.


  • 论述了氧化吸收反应电解再生反应相结合双反应系统硫化氢中同时制取氢气黄的方法。

    A two-reaction system composed of an absorption reactor and an electrochemical reactor has been studied to produce of hydrogen and elemental sulfur by decomposition hydrogen sulfide.


  • 十年前的研究表明许多动物事实上利用硫化氢扩张血管产生血流扩张化学物质称作血管扩张剂

    Research early this decade revealed that many animals actually use hydrogen sulfide to help expand blood vessels. Chemicals that create these expansions in blood flow are called vasodilators.


  • 不仅缓解目前硫磺生产需求矛盾而且可利用硫化氢和二氧化碳作为提高采收率措施气源

    The acid gas reinjection may alleviate the contradiction between sulfur production and sulfur demand at present, and the acid gas may be used as the gas source of the enhanced oil recovery measure.


  • 使用具有操作方便净化床层阻力小、适应性强、脱硫化氢部分有机速度快容量高等特点

    Have in the use of easy to operate, clean and high bed resistance, adaptability, and some organic sulfur from hydrogen sulfide faster, higher-capacity characteristics.


  • 硫化氢沼气以及一些工业气体中的有害成分,不但可以导致管道设备腐蚀而且危及人们健康

    Hydrogen sulfide is a harmful impurity of the biogas and some industrial gases, not only it can cause the pipeline and equipments corrosion but also can threaten the human safety.


  • 气田开发过程中,由于硫化氢的出现,常常会出现油管、套管钻井设备、钻井仪器等等腐蚀损坏问题。

    In the process of sour gas reservoir development, hydrogen sulfide usually causes corrosions and damages in oil line, casing pipe and drilling apparatus.


  • 腐蚀性气体硫化氢测定方法常见甲基分光光度量法,两种测定方法都受到众多因素的影响。

    The most common determining methods of corrosive gas - hydrogen sulfide are the methylene blue spectrophotometry and the iodimetry, however, these two methods are both affected by many factors.


  • 产品冰箱内硫化氢恶臭气味的分解去除功效显著,可以用于水果鱼肉等食物的保鲜、抗菌、除味。

    The product of the refrigerator of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other obnoxious odor of decomposition and removal of a significant effect can be used for fruits, fish and other food preservation.


  • 产品冰箱内硫化氢恶臭气味的分解去除功效显著,可以用于水果鱼肉等食物的保鲜、抗菌、除味。

    The product of the refrigerator of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other obnoxious odor of decomposition and removal of a significant effect can be used for fruits, fish and other food preservation.


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