• 因此必须加强矿井地质工作减少煤炭不合理损失

    So, it must strengthen mine geology work and reduce unreasonable coal loss.


  • 研究结果今后的勘探矿井地质工作具有一定指导意义

    The study has certain guiding significance in aftertime exploration and mining geological works.


  • 煤矿生产重要技术基础资料,也是矿井地质工作的主要成果

    The blueprint is the basic data and the main achievement of mine.


  • 通过实例,介绍了便携式矿井地质探测仪矿井地质探测中的实际运用情况

    This text explicates practical application on portable type pit geologic detecting instrument in pit geologic detecting through concrete example.


  • 矿井地质构造普遍存在而且错综复杂已经成为煤矿生产安全关键性问题

    The geological structures of the mine generally exist and intricate, it has become the key question in restricting and influencing the production and the safe in the mine.


  • 本文重点介绍瞬态雷波勘探原理数字处理技术及其矿井地质勘探中的应用

    This paper gives emphases on the introduction of the principle of the transient Rayleigh wave prospecting, digital processing technique and its application in mining geological exploration.


  • 通过分析该矿区的矿井地质水文地质条件认为矿井水源上覆地层的离层水。

    After analyzed the mine geological and hydrogeological conditions of the mine area, considered that the mine water filling source is stratifugic water from overlying strata.


  • 随着平均开采深度水平开采范围增大岩爆逐步地成为矿井地质灾害主要起因

    As the depth of mining and horizontal extents increasing, rock-burst becomes the main cause of mining disaster.


  • 详细研究井田相邻地段内270余个钻孔提供的地质信息大量矿井地质资料

    This paper also researches the geological information and vast scale mine geologic data by the more than 270 drill hole in the research zone and adjacent zone;


  • 最后利用上述结论矿井地质构造作了总体预测其它矿井开展构造研究提供方法

    Finally, the general forecast of geological structure is made on the basis of the conclusions. It can also provide the method for others to study the geological structure in coal mine.


  • 举例说明了加强矿井地质预测预报工作重要性提出了做好矿井地质预测预报工作的建议

    The paper describes the importance of ming geology forecasting and puts foreward some proposals and countermeasures.


  • 介绍构造煤矿生产中的表现形迹分析了层滑构造的特征及其矿井地质工作中的应用

    It introduces the appearance of layer slide structure in coal mine production and analyzes the character and application in mine geology work.


  • 现有矿井地质条件下,设计方面论述晋昶煤矿开拓方案、选择大巷层位设计大巷布置方式

    The paper described the development plan, the selection of seam location and the arrangement methods of main roadway in Jinchang Coal Mine from the designing aspect under present geological condition.


  • 文摘介绍构造煤矿生产中的表现形迹分析了层滑构造的特征及其矿井地质工作中的应用

    Abstract: It introduces the appearance of layer slide structure in coal mine production and analyzes the character and application in mine geology work.


  • 煤炭一直我国主要能源,煤炭开采受到多种矿井地质灾害威胁,其中最大安全问题矿井突水事故

    Coal is always a main energy sources in our country, and exploitation of coal was threatened by many mine geological disasters, in which the water inrush from mine is the most primary problem.


  • 介绍了矿井地质工作煤矿生产建设中的重要作用搞好重视矿井地质工作所带来经济效益社会效益

    Coal mine geology work is an important technology basis work in coal mine production and construction, and it will bring economic and social benefit.


  • 只有科学地分析表现特征及其形成原因采取针对性预防措施才能控制减少矿井地质灾害造成损失

    Only making scientific analysis on its representative features and forming causes and adopting corresponding preventive measures can control or reduce the losses of the mine geological hazard.


  • 根据地质构造因素控制煤层顶板稳定性作用研究提出煤层顶板稳定性预测评价的矿井地质构造特征解析方法

    Based on the research result of control action of structure to the stability of roof, the author puts out tectonic synthesis method for predicting the stability of roof.


  • 搞好矿井地质工作实现煤矿安全生产基本保障预防瓦斯顶板主要灾害有着极为重要意义。

    Making pit geology work well is the basic security of realizing coal mine safety. It's very important to prevent from main calamities such as water fire gas and roof.


  • 本文运用模糊数学、运筹学原理数理统计方法总结影响矿井生产能力因素,并对矿井地质条件进行了量化描述和模糊综合评判。

    The factors which effect the production capacity of mine are summarized by system analysis methods and theories such as fuzzy, operation research and mathematics statistics.


  • 矿井地质工作煤矿生产基础工作,地质工作的好与坏直接影响矿井回收率因此必须加强矿井地质工作,减少煤炭不合理损失

    Mine geology work is a basic work in coal production. It could effect the mine recovery. So, it must strengthen mine geology work and reduce unreasonable coal loss.


  • 通过实例全面分析阐明加强地质工作预防控制各类灾害重要意义,进一步确立了矿井地质工作煤矿安全生产基础作用

    Through analyzing on actual examples, expounds the significance of strengthening mine geology work in disaster protection and control and basic action to coal mine safety production.


  • 地质2007年同样事故死亡迫使圣何塞矿井关闭

    A geologist was killed in the same 2007 accident, prompting the closure of the San Jose mine.


  • 这种履带式起重机适应矿井所在沙漠地质环境不会当地疏松沙漠土壤环境造成伤害坡度沙漠行走

    The crawler crane can adapt to the desert of mine geological environment, not on the local osteoporosis desert and soil environmental harm, and can be used in high slope of the desert walks.


  • 通过芦岭井田煤层瓦斯地质因素定性定量分析认为,区域地质构造控制矿井煤层瓦斯关键地质因素;

    Through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of gas geological factors in Luling coal mine, the regional geological structure is the key geological factors of mine coal gas control.


  • 华北地区岩溶陷落成为矿井开采主要地质灾害之一。

    Karst collapse colum in North China already becomes one of the main geological disaster in mine mining.


  • 一次地质调查之后这些矿井关闭了。

    The mines had been closed down following a geological survey.


  • 赵楼井田构造发育规律成因机制研究今后矿井建设生产提供地质依据

    The research on structural development pattern and genetic mechanism provided mine construction and production with geological basis henceforth.


  • 特别是地质条件复杂矿井保证产品质量稳定难度较大

    It's relatively difficult to keep coal quality steady, especially for a coal mine with complex geological background.


  • 要求煤矿其它各类矿山企业,都健全矿井水文地质资料严防发生透水淹井事故

    Coal mining and other mining enterprises of various categories must update hydrological and geological data about their mine shafts to guard against water inrush or inundation.


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