• 越来越研究表明类型的老人护理另一种类型的老人护理之间一些区别居民的生活状况几乎没有真正影响

    But an accumulating body of research indicates that some distinctions between one type of elder care and another have little real bearing on how well residents do.


  • 整个地区中,乌鲁克规模最大,远远超过了其它居民,这表明这个地区中心,是一个真正城市

    Uruk's dominant size in the entire region, far surpassing that of other settlements, indicates that it was a regional center and a true city.


  • 简言之朋友们,要这个新世纪使世界变得安全赋予全世界所有居民真正机会欣欣向荣充实生活,尚有许多工作

    In short, my friends, there is much to be done to make the world safe in this new century, and to give all its inhabitants a real chance of living prosperous and fulfilling lives.


  • 真正挑战制定相关规定,保护北极居民环境免受新海上交通的影响,不管船只究竟驶往何处。

    The real challenge will be the development ofrules to protect Arctic people and the environment from the new marine traffic, wherever it's going.


  • 不过该市真正居民只有96人,那些人以几乎不可能方式挤在发电站仓库之间、所有权主要掌握城市手中的房屋内

    But it has only 96 actual residents, and those live in housing tucked improbably between power stations and warehouses and mostly owned by the city.


  • 经常他人文化古迹视为一文不值虽然不怎么样的行为,真正憎恶的是侮辱性的评论——即便如此,一想到华达居民发现我将整个内华达州列入101个名单后的反应,我便惶惶不可终日(不是,是那些损友们逼着我干的!)

    But I really do hate insulting people or places-i live in fear of the backlash that's going to hit when Nevada residents discover I included their entire state. it wasn't my fault!


  • 年轻人这个地方见到唯一真正快乐居民一个孤独牧羊隐士

    The hiker meets the only truly happy inhabitant in the area, a lone shepherd hermit.


  • 你们这些居民给予机会经历第一手的、关于生命真正是什么的体验。

    You the inhabitants are offered the opportunity to experience first hand what LIFE is truly.


  • 他们只是伤害他们社区居民没有真正解决任何问题

    They just hurt the people in their community, they didn't really solve any problem.


  • 鉴于所有英国人调查过了,除了个别一些城市、城镇和居民只有一次完整计数揭示这个国家真正规模

    For all that Britons are relentlessly surveyed, only a full count could reveal the size of the country, yet alone that of individual cities, townsand neighbourhoods.


  • 如果禁令真正实施,德国居民今后允许购买电动车动力汽车

    If the ban were to go through, German citizens would only be permitted to purchase electric or hydrogen-fuelled cars.


  • 本文如何加强社区图书馆建设使其真正成为文化园地,成为社区居民继续学习平台进行了探讨。

    This paper probes how to strengthen the construction of district libraries which become the cultural field and residents further education platform.


  • 完全烘干的COROZONUT用于替代真正象牙产品,因此当地居民称之为ivory NUT(象牙果仁)。

    Completely dried COROZO nut can be used to replace real ivory products, the local residents called ivory nut (ivory nut).


  • 但是其他人怀疑是否一禁令真正执行上海居民预期广告悄悄地返回也许通过直接剧本的方式。

    But others wonder whether the ban can really work. One Shanghai resident said she expected ads to return by stealth, perhaps by being written directly into scripts.


  • 然而我国很多居住区户外环境设计没有真正居民行为心理需求出发,所以最后设计建设出来的环境出现了种种问题

    In China, many of environment design and no real actions from the psychological needs of residents starting the design of residential construction problems occurred.


  • 信念从未动摇过,就是:“座城市需要丰富自然建筑协和统一的,只有那样居民才能真正幸福。”

    He never wavered in his belief that "a city requires an abundance of natural and architectural beauty and goodness in order for its inhabitants to be truly happy."


  • 当时世界公民同一张小桌,坐在另一张椅子上。我高兴,因为这种理论,亚当以来,还没有过一位真正属于整个世界的居民

    And then a cosmopolite sat in one of them, and I was glad, for I held a theory that since Adam no true citizen of the world has existed.


  • 当前我国城市管理在解决进城务工农民与城市居民冲突的过程中,存在诸多问题,没有找到一条真正合理有效的调节途径。

    At present, the city administration of our country has not found a reasonable and effective method to relieve the conflict. There are still many obstacles puzzled the government.


  • 美国独立战争:这场让未来美国家喻户晓运动中,法国宣布胜利,虽然英国的殖民地居民们才是真正参与者

    American Revolution: in a move that will become quite familiar to future Americans, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw far more action.


  • 我们可以直接了解当地居民整体情况,直接当地居民交谈获得更多关于一个国家信息真正了解当地的文化生活

    We can obtain more information about a country by talking directly with local civilians about the overall situation, and truly comprehend the local culture by living there.


  • 只有国家旅行了解他们国家的居民他们的语言,你才能知道这个国家和人民真正的情况。也只有一个国家旅行,了解居民及其语言可以了解一个国家和人民真

    It is only by travelling in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like.


  • 社区居民踊跃参与支持扶轮社员们所执行的计划,计划有可能达成真正正面改变

    The more involved the members of the community are in supporting the projects that Rotarians undertake, the more likely the projects will result in real, positive change.


  • 全球变暖使很多景点景区受到真正威胁会使很多地方居民失去家园

    Global warming is a real threat to many scenic spots. Many of the locals even stand to lose their homes due to the effects of global warming.


  • 全球变暖使很多景点景区受到真正威胁会使很多地方居民失去家园

    Global warming is a real threat to many scenic spots. Many of the locals even stand to lose their homes due to the effects of global warming.


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