• 去年同期相比利润增长15%。

    Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year.


  • 确定是在把同类事物

    You have to make sure you're comparing like with like.


  • 所学相比,我喜欢这种解释

    I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught.


  • 双腿和他魁梧上身相比可怜

    His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.


  • 上次相比容易得

    It's much easier compared with last time.


  • 与以前相比某些药物使用范围更广

    Some drugs are being used on a much larger scale than previously.


  • 队里较年轻队员相比处于不利地位。

    I was at a disadvantage compared to the younger members of the team.


  • 费用广播实际成本相比沧海一粟

    His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.


  • 别人问题相比自己的问题算不得什么。

    My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's.


  • 学校取得的进步兄弟相比并不突出

    His progress at school had been unspectacular compared to his brother's.


  • 银行业相比广告业显然较少常规约束

    The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking.


  • 挣扎求存相比所有其他问题都显得不重要

    All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.


  • 40年前相比卫生保健水平得到极大提高。

    Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.


  • 尽管听上去很难全职工作相比简直小儿科。

    It sounds difficult, but compared to full-time work it was a cinch.


  • 科学家试图把已灭绝动物特征现存类似动物

    Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues.


  • 生活在仅仅之前相比我们更大的过快乐的机会。

    Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time.


  • 3/4处于工作年龄的美国人在工作,相比之下欧洲约为60%。

    Three-quarters of working-age Americans work, compared with roughly 60% of Europeans.


  • 他们设法解决供电供水连接问题前者后者相比证明很简单

    They grappled with the problem of connecting the electricity and water supplies. The former proved simple compared with the latter.


  • 尽管有这些表面的相似相比早期小说一部更悲观的作品

    Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels.


  • 这个主要设计100多年爱迪生取得专利的设计相比没什么变化

    The basic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago.


  • 男性失业率14.2%,相比女性5.8% (参见下页图表)。

    Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women (see chart on next page).


  • 日本利率美国相比有所上升

    Japanese interest rates rose relative to America's.


  • 美国的情况与英国的不能直接相比

    The situation in the US is not directly comparable to that in the UK.


  • 一般教师相比不错的。

    As teachers go, he's not bad.


  • 相比之下,去年教育经费增加了

    By comparison, expenditure on education increased last year.


  • 姐姐相比总是相形见绌

    He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.


  • 私营部门相比之下很多钱可花

    The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.


  • 相比觉得自己是滥竽充数

    Next to her I felt like a fraud.


  • 美元大多数其它货币相比升值了

    The dollar strengthened against most other currencies.


  • 他们的状况我们的相比有意思。

    It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.


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