• 尤其是分子美食学,它是一门相对新的学科依赖香气作用机制理解从而最大限度地利用香气。

    The relatively new discipline of molecular gastronomy, especially, relies on understanding the mechanics of aroma to manipulate flavor for maximum impact.


  • 当然男性新秀们爆发式增加几年就开始了但是演员们至少可以依赖相对可靠的资料库保障自己安全

    Of course, the explosion in new male talent began years ago, but at least there was a relatively well-trusted database that performers could rely on to help keep them safe.


  • 通常这种解决方案适用于 “最新数据相对离散数据构成的情况,而不适合用于整个数据集互相依赖的情况。

    This solution is generally only relevant if "latest data" consists of relatively discrete items of data, not as much if the entire data set is interdependent.


  • 最近大量关于全球主张,主要依赖近代记录(上达1880年)里第二热年份1998年相对的2008年的对比

    A spate of recent claims of global cooling, for example, rely on comparing 1998, the second-hottest year in the modern record (going to 1880), with 2008, which was relatively cooler.


  • 很明显高速缓冲有效性依赖分割合并查找开销相对用于跟踪高速缓冲的的开销。

    The effectiveness of caching obviously depends on the costs of splitting, coalescing, and searching relative to the work needed to track cached chunks.


  • 似乎使新兴市场银行相对依赖变幻莫测拆借市场做生意西方银行具有决定性优势

    This would appear to give them a decisive advantage over Western Banks that rely on fickle borrowing markets to do business.


  • 许多情况下相对于进行广泛测试找出使用一个特性简单除去对这个不明显特性的依赖可靠得多

    In many cases, simply removing a dependency on an obscure feature is more reliable than testing extensively to figure out which one to use.


  • 英国巴克莱投资银行的朱利安·卡洛德国缩减差距的过程相对缓慢,公司会依赖雇佣冻结而不是裁员

    As in Germany, that process could be slow and rely more on hiring freezes than lay-offs, says Julian Callow at Barclays Capital.


  • 其它利用太阳光分解方案依赖腐蚀性溶液或者相对稀有昂贵的材料比如铂合金

    Other attempts to produce devices that could use sunlight to split water have relied on corrosive solutions or on relatively rare and expensive materials such as platinum.


  • 很多穷国虽然它们可能非常依赖海洋以获取蛋白质,但是相对于饥饿,保护海洋退居到了第二,或者在签署不明智国际捕鱼协议谈判中被收买。

    In many poor countries, however much they may depend on the seas for protein, conservation takes second place to hunger-or unwise international fishing agreements, sometimes corruptly negotiated.


  • 但是google系统预测能力相对不稳定因为他仅仅依赖大量患病并且敲击电脑键盘的用户。

    But the predictive power of Google's system is relatively imprecise, since it depends solely on a large number of people getting sick and hitting their computers.


  • 无论如何,μ介子兰姆位移更加依赖质子半径因为相对电子更加重的μ介子靠近或者时不时进入质子本身时间更多

    However, in muonic hydrogen the Lamb shift is much more dependent on the proton radius because the much heavier muon spends more time very near to – and often within – the proton itself.


  • 意味着国家大批量生产内销的话,在价格上会相对温和,依赖进口的国家,面临着巨大价格压力

    This means that countries that are large producers of some commodities will see domestic prices of these moderate, while countries dependent on imports will face significant price pressure.


  • 但是需要短暂分析需要分清连续类似声音事例大脑相对依赖听觉

    But on matters that demand a temporal analysis, and making sense of similar sounds in a sequence, the brain reflexively counts on hearing.


  • 行业标准依赖确保了满足需求多种产品可用性相对专利技术解决方案使价格保持较低

    Reliance on industry standards also ensures availability of multiple offerings to address your needs, keeping prices lower versus proprietary technology solutions.


  • 首次麦斯威尔爱因斯坦狭义相对中描述。现代物理学基本上依赖光速被超越这一假设

    Outlined first by James Clerk Maxwell and then by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity, much of modern physics relies on the idea that nothing can travel faster than light.


  • 刚才说的这些银行相对来说比较,而且产品品种比较单一:他们都很依赖一个强大的房地产市场进行购房贷款业务

    All these Banks are fairly small and have a narrow range of products: all relied heavily on mortgages in a strong housing market.


  • 这样具有网络接入业务公司可能语音服务业务进行垄断经营了。相对的,依赖自有网络接入业务而单纯提供语音服务业也具有了可操作性。

    So owning the access network no longer confers a monopoly on voice service; conversely, it is possible to offer a voice service without owning an access network.


  • 司法实践活动中它们常常针锋相对又相互依赖而且这种状况还将一直持续下去

    In judicial practice, they are often diametrically opposed but interdependent, and this situation will continue.


  • 法国经济相比其他国家跌落得相对那么因为没有德国那么依赖出口

    The French economy fell less hard than the others because it was not as reliant on exports as Germany, or as hooked on credit-financed consumption as Spain and Ireland.


  • Shiro最小限度依赖再加上相对简单配置成为了应用程序安全性框架一个很好的选择

    The combination of Shiro's minimal dependencies and its relative ease of configuration makes it a good option as a security framework in your application.


  • 定义依赖元素dependency元素定义所有数据源依赖及其相对CommunityEdition存储库相对路径(清单2)。

    Define the dependency elements: the dependency elements define all the datasource dependencies, and their relative path to the Community Edition repository (Listing 2).


  • 相对通用Utils将使用许多不同对象并且许多依赖关系

    The relatively generic Utils class uses many different objects and has many dependencies.


  • 对于相对test- last开发来说的test - first开发,尤其是对于遗留代码来说,可能会遇到一个问题经常存在公开依赖关系先决条件

    One problem you're likely to encounter in test-last as opposed to test-first development, especially with legacy code, is that there are often unadvertised dependencies and prerequisites.


  • 现代企业中,企业成员相对重要性取决于其拥有的人力资本人力资本的重要性,而监督效力又依赖于人力资本的特质。

    In firms, the importance of members depend on that of their human capital or physical capital, while the effectiveness of inter-supervision rely on the nature of human capital.


  • 当前幼儿教育理论实践存在着过度依赖心理学相对忽视社会学文化学倾向

    There exists a tendency in contemporary theories and practice of ECE to over-rely on psychology whereas the social and cultural perspective is ignored.


  • 同样还会有问题就是中美间开始相互依赖时,相对经济实力先占据主动权问题。

    That raises questions about relative economic power, and about who holds the upper hand as the two rivals embark on a new stage of interdependence.


  • 尺寸夹杂分离而言交变磁场相对好,因为去除效率颗粒尺寸的依赖较小

    As far as the removal of small inclusions is concerned, the AC magnetic method is a favorable one because its removal efficiency has less dependence upon the particle size.


  • 相对的,一个依赖订户公司只要关心订户是否按月付费

    A firm that relies on subscriptions, by contrast, CARES only whether its consumers pay their monthly bills.


  • 相对的,一个依赖订户公司只要关心订户是否按月付费

    A firm that relies on subscriptions, by contrast, CARES only whether its consumers pay their monthly bills.


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