• 正确做法伤口施加直接压力

    The right thing would be to apply direct pressure to the wound.


  • 系统能够集成其他PLC操作升级连续直接压力介质传输系统

    This system can be integrated with a other PLC operations and can be upgraded to operate with continuous direct pressure media delivery systems.


  • 第三一些较大家族的家训族规的要求,成为生活此类家族之中女性直接压力

    The third group is the family education instructions from noble families, which are direct pressure for women in these families.


  • 本文设计一种基于干式法(直接压力测试法)结合89c58单片机技术气体测漏仪。

    An air leak detector based on the technique of dry leak detecting (direct pressure detecting) and 89c58 single chip microcomputer is designed.


  • 本文设计了一种基于干式法(直接压力测试法)结合89c58单片机技术气体

    An air leak detector based on the technique of dry leakage detecting (air pressure decay) and 89c58 single chip microcomputer is designed in this paper.


  • 压力可能影响情绪行为这些不那么直接方式导致疾病

    Stress may also contribute to disease in less direct ways by influencing moods and behavior.


  • 其他考古学家已经发现导致这种遗弃直接原因一系列短暂生长季节,而生长海拔地区玉米生产带来压力

    Other archaeologists have identified the immediate cause of this abandonment to be a series of short growing seasons that would have put pressure on corn production at that high an altitude.


  • TC1直接安装进口三通上,取代所示对流压力表。

    TC1 is mounted directly on the pump inlet tee replacing the convectron gauge shown on the diagram.


  • 而言没有任何来自妻子家庭直接压力但是他说随着孩子们长大,他想让他们看到结了婚父母

    He didn't feel any direct pressure from his partner or family, but says as his children got older he wanted them to have parents who were married.


  • 随着消费文化变迁即使是那些并未感受到直接经济压力的人开始削减开支。

    As the culture of spending shifts, even people who don't feel direct pressure on their finances are cutting back.


  • 我们受到欧洲危机直接影响在这里聚会经济体大多数国家处在一个有利的地位,可以顶住来自欧洲的这些压力采取措施加强增长

    We are all directly affected by the crisis in Europe, but the economies gathered here are in a better position than most to take steps to strengthen growth in the face of these pressures from Europe.


  • 我们知道这些外包公司遇到内部部门同样问题只是压力小一些,因为它们受到较少直接管理控制

    It is also known that, these outsourced firms suffer the same problems as the internal departments did, but with less pressure since they are under less direct management control.


  • 就是因为他们受到来自制药公司直接间接压力

    Because of direct or indirect pressure from the pharmaceutical companies.


  • 受到时间的压迫时,有些东西应该放弃,我们通常忽略那些不能直接减轻压力事情——我们知道要攻击鳄鱼。

    As pressure is applied, something has to give, and we tend to neglect those things that do not provide immediate relief — we just attack the alligators.


  • 加强压力导致快速记忆会把信息储藏丘里,是我们大脑记忆学习直接关联部分

    This enhanced learning caused by increased levels of stress consolidates the formation of memories in the hippocampus - the part of our brains directly involved with memory and learning.


  • 地位斗争焦虑直接导致压力进而转变健康问题继续说道

    Anxiety about status leads to high levels of stress, which in turn leads to health problems, he says.


  • 美联储行为直接影响到了美元价值我们外国债主们正对美元的地位施以越来越大压力

    The Fed's actions directly affect the value of the dollar, which is coming under increasing pressure from our foreign creditors.


  • 研究指出,压力能够削弱人体的免疫系统对于肿瘤的防御能力或者通过血管促进新的肿瘤的形成,这些都会直接促进癌症的发生。

    Studies have shown that stress might promote cancer indirectly by weakening the immune system's anti-tumor defense or by encouraging new tumor-feeding blood vessels to form.


  • 大家知道,很多动物面对掠夺压力或者直接威胁时候,会繁殖更快

    It has been known for a while that, in the face of deprivation, stress or direct threats, many animals embark on reproduction much quicker.


  • 有些途径更为直接胖子们会给苗条朋友施加压力,让他们直到他们自己一样重”。

    It can also be more direct, with obese people putting pressure on their slimmer friends to eat more and exercise less until they "achieve the same body size".


  • 一些觉得沮丧或者压力较大时,他们地板或者重新将餐桌油漆一遍,他们抑郁情绪直接侵袭自己之前是不会认识这种不良情绪的。

    Now, some people, when they are upset or stressed, will go mop the floor and re-varnish the table and won't be able to recognize stress if it bites them in the face.


  • 作为反压裂抗议活动回应法国直接禁止页岩气开采;英国,反压裂激进人士——压力集团已经关闭钻井

    In response to anti-fracking protests, France has slapped a moratorium on the practice; in Britain, activists for Frack Off, a pressure group, have shut down drill sites.


  • 直接避免不必要压力方法就是选择需要希望工作家庭或休闲环境

    One of the most obvious ways to avoid unnecessary stress is to select an environment (work, home, leisure) which is in line with your personal needs and desires.


  • 日常生活中心人类学家ElinorOchs,不那些依赖自述报告数据压力研究项目,这次的研究工作是以直接观察为基础。

    Unlike many stress studies that rely on self-reported data, the center's work is based on direct observation, says anthropologist Elinor Ochs, the center's director until it closed last year.


  • 另外,有些药物可以直接缓解血管压力,如通道阻滞药物,其它血管放松药物。

    Drugs that directly relax the blood vessels. These include calcium channel blockers (CCBs) and other direct dilators (relaxers) of blood vessels.


  • 持续自认没有救助可以生存福特,在处置沃尔沃方面面临着不那么直接压力愿意找到买主

    Ford, which continues to believe it can survive without a bail-out, is under less immediate pressure to dispose of Volvo, but would still love to find a buyer.


  • 持续自认没有救助可以生存福特,在处置沃尔沃方面面临着不那么直接压力愿意找到买主

    Ford, which continues to believe it can survive without a bail-out, is under less immediate pressure to dispose of Volvo, but would still love to find a buyer.


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