• 并认为,这些债务根据研究侧重点不同可以显性债务隐性债务直接债务或有债务赤字债务生产性债务建设性债务等多种分类。

    Those debts, with difference of special emphasis, can be divided into explicit and implicit debts, direct and contingent debts, deficit debts, productive debts and constructive debts.


  • 奥巴马可能直接谈起这个并不仅仅因为这样一个不讨好比较扯出美国自己债务问题。

    Obama is unlikely to speak to this directly, not least because of the unfavorable comparisons that one could draw to the United States' own indebtedness.


  • 希腊债务到足以直接撼动欧洲银行的地步,不过全球银行业已经岌岌可危

    Greek debt may not be large enough directly to threaten European Banks, but world banking is in a fragile state.


  • 不仅仅直接救援银行资金或是私人银行资产负债表上把债务转移国家资产负债表上数目的总和。

    It is not just a question of totting up the direct costs of bailing out the Banks or transferring debt from private balance-sheets onto those of the state.


  • 债务协议暗示短期仅仅小部分花费消减这个没有直接的作用。

    The debt deal, which implies only modest new spending cuts in the short term, is not directly responsible for this.


  • 所以其它债务还款记录或者记录缺失成为致命因素直接影响能否获得购房信贷。

    Hence , your record of payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you get credit for a home purchase .


  • 容克先生需要制定进一步调整计划”,差没有直接承认希腊无力偿还债务

    Mr Juncker all but admitted that Greece could not pay its debts, saying it would need “a further adjustment programme”.


  • 可是实际重要问题直接击中我们当前举国辩论核心——如何解决我们所面临的赤字债务问题辩论。

    That's a really important question, and it goes to the heart of a debate we're having right now in this country - and that's the debate about how to tackle the problem of our deficits and our debt.


  • 混乱直接根源在于正在努力防止主权债务危机蔓延欧元区

    The immediate source of trouble is the euro area, which is struggling to stop the spread of its sovereign-debt crisis.


  • 直接而非渺茫情况国会超级委员会提出的预算计划上达成一致广泛的一致。这个超级委员会是债务上限未能通过后成立的。

    The immediate, rather slim, chance(5) is of a grand bargain on the budget emerging out of a congressionalsupercommitteeset up after the debt-ceiling fiasco.


  • 法国脆弱的金融状况直接影响欧元区债务危机,在欧元区信誉等级为3a的国家中,法国的负债最多,财政赤字率也最高,而且银行极易受到南欧国家债务危机的影响。

    France's fragility now directly affects the euro crisis. It has the biggest debt and deficit ratios among the euro zone's AAA-rated countries, and its Banks are dangerously exposed to southern Europe.


  • 为什么我们不能直接'new'去创建对象?”) ,一切都是要去偿还设计债务

    Why can't we just use 'new'?"), but it's all about design debt.


  • 一些债务持有人没有直接拿到他们这是技术上违约

    Some debtholders did not get their money back straight away, a technical default.


  • 这些债务必须得到削减要么直接告诉债权人他们所有要么进行慈善性质的注资。

    These must be reduced, either by telling lenders that they won't get all their money back or by an infusion of charitable funds.


  • 欧元区债务危机带来最为直接可信结果与其说经济的骤降倒不如说是对本就反弹虚弱的经济雪上加霜。

    Yet even there the likely immediate outcome of the euro zone's crisis is the enfeeblement of an already weak recovery, rather than a sudden slump.


  • 尽管主权债务没有直接导致2008年金融危机,但是现在它成为维护金融系统稳定的头号大敌

    Although sovereign borrowing was not a direct contributor to the crisis of 2008, it has since become the principal danger to the financial system.


  • 马尼拉摩的(motorcycletaxi)司机 IluminadoBoc 急需大笔老婆治病偿还债务但是在拾到乘客丢下的17000美元直接上交当地警局,而那位丢失钱包的女士刚刚报警。

    He needed the money for his sick wife and overdue rent, but honesty prevented a motorcycle taxi driver from keeping $17,000 left behind by a passenger.


  • 马尼拉摩的(motorcycle taxi)司机 IluminadoBoc 急需大笔钱老婆治病偿还债务但是在拾乘客丢下的17000美元后,直接上交到当地警局,而那位丢失钱包的女士刚刚报警。

    He needed the money for his sick wife and overdue rent, but honesty prevented a motorcycle taxi driver from keeping $17, 000 left behind by a passenger.


  • 最好的情况是,中国面临增长因沉重债务负担引起经济增长紧缩遭的情况则是,让中国直接栽跟头

    At best China faces a growth squeeze from a mounting burden of bad debt, at worse that bad debt will blow up in its face.


  • 欧洲债务危机是否已度过糟糕阶段?未来还会出现更为严峻的考验吗?市场没有给出直接答案

    Is the worst of Europe's debt crisis over? Or is there more pain coming? Markets aren't giving a straight answer.


  • 工资优先权根据法律直接规定劳动者从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权债务一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law, on the general property of the debtor.


  • 集体所有的土地不能直接用以抵偿债务

    However, the collective-owned land shall not be used to offset the liabilities directly.


  • 不得直接间接资产负债率超过70%担保对象提供债务担保

    No debt guaranty shall be provided, either directly or indirectly, for the guaranteed objects with the ratio of liabilities to assets exceeding 70%.


  • 是因为直接间接互惠间接债务算法一个潜在贡献消费者搜索

    This is because the indirect reciprocity algorithm searches for direct or indirect debt from a prospective contributor to a prospective consumer.


  • 今晚和你们谈谈我们华盛顿国家债务问题展开辩论——直接影响到所有美国人生活的辩论。

    Tonight, I want to talk about the debate we've been having in Washington over the national debta debate that directly affects the lives of all Americans.


  • 表面上看近期黄金暴涨直接诱因希腊债务危机导致全球金融市场动荡大量资金涌入黄金市场避险从而推高金价

    On the surface, the recent gold boom is the direct cause of the debt crisis of the Greek cause global financial market turmoil, a lot of money into the gold market hedge, which could push gold higher.


  • 北京遏制房地产价格泡沫同时欧洲国家深陷主权债务问题当中直接削弱了信贷供应,导致支出削减

    Beijing's efforts to curb the property price bubble came about the same time as sovereign debt concerns for several European countries, which impaired credit provision and reduced spending directly.


  • 房地产危机私人债务危机相互关联目前的危机不仅限于房地产:直接影响债券市场

    The real estate crisis and the private debt crisis are interconnected the present crisis is not limited to real estate: it directly affects the debt market.


  • 一般来说,我们不能直接观察过度程度风险行为债权人债务国际货币基金组织(IMF)诱导干预

    In general, we cannot directly observe the extent of 'excessive' risk-taking behavior of creditors and debtors that are induced by the IMF intervention.


  • 一般来说,我们不能直接观察过度程度风险行为债权人债务国际货币基金组织(IMF)诱导干预

    In general, we cannot directly observe the extent of 'excessive' risk-taking behavior of creditors and debtors that are induced by the IMF intervention.


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