• 病毒疫苗没有此种副作用提供保护需要剂量流行地区可能证明是难以解决的。

    The inactivated virus vaccine does not have this side effect, but multiple doses are required in order to provide protection which may prove problematic in endemic areas.


  • 多数在鸡胚中生产的病毒疫苗一些细胞培养基中生产的灭疫苗,还有几个减活病毒疫苗

    Most will be inactivated virus vaccines made in eggs, some will be killed virus vaccines made in cell cultures and a few will be live attenuated virus vaccines.


  • 寻找艾滋病病毒疫苗辛勤研究进行了二十多年之后,发现了一种实际上也许有效方法

    After more than two decades of research those labouring to find a vaccine against HIV, the virus that causes the disease, have found a method that might actually work.


  • 研究轮状病毒中国分离株JL94蛋白基因特征研制高效病毒疫苗奠定基础

    Researching the feature of capsid protein gene form porcine rotavirus JL94 strain in China is to lay a foundation for developing concentrated antivirotic vaccine.


  • 如果我们制定艾滋病毒疫苗战略上取得进展相信我们也将其它疾病疫苗研制上取得进展。

    If we can make progress in developing vaccine strategies for HIV, then I'm convinced that we will make progress in developing vaccines for other diseases too.


  • 我们采用芦荟通过一系列复杂提取序得到一种化学粉末然后流感病毒疫苗之混合。

    "We take Aloe vera leaves and put them through a series of complex extraction steps to produce a chemically pure powder, and then we combine the flu vaccine with it, " he explains.


  • 沙宾认为,活性不足以致病、复制病毒疫苗能够模拟自然感染所产生的保护作用。

    Sabin believed that live vaccines, which can replicate somewhat but are too weak to trigger disease, best mimic the protection acquired through natural infection.


  • 可以追溯到基金会如何形成根源比尔梅琳达·盖茨读到有关他们孩子能够获取病毒疫苗的内容。

    A: It goes back to the roots of how the Foundation came into being: Bill and Melinda Gates read about the rotavirus vaccine that their children had access to.


  • 疫苗研发者提供更多免疫靶点从而促使开发出更多疫苗品种,比如华制药推出的乙型脑膜炎病毒疫苗

    This increased the number of targets available to vaccine developers and led directly to the development of Novartis's new meningitis-B vaccine, for example.


  • 由此委员会建议这种发生肠套叠的年龄相关性风险可能出现目前已进入后期研发阶段种新型病毒疫苗

    It was suggested to the Committee that an age-dependent risk of intussusception might also apply to the 2 novel rotavirus vaccines that are currently in advanced development.


  • NewmanLogie现存文献元分析表明了人们是否愿意接种HIV病毒疫苗可能受到数个因素影响

    Newman and Logie's meta-analysis of existing literature identified several factors that could influence people's willingness to be inoculated with an HIV vaccine. Among them.


  • 中国成为第一大规模生产抗击甲型h1n 1流感病毒疫苗国家专家警告甲流感将于今年秋冬季大规模爆发

    China is set to be the first country to mass-produce a vaccine against the a (H1N1) flu pandemic, which scientists warn might erupt this fall and winter.


  • 认证全球无脊髓灰质炎之前必须控制实验室库存,并确保妥善管理灭活脊灰病毒疫苗(IPV)生产地点野生病毒

    Laboratory stocks must be contained and safe management of the wild virus in inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) manufacturing sites must be assured before the world can be certified polio-free.


  • 官方统计截至昨日,大陆已有超过31万人接种了的甲型H1N 1流感病毒疫苗但不包括孕妇不满3儿童

    As of yesterday, more than 31 million have been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu on the mainland, excluding pregnant women and children under the age of 3, according to official statistics.


  • 为了加速批准进程医药局引入一套特殊监管系统,只世卫组织批准,迅速地用到变种病毒疫苗的开发过程中。

    To speed up the approval process, it has introduced a special regulatory system designed to be modified rapidly to incorporate a new pandemic strain, once it has been recommended by the WHO.


  • 2012年拱心石艾滋病毒疫苗专题讨论会会议侧重基本免疫学HIV - 1病毒学方面突出问题挑战领域

    The 2012 Keystone Symposia meeting on HIV Vaccines will focus on basic aspects of immunology and HIV-1 virology to highlight issues that challenge the field.


  • 五个非洲国家目前正在开展候选艾滋病毒疫苗临床试验博茨瓦纳肯尼亚卢旺达南非乌干达坦桑尼亚很快介入。

    Five African countries are currently conducting phase I and phase II clinical trials of candidate HIV vaccines: Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, soon to be joined by Tanzania.


  • 但是社论认为开发测试需要长的时间并非不寻常的情况——例如,尽管经历了多次失败,科学家还没有放弃开发出艾滋病病毒疫苗希望

    But, argues the editorial, it is not unusual for development and testing to take a long timeresearchers have not given up hope of a vaccine for HIV for example.


  • CDC官员呼吁年龄1126女孩妇女接受人类乳突病毒疫苗注射的,没有完成系列充分接种,应该进行完整的病毒疫苗注射。

    CDC officials urge girls and women ages 11 to 26 who have not been vaccinated against HPV or who have not completed the full series of shots be fully vaccinated against the virus.


  • Newman教授博士候选人CarmenLogie此前做过30关于HIV病毒疫苗接受性的论文中得出这些结论的,这些论文调查了接近12000名群众。

    Newman and PhD candidate Carmen Logie drew conclusions from 30 previous research papers involving nearly 12, 000 people on the topic of HIV vaccine acceptability.


  • Newman教授博士候选人CarmenLogie此前做过30关于HIV病毒疫苗接受性的论文中得出这些结论的,这些论文调查了接近12000名群众。

    Newman and PhD candidate Carmen Logie drew conclusions from 30 previous research papers involving nearly 12,000 people on the topic of HIV vaccine acceptability.


  • 有时候他们会缠绵不休,而且病毒疫苗可以传播唾液其它液体

    They're all over each other sometimes and viruses and vaccines can spread saliva or other fluids.


  • 1960年,一些脊髓灰质炎疫苗病毒污染。

    In 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus.


  • 20世纪40年代以来,疫苗制造商已经在鸡蛋培养了大量病毒

    Ever since the 1940s, vaccine makers have grown large batches of virus inside chicken eggs.


  • 20世纪40年代以来,疫苗制造商已经在鸡蛋培养了大量病毒

    Ever since the 1940s, vaccine makers have grown large batches of virus inside chicken eggs.


  • 20世纪40年代以来,疫苗制造商已经在鸡蛋培养了大量病毒

    Ever since the 1940s, vaccine makers have grown large batches of virus inside chicken eggs.


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