• 指出沙门氏菌疫苗进展

    He points to progress made on a salmonella vaccine.


  • 尽管如此专家预测疫苗使用未来年内显著增加

    Nevertheless, experts predict that use of the vaccine will increase significantly within the next few years.


  • 就是我们需要多次接种疫苗的原因。

    That's why we need to take the vaccine more than one time.


  • 疫苗的技术方法可能略有不同,但它们的目的是相同的。

    The technical approaches of these vaccines can be a little different, but their aims are the same.


  • 参与我们社区的工作,告诉他们接种疫苗的重要性,并帮助减轻担忧。

    Please work for our community to tell them the importance of getting vaccinated and help to reduce the worries.


  • 二阶段仍然是测试疫苗的安全性,但主要是检测疫苗是否有效。如果第二阶段进展顺利,疫苗研发就可以开始第三阶段。

    Phase 2 still tests the vaccine's safety, but it's mainly a test to see if the vaccine seems to work. If Phase 2 goes well, the vaccine can begin Phase 3.


  • 他们知道需要什么疫苗你需要接种这些疫苗的时候提供建议

    They will know what vaccines you will need and will be able to advise you on when you need to have them.


  • 事实上自闭症出现的年龄接种疫苗年龄大致相同,而猜想结论也确实容易混淆

    The fact is that autism commonly shows up at roughly the same age that vaccines are given, and an association can readily be mistaken for a cause-and effect relationship.


  • 今年初WHO地方国家机构进行调查确定除了捐赠提供没有大流行疫苗国家

    Earlier this year, WHO conducted surveys with its regional and country offices to identify countries that will not have pandemic vaccines unless supplies are donated.


  • 有六公司已经保证自己生产疫苗10%供应贫穷国家另有八家公司正在考虑捐赠事宜

    Six companies have pledged to make 10 percent of the vaccine they produce available for distribution to poor countries, and eight are in talks about donations [Reuters].


  • 听说一些农场防疫之后出现疫情爆发,“所以担心安全性,不确定疫苗效果

    "I've heard that on other farms even after vaccination they have seen some outbreaks, so I'm worried about the safety and feel uncertain about the effects of the vaccine, " Hwang says.


  • 关键资金缺口存在免疫联盟以及全球脊髓灰质炎麻疹项目同时生产疫苗研发需要更多支持

    Critical funding gaps exist at GAVI and in the global polio and measles programs, and more support is needed for the research and development necessary to produce new vaccines.


  • 陈化兰指出,疫苗生产需要胚量远比传统疫苗,使得大量生产和储存称为可能。

    Production of the live vaccines requires much less chicken embryos than the traditional inactivated vaccines, which allows large-scale production and massive storage, Chen said.


  • 任何特定疫苗成功依赖所谓免疫屏障即通过比率免疫人群保护免疫个体

    The success of any given vaccine depends on so-called herd immunity, in which a high rate of immunization in a population helps to protect those individuals who are not immune.


  • 是因为流行病毒预料传播更为迅速即使普遍免疫性季节疫苗抗体它也没有交叉作用

    This was because the pandemic virus spread faster than would be expected if there were widespread immunity to it, and because antibodies to the seasonal vaccine do not cross-react with it.


  • 作为生产过程中使产品安全有效组成部分用于特定疫苗生产例如某些百日咳疫苗

    It is also used during production of specific vaccines, for example certain pertussis (whooping cough) vaccines, as part of the manufacturing process that makes the product safe and effective.


  • 伯克利疫苗作用机制进行深入调查指导选择新的强大疫苗提供强有力的知识

    Berkley says that further investigation of the mechanisms by which the vaccine worked would provide powerful new knowledge to guide selection of new, more potent vaccines.


  • 这些文件归纳相应疾病疫苗基本背景信息全球范围内使用问题最后提出世卫组织的目前立场

    The papers summarize essential background information on the respective diseases and vaccines, and conclude with the current WHO position concerning their use in the global context.


  • 对于疫苗推出所需付出的昂贵费用以及是否不同艾滋病毒菌株也有效等方面,还进行许多研究

    There's a lot of research needed into how a vaccine can be rolled out, how costly it's going to be, whether it's going to be effective against different strains.


  • 现在一项新的研究揭开了有关疫苗传言:广泛用于疫苗防腐剂含有氯化乙基汞,能导致孤独症

    Now a new study debunks one of the major myths surrounding vaccines: that the preservative thimerosal, which contains a form of mercury called ethylmercury, causes autism.


  • 疫苗使用不同的地区产生显著的变化研究指出Hbi疫苗广泛使用可是儿童死亡率显著降低

    There is substantial regional variability in vaccine use, and the study suggests that expanded use of Hib vaccines could have considerable benefit in reducing child mortality worldwide.


  • 诸如麻疹致命一些儿童期疾病可以获得疫苗及时完成免疫接种能够使儿童免遭病患死亡

    For some of the most deadly childhood diseases, such as measles, vaccines are available and timely completion of immunization protects a child from this illness and death.


  • 可能存在普适疫苗理解的前提包括我们的研究小组在内的几个研究团体能够区分分离单克隆抗体

    The basis for the new understanding that there might be some universal vaccine possible is that several groups, including ours, identified and isolated monoclonal antibodies.


  • 该项目计划达到一定条件的特困户提供补助金食物比如家里孩子上学的,或是小孩接种疫苗的

    These schemes give stipends and food to the poorest if they meet certain conditions, such as that their children attend school, or their babies are vaccinated.


  • 告诫错误所有反对接种疫苗描述看成是胡思乱想或是反科学的,因为接种遇到某些问题。”

    She cautions that "it would be wrong to characterise all opposition to vaccines as cranky or anti-science," because there can be problems with vaccines.


  • 告诫错误所有反对接种疫苗描述看成是胡思乱想或是反科学的,因为接种遇到某些问题。”

    She cautions that "it would be wrong to characterise all opposition to vaccines as cranky or anti-science," because there can be problems with vaccines.


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