• 用于保存电影文件指定位置存在

    The specified location for saving the movie file does not exist.


  • 发明应用例如QT格式片断电影文件再现

    The present invention is applied, for example, to reproduction of a fragment movie file of the QT format.


  • 临时存储位置没有足够空闲空间可用暂存电影文件

    There is not enough available free space in the temporary storage location to stage the movie file.


  • 因为目的为了获得所有电影文件现在一个视觉所有。

    Since my purpose is to get all of the movie files I now have a visual of all the .


  • Movica :Movica仅仅一个图形用户界面使用了一些优秀程序电影文件进行编辑

    Movica : Movica is just a graphical user interface that uses some fine programs to edit movie files.


  • FFMPEG个十分优秀的命令行应用程序可以视频电影文件格式转换另一种格式。

    FFMPEG is an incredible command-line application that can convert video and movie files from one format to another.


  • 通过测试电影文件默认格式转换其它格式文件需要时间衡量资源对于过程影响

    The time that need locks up when be being changed into other format file by acquiescent format through checking film file will measure resource the influence to this process.


  • 不过IROKO公司已经开发者创建了容量更的诺莱坞电影文件提供了更多直接下载选项

    IROKO has set its developers to creating smaller Nollywood movie files and more direct download options.


  • 提出这个个人使用需要找到下载电影文件罗马尼亚字幕,我不得不不同网站搜索他们应用

    I've made this application for personal use when I needed to find and download Romanian subtitles for movie files and I had to search them on different web sites.


  • 发动机运动模拟以MPEG电影文件形式输出,形成电影动画并用超级解霸3000播放器进行播放。

    Let the motion imitation of engine hood lock be out putted in the form of MPEG movie file to form the movie cartoon and be played by using the super hero 3000 player.


  • 然后这个密匙就会分成许多小片段,然后P2P网络传送——这个网络跟每天交换音乐电影文件的P2P网络同一个网络。

    The key is then divided into dozens of pieces and sent out over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks - the same ones where music and movie files are traded every day.


  • 虽然传统老式银幕只有一个1.85:1的纵横,但是将4K电影文件通过硬塞脚本方式至于纵横比为1.77:1图片格式的电视播放出来并没有大的困难

    While conventional cinema screens have an aspect ratio of 1.85-to-one, the slightly wider 4k movie format can be shoe-horned into television's 1.77-to-one picture frame without too much difficulty.


  • 那麽选择《007》电影场景中那样的贮备库来存放成千上万邮件文件也就顺理成章,这些东西震撼世界

    How appropriate, then, that he has chosen what looks like an 007 film set as the back-up store for the thousands of confidential emails and documents that have shaken the world.


  • 正在电影,而一丝担心划过脑海检查过今晚是否客户文件了吗?

    You’re at the movies and a worrisome thought crosses your mind. Did I check whether the documents were sent tonight to my client?


  • 正在电影,而一丝担心划过脑海检查过今晚是否客户文件了吗?

    You're at the movies and a worrisome thought crosses your mind. Did I check whether the documents were sent tonight to my client?


  • 首先就是盗版电子书文件很小,电影得多,甚至还没一张音乐专辑

    The first is piracy. Digital-book files are tiny-much smaller than a film, and not even as big as a music album.


  • 如果已经破解了PS P,你可以几乎所有电影都能在上面观看否则你就只能观看MP 4文件了。

    If you've cracked your PSP, you can get nearly all films working on your device, but otherwise, your movie watching is entirely limited to MP4 files.


  • 现在大部分公众记录再也不会出现藏书堆中铺满灰尘法院文件以及微型电影卷轴里了。

    And the bulk of the public record is no longer to be found in library stacks, dusty courthouse files, and microfilm rolls.


  • 通常文件注入数字电影服务器时来认证数据是否某种方式遭到破坏或者干扰

    This file is generally used during ingestion in a digital cinema server to verify if data have been corrupted or tampered with in some way.


  • 通常文件注入数字电影服务器时来认证数据是否某种方式遭到破坏或者干扰

    This file is generally used during ingestion in a digital cinema server to verify if data have been corrupted or tampered with in some way.


  • 那么从前需要安装无数个解码编码器才能播放电影MP3文件情况是否有所好转呢?

    And what of the bazillion codecs you needed in the past to actually play movies and MP3s?


  • 比如说利用外出时间下载电影或是用电邮发出电脑硬盘重要文件

    Say, for example, you want to start a movie download so it's done by the time you get home, or E-mail someone an important document you left on your PC hard drive.


  • 文件顶部代码通过传递ID参数获得电影标题

    At the top of the file, you get the title of the movie given the ID passed in as a parameter.


  • 可以想象得到,对于发布侵犯音乐电影版权的文件链接全世界臭名昭著海盗Facebook乐意海盗湾发布的这种按钮。

    Predictably, Facebook wasn't too keen on the feature due to Pirate Bay's worldwide infamy for publishing links to copyright-infringing music and movie files.


  • 开发JSP文件通过使用Ajax客户机生成的请求添加编辑电影条目

    Develop JSP files to handle adding and editing film entries by utilizing XML requests made by the Ajax client


  • 因此对于大型数据文件比如电影类型图像,承载数据的服务器可靠性以及Internet管道大小就显得非常重要

    So for large data files, such as movie-type images, the reliability of the server hosting the data and the size of that Internet pipe is very important.


  • 因此对于大型数据文件比如电影类型图像,承载数据的服务器可靠性以及Internet管道大小就显得非常重要

    So for large data files, such as movie-type images, the reliability of the server hosting the data and the size of that Internet pipe is very important.


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