• 印度最有活力实业——移动电信无线电频谱空间最有价值的原材料

    Space on the radio spectrum is the most valuable raw material in mobile telecoms, India's most dynamic industry.


  • 提到苹果公司在中国官方零售网点稀少以及中国电信运营商给予的支持有限,这些因素缩减苹果公司在中国的官方渠道销售业绩,黄牛水货市场销售留出了空间

    He mentioned that a scarcity of official retail outlets and limited support from telecom carriers will narrow Apple's official sales in China, leaving space for scalpers and gray market sales.


  • 哥特·德科风格旅馆与电信办公空间分隔开的不透明黄色玻璃板材,曾是这座建筑著名圆顶天花板一部分

    All that separates the art Deco lobby from the office space is a plate of opaque yellow glass, part of the famed domed ceiling.


  • 观察点设置问题地形可视性分析中的一类重要问题,空间信息辅助决策电信野生动物保护领域有着广泛的应用。

    The observer sitting problem is important in terrain visibility analysis and is widely used in spatial information aid decision, telecom, and animal protection and so on.


  • 外国企业介入本地运营市场同时本土电信公司迅速成长了起来赢得了自己的市场空间

    Indigenous companies are growing quickly and holding their own market space, while foreign companies access local business market.


  • 面肌电信一种复杂表皮下肌肉活动皮肤表面时间空间综合结果

    The surface electromyogram(SEMG) signals are the time and space synthesis result of complicated muscle electricity active on the top of the skin.


  • 另外电信建筑生产设备技术材料更替很快要求灵活空间规划易于维护的建筑和服务体系

    Moreover, Telecom building needs flexible space and easy care building system to keep up with fast change of facilities, technology and materials.


  • 介绍超高层电信建筑工程方案设、施工图中出现技术难点处理手法并提出超高层建筑空间艺术规律

    The difficulties and solution of construction plan, initial design and construction drawing are introduced and the regular character of space art of superhigh-building is put forward in this paper.


  • 并通过项目组实际运作指导上海电信各部门通力配合,证明商务领航确实巨大的市场空间取得良好经济效益

    Through the actual operation of the project team, guiding the Shanghai Telecom with full departments, the " Biz Navigatorto prove being a huge market space, and can achieve good economic benefits."


  • 影响募集形式两种主要因素时间募集空间募集,本文提出了种利用现代谱分析技术分析针电极肌电信号募集的方法

    The two main factors to affect the style of the recruitment are temporal recruitment and spatial recruitment. This study sought a new way to analyze the recruitment with the modern spectrum method.


  • 测量电信的检测技术应该同时具有好的时间分辨率空间分辨率电压灵敏度

    An excellent measuring technique for electric signals should have excellent temporal resolution, spatial resolution and voltage sensitivity.


  • 通常电信系统特别是无线通信系统有多种定义,通用的设备允许终端经过至少无绳空间接口无线接口相连接。

    The most general is a set of facilities which permits terminals to be interconnected via at least one cordless or radio interface, called the air interface.


  • 表面肌电信号转换散点,在这二维的平面空间研究散点在一周360的各个方向上的分布情况,提出了象限信息的概念。

    Converte the one dimension time series into two dimension spot figure, then study the distribution of the spot around the 360 degree directions, compute the quadrant information entropy.


  • 由于电信传输系统保密性和抗干扰能力差,为此,利用声光晶体衍射效应研制一种信号自由空间传输系统。

    To resolve this problem, a free space transmission system for optical signals is developed on base of diffraction effect of acoustooptic crystal.


  • 基础上,本文主要两个方面分析电信基础设施经济增长影响机制部门溢出效应空间溢出效应。

    In this paper, telecommunications infrastructure is considered to influence economic growth through the following two mechanisms: sector spillover effects and spatial spillover effects.


  • 观察点设置问题地形可视性分析中的一类重要问题,空间信息辅助决策、电信野生动物保护领域有着广泛的应用

    The observer sitting problem is important in terrain visibility analysis and it is widely used in military, telecom, animal protection and so on.


  • 普通脉冲激光聚焦照射金属绝缘体时,在靶前面激光产生蒸汽溅射物质观察空间电信。本文报导了有关实验结果,并作了定性分析。

    When a normal pulsed laser radiation is focused to irradiating a target of metal or isolator, a space electric signal will be observed in the vaporized and ejected material before the target.


  • 海军空间海上作战系统司令部太平洋系统中心制造海水天线利用磁感应特性使普通海水发射接收无线

    Created by SPAWAR System Center Pacific, the sea water antenna USES the magnetic induction properties of salt to make ordinary ocean water transmit and receive radio signals.


  • 第二无线来波方向测量要对无线电信能量空间分布进行监测就是所谓空间估计技术

    The second is the measurement of arrival direction for radio signals, which is to monitor the spatial distribution of radio energy, which is often called spatial spectrum estimation.


  • 802电磁ꏧ换向广泛适用于工作条件安装空间场合的气动自动化控制系统它接到电信迅速切换气流的方向达到自动控制的目的。

    802 solenoid directional valves are widely used for pneumatic auto control system in small installation space with good working conditions. When receiving electrical signals they function to quick.


  • 实践证明能够非常准确判断市电是否闯入以及市电范围产品将在电信部门很大的作用空间

    Practice proves that it can well and truly judge whether there is voltage or not and tell the range of the voltag


  • 实践证明能够非常准确判断市电是否闯入以及市电范围产品将在电信部门很大的作用空间

    Practice proves that it can well and truly judge whether there is voltage or not and tell the range of the voltag


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