• 生病便给解除了许多责任

    After her illness she was divested of much of her responsibility.


  • 父亲生病代理父亲的事务。

    She was made her father's attorney when he became ill.


  • 其实没有生病感觉很不舒服

    I wasn't actually sick but I felt lousy.


  • 他们生病飞奔他们床边

    She flew to their bedsides when they were ill.


  • 除了生病所有学生都到了。

    The students all attended, bar two who were ill.


  • 父亲生病期间给了很多帮助。

    She was very supportive during my father's illness.


  • 生病关怀备至。

    He was very good to me when I was ill.


  • 婴儿生病了,看起来病情正在好转

    The baby had been ill but seemed to be on the mend.


  • 在整个生病期间表现出非凡的忍耐力

    He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.


  • 生病期间,他母亲一直守候床边

    His mother has been at his bedside throughout his illness.


  • 生病她代课

    I took her classes for her while she was sick.


  • 安妮一直生病现在又回来参加社交活动了。

    Anne has been ill but now she's back in circulation.


  • 不断地生病,还伴有大堆莫名其妙症状

    I was constantly ill, with a baffling array of symptoms.


  • 我们获悉生病了。

    We were given to understand that he was ill.


  • 特别害怕生病

    I dread being sick.


  • 假托生病缺勤

    The ostensible reason for his absence was illness.


  • 没有足够的护士代替她们生病的同事的工作。

    She did not have enough nurses to cover for those who were sick.


  • 如果孩子出现任何生病的症兆,医生

    If your child shows any signs of illness, take her to the doctor.


  • 他们算一天,日复一日照顾生病女儿

    They live from day to day, looking after their sick daughter.


  • 母亲生病帮了很大的忙—同意说的这一点

    She was very helpful when my mother was illI'll allow you that.


  • 生病无趣事,整天躺床上新鲜感很快就没了。

    It's a bore to be sick, and the novelty of lying in bed all day wears off quickly.


  • 那天下午经常生病没去上班开除,丢掉了护士工作

    That afternoon she was fired from her job as a nurse, because she'd been out sick so much.


  • 已经做了扁桃腺切除,一直生病。”自己日记中写道

    "He has had his tonsils out and has been ill, too," she noted in her diary.


  • 他们可能生病

    They may also become ill.


  • 没错生病

    I won't say as he hasn't been ill a good bit.


  • 帮助生病

    He helps sick people.


  • 最后生病了。

    Finally, I was ill.


  • 因此生病

    You will become ill by it.


  • 好几个了。

    Several students were ill.


  • 或许生病了。

    Maybe you are ill.


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