• 如果火星黄钾铁也是生物帮助下形成我们有可能在所找到样品发现它们残留

    It's possible that if the jarosite on Mars was also formed with the help of microorganisms, we might be able to detect remnants of them in the samples we find.


  • 这样能够打断碳水化合形成而可用分子同时生物燃料中的移除保持住其中能量成分

    It was thus able to break down long carbohydrate chains to form small, useable molecules while simultaneously removing the oxygen and maintaining the energy content of the biofuel.


  • 珊瑚礁历代浮游生物为食水螅所遗留下来碳酸钙沉积形成的。

    Coral reefs are formed by deposits of calcium carbonate left by successive generations of tiny polyps which feed off plankton.


  • 所有硫化吃掉包裹石块底部细菌形成白色生物

    Exclusively sulfide-eating bacteria coat the bottoms of the rocks in a white biofilm.


  • 浅水区细菌其它生物生长的时候,一些沉积沉积上面,它们结合在一起形成岩石一样石塔和石丘,最后逐渐形成层状叠层石

    Cyanobacteria and other microorganisms build stromatolites in shallow water as they grow, gradually trapping and binding sediments into the small rock-like towers and mounds.


  • 因为这种骨科机械表面形成多糖-蛋白质复合(生物被膜)细菌创造了一个复杂环境

    This glycocalyx layer, which is formed on the surface of the orthopaedic devices, creates a complex environment for the bacteria.


  • 建筑腻子聚合粉末在冷水中再次分散溶解,其官能团能水泥水化填料生物理化学反应形成具有一定力学强度

    The polymer powder for building putty can be dispersed in water, and react with hydrate product of cement and stuffing, form a kind of composite membrane with a certain mechanics intensity.


  • 介绍了电荷转移络合概念特点分类形成机制生物医药方面的应用

    This paper introduces the concept, character, category and formation mechanism of charge-transfer complex and its application in pharmaceutical and biomedicine.


  • 方法包括:将该生物活性材料脱乙酰多糖形成团聚体,然后对团聚体和海藻糖溶液混合进行脱水

    The method involves forming a coacervate of the biologically-active material and chitosan and then dehydrating mixture of coacervate and trehalose solution.


  • 建立一个点源排出的活性污染以及其在大气中化学转化形成生物扩散方程

    The sets of diffusion equations are presented for reactive pollutant from a time -varied point source and secondary pollutant formed by the transformation.


  • 蔗渣磨木木隋性气体氛围下,热化学裂解形成大量苯环基本结构单元生物部分进一步降解分子化合

    The result indicated that MWL was degraded to lots of basic structure unit ramifications contained phenyl of lignin, some of which were decomposed to compound of small molecular weight.


  • 配合溶液形成混合适量离子生物分子

    The complexes are formed in solution by mixing a biomolecule with appropriate amounts of a silver salt and a source of halide ions.


  • 藤黄含有一种生物活性化合已知这种质能够抑制血脂脂肪酸合成降低低密度脂蛋白甘油三酯形成

    Garcnia Cambogia contains a biologically active compound which is known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids and lower the formation of LDL and triglycerides.


  • 针对骨组织特点,将生物活性陶瓷材料引入聚合基体形成复合结构,有效模拟化学成分,以提高生物活性;

    In particular, incorporation of bioactive ceramics into polymer matrix is assumed to mimic the composition of natural bone extracellular matrix(ECM), thus can enhance cell growth and response.


  • 生物降解聚合材料形成组织形状水凝胶(细胞无毒)负责将细胞运输结构中。

    Biodegradable plastic-like (polymer) materials are used to form the tissue shape, and a water-based gel delivers the cells to the structure (the gels aren't toxic to the cells).


  • 生物陶瓷材料被用作人体移植金属替代涂层时,其可以剌激骨骼生长促进细胞组织形成保护免疫系统

    When used in the human body as implants or even as coatings to metal replacements, ceramic materials can stimulate bone growth, promote tissue formation and provide protection from the immune system.


  • 海藻作为天然与钙离子结合形成海藻酸钙凝胶作为近年新型生物降解抗生素控释载体国外受到广泛关注

    Calium alginate gel as a new type of biodegradable controlled release of antibiotics ease carrier has been abroad wide concern in recent years.


  • 发明涉及新的水溶性纤维素生物,其包含能够金属离子形成配合体。

    The invention relates to novel water-soluble cellulose derivatives comprising a ligand capable of forming a complex with a polyvalent metal ion.


  • 只有生物还原形成后,生化才发育成熟,包气带对有机进行有效地降解清除,具有良好的天然降解功能。

    After biologic reduction zone is developed and biochemical layer is produced fully, organic contaminants can be naturally biodegraded.


  • 生物?提供系统天然为基础化合形成凝胶周围液体接触改编

    The BIO-tract? delivery system consists of natural plant-based compounds that form a gel around each caplet when it is exposed to liquids.


  • 生物?提供系统天然为基础化合形成凝胶周围液体接触改编

    The BIO-tract? delivery system consists of natural plant-based compounds that form a gel around each caplet when it is exposed to liquids.


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