• HTML生成器模式- w选项对于pydoc可以归档的任何文档生成HTML文档页面

    HTML generator mode: The -w option can generate an HTML documentation page for anything pydoc can document.


  • 生成器模式实现可以复杂一旦生成器可用就可以简化生成器所创建对象构造使用

    The implementation of the builder pattern can be complex, but once the builder is available, it simplifies the construction and use of the objects the builder creates.


  • 达到一致性效率要求级别之关键在于代码生成并且代码生成器处理这种重复模式情况已很平常。

    Key to achieving the required level of consistency and productivity is the generation of the code, and code generators are becoming commonplace in addressing this repeating pattern situation.


  • 接下来,通过正常生成器操作又会不断鼓励用户使用这些最佳实践因为后面生成工具所生成代码反映出了同样架构模式

    These best practices are then continuously encouraged via the normal operation of the generator, as any further code it generates for the user will reflect those same architectural patterns.


  • 结合使用时,代码生成器模式可以帮助避免关键性间隔,这种间隔可以潜在发生设计阶段和实际编码阶段之间

    When used together, code generators and patterns also help avoid the critical gap that can potentially occur between the design phase and the actual coding.


  • 不是代码生成器而是一些面向常用编码模式的快捷方式。

    They are not code generators per se, but rather just short cuts for common coding patterns.


  • 第二解决方案代码生成器读取数据库模式自动编写代码。

    The second solution is to use a code generator that reads the database schema and writes the code for you.


  • 清单9中的样式生成器按照原始模式运行时,生成以下清单10中的样式表。

    When the style sheet generator in Listing 9 is run against the original schema, it generates the following style sheet in Listing 10.


  • EMF包括一个代码生成器UML模型派生XML模式

    EMF includes a code generator that derives an XML schema from a UML model.


  • 这种eBay模式核心点在于使用Eclipse代码生成器进行这些繁琐的转换

    The central theme that runs through the eBay approach is using Eclipse code generators to take the grunt work out of doing this conversion.


  • 为了在不使用建的帮助生成器的情况下提供能力必须提供一个模式附加overview . html结尾的文件以便应用程序界面可以显示帮助。

    To provide this capability without using the built-in help generation, you must supply a file named for your pattern with Overview.html appended so that the application interface can display help.


  • 使用 Toxgene数据生成器三个模式生成实例文档

    The Toxgene data generator is used to produce instance documents for all three schemas.


  • 默认映射生成器实用工具允许用户分解XML文档不必 XML模式写入任何注释

    The default mapping generator utility allows users to decompose XML documents without having to write a single line of annotation in the XML schema. The tool requires two inputs


  • 通过基本模式更改中级模式更高模式可以使用表达式生成器业务决策定义实际逻辑

    By changing from basic mode to intermediate mode or higher, you can use the expression builder to define the actual logic for the business decision.


  • 例、生成器工厂方法设计模式视为是创建模式,因它们可协助对象构建

    The singleton, builder, and factory method design patterns are considered creational patterns, as they assist in the construction of objects.


  • 需要分离复杂对象构建表示时,需要用到生成器设计模式可以使用相同构造过程创建多个对象。

    You use the builder design pattern when you need to separate the construction of complex objects from their representation, so you can use the same construction process to create a variety of objects.


  • 然而需要注意生成器不能决定是否应用某个模式需要(生成器的)开发人员人工地作出权衡

    Note, however, that the generator cannot decide on whether a pattern should be used: this is a tradeoff the (generator) developer has to make manually.


  • 使用某种数据库模式语言TranQL 支持,然后使用构建系统内部的 TranQL 模式生成器构建时生成模式输出。

    Use one of the databases whose schema language is supported by TranQL, and then use the TranQL schema generator within your build system to generate the schema output at build time


  • 即采用PDA加参数管理软件作为生成器单一设备模式

    The PDA frequency hopping parameter management software was adopted as the single equipment mode of generator.


  • 案例中设计模式应用框架层次性带来程序生成器使用程序生成器可以极大加快编码的速度

    In this case, the application of design patterns and hierarchy of the framework bring the use of the program builder, which can increase the speed of coding greatly.


  • 参考4斜坡生成器233产生斜坡信号,以便提供作为斜坡输出信号,例如用于8-PSK操作模式

    Still referring to FIG. 4, a ramp generator 233 may generate ramp signals to be provided as the ramp output, e. g. for an 8-PSK mode of operation.


  • 无论采用哪种信任级别报表生成器功能相同的,但是如果报表生成器部分信任模式运行,则不能通过报表生成器访问报表生成器帮助。

    Report Builder functionality is the same regardless of trust level, except that Report Builder Help cannot be accessed from Report Builder when it is running in partial trust.


  • 无论采用哪种信任级别报表生成器功能相同的,但是如果报表生成器部分信任模式运行,则不能通过报表生成器访问报表生成器帮助。

    Report Builder functionality is the same regardless of trust level, except that Report Builder Help cannot be accessed from Report Builder when it is running in partial trust.


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