• 介绍基于虚拟仪器技术燃油分析系统的基本原理系统组成

    The fundament and component of the fuel-analysis system based on virtual instrumentation technology are introduced in this paper.


  • 9个环境组织分析《2020年欧盟再生能源利用量在运输燃油达到10%目标官方数据得出了这样的结论

    Nine environmental groups reached the conclusion after analysing official data on the European Union's goal of getting 10 percent of transport fuel from renewable sources by 2020.


  • 分析预计由于收取燃油附加费旅行需求不断上升,上述家航空公司今年业绩有所好转

    Analysts expect the two airlines to report better earnings this year because of fuel surcharges and growing travel demand.


  • 运用数字图像处理分析方法研究燃油喷雾特性种有益尝试

    It is the beneficial attempt to research the spray of fuel oil by using image process and analysis.


  • 本文运用价值分析方法汽车动力性燃油经济性加权综合评价指标进行了研究

    Using the method of value analysis, a comprehensive weighted evaluation parameter for automotive dynamics and fuel economy is discussed in the paper.


  • 分析影响柴油机低温起动因素提出利用燃油加热器柴油机低温预热起动的具体方案,并提供加热器功率的计算方法。

    Main elements impacting diesel cold starting are analyzed, concrete plan for diesel cold preheating and starting is put forword, that is using fuel oil heater.


  • 通过分析柴油机机械燃油敲缸原因分别提出实际运用中相应处理方法

    Through analysis on the causes of mechanical cylinder-knocking and fuel-oil cylinder-knocking of the diesel engine, this paper puts forward corresponding treating methods respectively.


  • 结果表明利用放热规律计算结果可以定性分析燃油添加剂发动机燃烧过程影响

    The results show that this method can be used to analyse qualitatively the effects of fuel additives on combustion processes of engines.


  • 介绍燃油技术经济性方面分析了其价值,可供其它企业设备改造参考。

    This paper introduces the technique of replacing oil with coal, and analyzes the significance economically, presents the references for enterprises equipment modification.


  • 本文船舶柴油机燃油系统安装质器利弊进行了分析探讨

    The paper gives analysis and discussion of advantages and disadvantages about installing homogenizer in Marine diesel fuel system.


  • 本文分析腐蚀机理燃油热腐蚀过程中所起作用由此而得出防治措施

    This paper analyzes heat corrosion mechanism and the effect of vanadium during heat corrosion, and therefore presents the preventive measure.


  • 最后,结合燃油控制分析数字电子控制器输入输出参数特性功能

    At last, the paper analyses the character and function of the input and output parameters to the digital electronic controller.


  • 环境经济学角度,对一般常用小型燃煤锅炉燃油(气)锅炉的环境影响运行费用进行比较分析

    Environmental impact and running expense of minitype gas-fired boiler and oil-fired boiler are compared and analyzed in this paper from the environmental economy Angle.


  • 通过大唐托克托电厂6号机燃油油质分析,找出了油质异常原因提出建议

    By analyzing the fire resistant oil quality of unit 6 of Datang Tuoketuo Power Plant, the cause for abnormal oil quality is discovered and recommendations are put forward.


  • 本文分析载重汽车运行影响其燃油消耗因素减少燃油消耗方法

    This article analyzes factors influencing fuel consumption of trucks and the way to reduce the consumption.


  • 经济学角度分析,开征燃油无论是燃油消费者还是燃油供应者都会产生一定影响

    Analyzing from the economics aspect, fuel tax started collection will have some effect on both fuel customer and fuel supplier.


  • 针对我国都市汽车污染加剧的情况,分析了我国目前柴油质量现状,国际燃油规范进行了比较。

    With the increasing motorcar pollution in our urban, the quality of present gasoline and diesel oil are analyzed and compared with international fuel standard.


  • 本文分析影响工业燃油燃烧效率因素基础提出了一种基于火焰彩色图像像素分类表征燃烧状况的指标评价函数

    This paper presents a combustion evaluation function based on flame color image classification after analysing the influential factors on the burning efficiency of industrial oil furnace.


  • 应用能量分析方法,以轿车载货汽车例,研究混合动力汽车(HEV)传统燃油发动机汽车的燃油经济性

    This paper studied the fuel economy of conventional vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) by the method of energy analyzing for car and truck.


  • 柴油发动机故障一般分为电喷系统机械燃油管路方面的故障。分析了柴油发动机功率不足的原因提出检修方法。

    Failures in diesel engines may be in their EFI system, mechanical system and fuel lines. The paper analyzes the causes of the under-capacity and carries out maintenance.


  • 通过分析柴油机燃油供给系统故障表现形式高压油管的油压波形特征,研究了柴油机燃油供给系统的故障诊断策略

    Based on the analyzing modalities of faults and fuel pressure waveform from injection line, a research on diagnosis strategy of fuel injection system is given.


  • 通过实践总结分析论述柴油机燃油供给系统精密件,柱塞、出油阀和针阀偶件的四种检测方法实际操作提供经验。

    This paper mainly expounds four inspection means for three big precision coupling of fuel supply system in diesel engine based on the practice, which can be covered for practical operation.


  • 分析柴油机折旧规律维修费用规律以及燃油耗费用规律入手,对195柴油机的经济寿命和更新周期问题进行了分析

    From the angle of diesel engines depreciation rule, maintenance cost rule and the consumption rule, This paper analyzes the questions of 195 diesel engines economy-life and update revolution.


  • 首先,对X6发动机整体情况进行概述,详细分析发动机主、加力燃油系统的组成工作原理

    Firstly, briefly introduced X6 aero-engine, then analyzed the constitution and working principle of the main and afterburner fuel regulators in detail.


  • 分析我国石油消费情况,运用经济学方法阐述征收燃油必要性

    This paper analyzed the situation of petroleum consumption and elucidated the necessity of imposing tax on fuel based on the economics method.


  • 分析燃油质量排放影响及对策。

    Finally, the effects of fuel quality on controlling exhaust emission are analysed.


  • 介绍一种汽油机快速系统对该系统的时刻燃油调整特性,外特性排气性能等进行了试验分析

    A lean mixture combustion system is presented in this paper. And the test effect of fuel injection time, fuel adjustment, miximum load speed and emission characteristics are analysed.


  • 本文就环境压力温度燃油液滴蒸发速率影响进行了分析研究。

    The influence of ambient pressure and temperature on the evaporation rates of fuel drops is examined analytically.


  • 本文就环境压力温度燃油液滴蒸发速率影响进行了分析研究。

    The influence of ambient pressure and temperature on the evaporation rates of fuel drops is examined analytically.


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