• 我们采用蒸发冷却专利技术技术直接注入燃料电池内部。

    We use a patented evaporative cooling technique whereby water is injected straight into the fuel cell stack, he said.


  • 泡沫材料可以使液体燃料流经油管,减少由于凝结蒸发造成的汽油损失

    The foam allows the liquid fuel to pass through the gas lines, and conserves gasoline lost due to condensation and evaporation.


  • 麻绳竹管被深入地下深处,以铸铁直到得到天然气,并以此燃料卤水中的蒸发生产食盐

    With hemp ropes and bamboo cables reaching deep into the ground, they employed cast iron drills to reach the natural gas they used as a fuel to evaporate water from brine to produce salt.


  • 芯内部冷却水可能已经蒸发殆尽”,评估报告还说,“无法确定究竟有多少冷却水到达燃料所在的位置”。

    Inside the core itself, "there is likely no water level," the assessment says, adding that as a result, "it is difficult to determine how much cooling is getting to the fuel."


  • 当然因为非常热的燃料蒸发但是如果水量足够的话爆炸不会发生

    Of course that water will continue to steam away from the super-hot fuel, but if the layer is thick enough you would not have that explosion.


  • 燃料电池反应蒸发蒸发水将燃料电池末端排出,排出物为饱和蒸气和液态水的混合物。

    The water evaporates because of the heat present within the fuel cell and it leaves the end of the cell configuration as a mixture of saturated air and liquid water.


  • 冷却系统失灵情况燃料周围开始蒸发

    With the cooling system down, the water that surrounds the nuclear fuel rods began to burn off.


  • 很快蒸发殆尽燃料部分露出冷却,这样将熔毁反应堆核心热量蒸汽散发出来。

    Soon, the water had burned off and the fuel rods were exposed -- allowing them to emit levels of heat and steam that can melt the reactor's core.


  • 其中一个池子因为燃料棒的高温逐渐蒸发,其余两个水池温度也在逐渐上升是因为冷却已经3月11日海啸摧毁了,专家这样解释

    Water in one of the pools was evaporating because of the rods' heat, and temperatures were slowly rising in two other pools because coolant pumps were knocked out by the March 11 tsunami, experts say.


  • 液体燃料燃烧过程中,燃料液滴蒸发关键的一环。

    The evaporation of fuel droplets is an important process in the combustion of liquid fuel.


  • 冷却蒸发用于燃料导致储存武器级爆炸

    Evaporation in the cooling pools used for spent fuel rods led to the detonation of stored weapons-grade plutonium and uranium.


  • 科学地讲12发动机燃料蒸发不可能的。

    It is scientifically impossible that 12 tons of steel and titanium was vaporized by jet fuel.


  • 重点介绍利用液体燃料着火存在冷焰燃烧现象实现燃料蒸发技术原理

    Highlighted is the realization of the technical principle of fuel pre evaporation by utilizing the cold flame combustion phenomenon normally present prior to the ignition of liquid fuel.


  • 混联法生产过程中,原料燃料带入系统硫,长期富集熟料窑、蒸发等设备操作造成了严重影响

    In mixed combining method process, the sulphur went along with material and fuel into the system, long term in abundance for serious influence of the curing kiln and evaporator's operation.


  • 文中还给出了燃料蒸发速率单位长度蒸发速率随该发动机燃烧室轴向距离变化的曲线

    Curves of total vaporization rate of fuel and vaporization rate per unit length as functions of the axial distance of combustor for given rocket engine are also presented.


  • 介绍液体燃料蒸发燃烧技术原理分析轻油蒸发燃烧中的火焰稳定问题重点介绍目前实现轻油蒸发燃烧中所采用的若干稳焰措。

    The technical principles of pre-evaporative combustion of liquid fuels are described and the problem of flame stabilization during the pre-evaporative combustion of light oil is analyzed.


  • 这个装置有助于排除液氧燃料蒸发气体并且可以用加温氮气笼罩以防结冰

    This device helps vent gas that boils off from the liquid oxygen tank, and also bathes the top of the tank in warmed nitrogen to prevent ice from forming.


  • 其它特征包括被动主动装置增加燃料温度降低燃料容器内压力,以提高蒸发速度

    Other features included are passive or active arrangements to increase the temperature of the fuel or reduce pressure in fuel container to enhance rate of vaporization.


  • 燃料储器包括位于燃料储器内的表面积增大的平面蒸发

    The fuel reservoir also including a surface area enhanced planar vaporization membrane residing in the fuel reservoir.


  • 位于燃料储器表面积增大的蒸发结合提供到达燃料电池燃料蒸发

    The combination of the surface area enhanced planar vaporization membranes residing in the fuel cartridge and reservoir provides a dual stage vaporization of fuel to the fuel cell.


  • 美国每年汽车燃料松动,损坏或者盖子丢失造成大约14.7亿加仑汽油蒸发大气层

    An estimated 147 million gallons of gasoline evaporates into the atmosphere in the U. s. every year because of loose, damaged or missing caps on vehicle fuel tanks.


  • 美国每年汽车燃料松动,损坏或者盖子丢失造成大约14.7亿加仑汽油蒸发大气层

    An estimated 147 million gallons of gasoline evaporates into the atmosphere in the U. s. every year because of loose, damaged or missing caps on vehicle fuel tanks.


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