• 热带空气味道扑鼻而来,这里的友善:已经等不及要去岛上探险一番了。

    The air smells tropical and the people are friendly. I can hardly wait to explore the island.


  • 这些辛普森称之为”的积雨云对于热带海洋上暖湿上升空气起着烟囱一样作用

    These cumulonimbus clouds, which Simpson called "hot towers," act like chimneys for the warm, moist air rising from the tropical oceans.


  • 现在想象一下漫步在条通向一个漂亮的热带沙滩小径,当空气脸颊时,感觉那么的清爽

    Imagine now that you are walking down a path, a path leading to a beautiful, tropical sandy beach, the air is cool, as it gently brushes by your face.


  • 海洋表面的温度变化是热带风暴的成因,一直以来它都维持一个很高的水平,并且过去几年里,海洋的表面温度似乎上空不断变空气相互作用。

    Sea-surface temperatures, which drive the big tropical storms, have been high, and during the past few years have seemed to correlate with increased coldness aloft.


  • 靠近赤道热带地区,太阳不断地加热那里空气于是那里的空气就上升。

    In the hot zone near the equator the sun heats the air continually; hence the air there ascends.


  • 热带鸟类声音花香海浪冲刷的声音充满空气,而如此美丽也这个房间装饰上反映出来

    Tropical birds sounds, flower scents, and the crashing surf fill the atmosphere that is so beautifully reflected in the decor of this room.


  • 空气到达热带加热上升,然后又有空气接着流入。

    This cold air is now heated also and rises, while other cold air rushes in after.


  • 森林环境气候变化紧密相连,热带雨林中的树木植物都储存大量——它们作为二氧化碳被释放空气

    And here's the climate connection. Rainforest trees and plants store massive amounts of carbon - keeping it from getting into the air as carbon dioxide.


  • 意味着一个温室效应增加空气湿度世界底层大气的暖化要远远高于地表这个现象在热带地区尤为明显。

    This means that in a world where greenhouse warming is wetting the atmosphere, the lower parts of the atmosphere should warm at a greater rate than the surface, most notably in the tropics.


  • 下沉海水表面空气会顺流而下到赤道附近,在那里变强,加强热带地区高空大气西风

    The sinking air is also carried along the surface to the equator, where it rises again, strengthening the already-powerful western winds in the upper atmosphere in the tropics.


  • 同样‘阻塞事件’却将热带地区的空气了格陵兰岛,所以一地区变得更加温暖

    The same events brought warm air from the tropics to Greenland, so it was getting warmer.


  • 这些方形孔扮演隔膜角色热带气候下获得直接自然采光,同时提供空气过滤

    The squares play a role as a membrane to gain the indirect natural light in a tropical climate and provide air filtration.


  • 为了应对台湾热带气候建筑设有一系列阳台以遮住窗户有助于凉爽空气引入内部

    In response to Taiwan's tropical climate, the building features a series of deep balconies that shade the Windows and help to draw cool air into the interior.


  • 海南中国唯一热带岛屿省,碧海蓝天空气新鲜,环境优美

    Hainan as the only tropical island in China enjoys clear sky, azure blue sea, fresh air and beautiful scenery.


  • 作为中国南方傣族自治州,西双版纳的繁茂热带雨林两旁种着棕榈树街道清新空气使长期以来一直是希望逃离北方严冬、在国内欣赏异域风情的人们的避难所

    Home to southern China's dai tribe, Xishuangbanna's lush tropical forests, palm-lined streets and clean air have long made it the exotic domestic sanctuary from frigid northern winters.


  • 私人阳台可以享受新鲜微风温和的空气热带气候温暖

    You can enjoy the fresh ocean breezes and balmy, sub-tropical warmth from your own private balcony.


  • 现在想象一下,漫步在条通向一个漂亮的,热带沙滩小径,当空气的脸颊时,感觉那么的清爽

    Imagine enow that you are walking down a path, a path leading to a beautiful, tropical sandy beach, the air is cool, as it gently brushes by your face.


  • 一现象欧洲带来寒冷气候同样‘阻塞事件’却将热带地区的暖空气了格陵兰岛,所以一地区变得更加温暖。

    That led to us getting colder weather in Europe. The same events brought warm air from the tropics to Greenland, so it was getting warmer.


  • 但是冰冷空气损坏一些佛罗里达橘子草莓最近几天杀死了鱼类热带鱼类养殖场

    But Arctic air has damaged some Florida oranges and strawberries in recent days, and killed fish at tropical fish farms.


  • 正当季风雨季最后几天,热带湿潮空气闷又

    It was the tail end of monsoon season, and the air was heavy and sticky with tropic moisture .


  • 热带气旋热带海洋上,空气热带气旋相向而行,气压梯度增强明显加强热带气旋强度

    When the tropical cyclone moves in low latitudes, the cold air from higher latitudes can modulate the intensity of the tropical cyclones.


  • 东南沿海形成主要热带高压坝内对流层中低层的暖干空气由南海两广地区沿西太平洋副热带高压西侧向东北平移的结果;

    The formation of the warm dry lid over the southeast coastal region of china is mainly due to the advection of warm and dry air along the western side of subtropical anticyclone.


  • 一种淡水鱼(攀鲈攀属),生长于亚洲热带地区呼吸空气的变化适于陆地行走的胸鳍

    A freshwater fish (Anabas testudineus) of tropical Asia, having modified gills allowing it to breathe air and pectoral fins adapted for traveling on land.


  • 但是最近几天北极空气损害了许多佛罗里达州橘子草莓杀死了热带农场的鱼。

    But Arctic air has damaged some Florida oranges and strawberries in recent days. And killed fish at tropical fish farms.


  • 浅薄空气入侵对热带气旋加强作用,但空气侵入热带气旋则容易使减弱消亡。

    If the cold air mass is not so strong, its invasion into the center part of a wintertime tropical cyclone strengthens the tropical cyclones.


  • 结果表明,本次大暴雨0418热带气旋福建登陆后,其北伸倒西风带弱空气结合所产生热带气旋远距离暴雨。

    The result shows that the heavy storm is caused by the interaction between 0418 tropical cyclone trough landed in Fujian Province and a weak cool front in the westerlies.


  • 空气弥漫热带植物香气

    The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.


  • 空气弥漫热带植物香气

    The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.


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