• 针对焊接药剂特点,并结合焊条的具体结构采用专用火焰点燃焊条的设计方案点火进行详细设计

    Considering the characteristic of thermite and the concrete structure of the welding rod, the design scheme of special-purpose flame igniter is adopted, and the igniter is designed in detail.


  • 灼烧一个敌人其造成1156313437伤害30距离。1施法

    Scorches an enemy for 11563 to 13437 Fire damage. 30 yds. 1 SEC cast.


  • 造成70009000点火伤害无限距离

    Deals 7000 to 9000 Fire damage. Unlimited range.


  • 研究超声速预混可燃气流温度以及当量比对超声速燃烧结构点火火焰传播特性影响

    The effects of temperature and equivalence ratio of supersonic premixed combustible flow on the structure of supersonic combustion flow field, ignition and flame propagation were studied.


  • 采用尺度箱体液化石油气模拟室内燃气泄漏条件通过电火花点火实验研究燃气泄漏过程中的着火火焰蔓延现象与规律。

    Using little scale trunk and LPG to simulate the condition of indoor flammable gas leakage, an experimental study was performed on the fire and flame spread ignited by electric sparkle.


  • 这些特征有利于点火火焰稳定强化燃烧

    These flow characteristics can be favorable to ignition, flame stabilization and combustion intensification.


  • 首先着火火焰沿着点火可燃区域迅速蔓延的。

    The first, after ignited, the flame spreaded along the flammable zone before igniting.


  • 研制成合适的自动点火装置火焰监测器保证了安全生产

    A new automatic igniter and flame detector have been developed to insure the production salty.


  • 其次火焰形状火焰颜色点火位置附近浓度梯度决定的。

    The second, the flame shape and color were determined by the concentration gradient of the place near the igniting position.


  • 针对高原地区低温缺氧、气压低客观现实通过轻油燃烧器结构的改进,解决了燃烧器点火困难火焰不稳定燃烧不完全问题

    Aiming at the facts of low temperature, rare oxygen and low-pressure, ameliorates phenomena of burner igniting difficulty , unsteady flame and incomplete burning by improving on burner's parts.


  • 为了实现快速起爆火焰射流点火系统尝试应用脉冲火箭发动机上。

    In order to achieve a rapid initiation of detonation in a short distance, a flame jet ignition system was applied to the pulse detonation rocket engine (PDRE).


  • 在被击中对攻击者造成75点火伤害,使法术爆击几率提高3%,使你受到爆几率降低5%。

    Causes 75 Fire damage when hit, increases your chance to critically hit with spells by 3%, and reduces the chance you are critically hit by 5%.


  • 因此,与金属稳定器相比,陶瓷蒸发腔稳定器具有火焰稳定范围宽,再点火性能好及能减弱或消除振荡燃烧特点。

    Consequently, the ceramic flame stabilizer has advantages over metallic ones in enlarging the range of flame stabilization, enhancing reignitability, weakening oscillating combustion and etc.


  • 熔铸装甲等级1要求62消耗法力630瞬发法术击中目标造成6090的点火伤害并且降低物理法术伤害致命一几率10%。

    Molten Armor - Rank 1 Requires Level 62 630 Mana Instant cast Causes 60 to 90 Fire damage when hit and reduces the chance you are critically hit by melee attacks and spells by 10%.


  • 自动点火风机助燃升温温度火焰大小自动调整

    Automatic ignition and combustion, fan, high temperature, warming faster size can automatically adjust the flame.


  • 根据发生炉煤气特性,采用强制预混燃烧方式,设计点火喷嘴、引烧嘴,并对稳定火焰方法也进行了研究

    This paper explained the design of nozzles, injectors and burner cones of new ignition with producer gas on forced pre-mixing and the method of flame stability.


  • 实验测得了爆炸危险度、火焰蔓延极限最小点火特性参数

    The minimum ignition energy, the maximum experimental safe gaps, the degree of explosion danger and other explosion characteristics were experimentally determined.


  • 利用高度后掠支板氢气引导火焰结合点火方式,可以实现煤油可靠点火和稳定燃烧

    Combination use of the oblique Shockwave induced by the leading edge of the half height strut and hydrogen pilot flame can also ignite the kerosene and hold the combustion stably.


  • 点火能量越大火焰传播速度越大;

    The higher ignition energy was and the higher flame travel speed would be.


  • 管道一定时,瓦斯爆炸火焰传播速度点火能量二次函数关系

    When the pipeline length and diameter ratio was certain, the flame travel speed of gas explosion and ignition energy would be in a quadratic function relationship.


  • 基于火焰传播过程建立了火花点火发动机顶环岸间隙碳氢生成释放过程数学模型,并利用模型进行了顶环岸间隙未燃碳氢生成过程的数值模拟计算。

    In this paper, based on flame propagation a mathematical model of formation and desorption of unburned hydrocarbon in top-land crevice of spark ignition engines has been established.


  • 利用激波预热燃料采用高温燃气作为引导火焰可以碳氢燃料的点火延迟缩短,火焰传播速度加快,有效解决了碳氢燃料点火延迟过长的问题

    The problem of longer ignition delay for hydrocarbon fuel can be effectively solved by means of preheating fuel by shock waves and using hot gas as pilot.


  • 固体火箭发动机点火一个十分复杂物理化学过程包括三个阶段点火延迟、火焰传播燃烧室气体充填

    The ignition of the solid rocket motor (SRM) is a very complex physical and chemistry process, which is composed of three component phases: ignition delay, flame spreading and chamber filling.


  • 本文通过研究过量空气系数火焰影响规律,指出煤粉点火初期不宜补充大量二次风。

    Through experiments of excess air coefficient on the PC combustion in stove, it is concluded that it is no use to add too much air at the beginning of free-oil ignition of PC.


  • 介绍了一种用于汽油机点火正时闭环控制火焰信号测量系统BJ 492 Q型汽油机上作实例试验分析

    A flaming Angle measuring system for closed-loop ignition timing control of petrol engines is outlined in this paper, and an experimental example on a BJ492Q petrol engine is provided.


  • 试图通过试验,研究林火红外辐射特性确定火焰性质的方法。

    Provide some significant experimental results for determining some properties of igniting fire sources in wildland fire from their infrared radiation characteristic spectrum.


  • 如果布置位置启动时间合理可能引起范围火焰加速爆炸的情况下迅速有效消除氢气

    It is possible to reduce much hydrogen without causing deflagration or detonation in large area if the location and starting time of the ignitor are reasonable.


  • 火焰探测器用于监测燃气火焰黄色蓝色燃油燃烧火焰以及点火火花校对

    The flame detectors are used for the supervision of gas flames, yellow- or blue-burning oil flames and for ignition spark proving.


  • 模型根据实测燃烧压力曲线计算出层流燃烧速度、已燃气火焰温度火焰传播速度等参数随压力、当量比发动机转速、点火提前角的变化规律。

    The variation of combustion velocity, fired gas temperature and flame propagation speed, when the press, excess air ratio and ignition timing changed, was calculated by this quasi-dimensional model.


  • 模型根据实测燃烧压力曲线计算出层流燃烧速度、已燃气火焰温度火焰传播速度等参数随压力、当量比发动机转速、点火提前角的变化规律。

    The variation of combustion velocity, fired gas temperature and flame propagation speed, when the press, excess air ratio and ignition timing changed, was calculated by this quasi-dimensional model.


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