• 全球范围内寻找潜在供应商以获取合格的样品优惠的价格

    Source potential suppliers in global and get qualified samples and better prices.


  • 极为重要联系通过电话亲自潜在供应商建立一种他们关系

    It is extremely important to contact potential providers by phone or in person to establish a relationship with them.


  • 协助采购进行新的潜在供应商开发,施行潜在供应商评价审核以供供应商选择决策

    Support purchasing department on new supplier development. Conduct potential supplier assessment and audit for decision on supplier selection;


  • 除了潜在供应商指引提到内容,很乐意简要了解沃尔玛商务合作整个流程

    In addition to what has been mentioned in the PSG, I would like to give you a brief idea for the whole procedure of doing business with Wal-Mart.


  • 记者下次我们注意的!认为您所洽谈供应商中,有无哪些是可以成为潜在供应商呢?

    Theresa: Next time we'll pay attention to this. And do you think that any supplier who talked to you yesterday can make your potential supplier in the future?


  • 严兆强2000年迎来了重大突破数十潜在供应商受邀佛罗里达州彼得斯堡一个棒球馆里得宝演示产品

    Mr. Yan's big break came in 2000 when he was among dozens of prospective suppliers invited to demonstrate products to Home Depot at a baseball stadium in St. Petersburg, Fla.


  • 项目采购员门类采购员密切合作供应商选择评估管理等事宜进行支持,对潜在供应商进行预过程审核过程审核;

    Cooperate with project buyers and categories buyers on vendor selection, evaluation and management issues, and make the pre-process audit and process audit on potential suppliers.


  • 登月飞行器挑战赛美国国家航空航天局而言一个好消息,因为如今可以依靠大批潜在供应商经验丰富工程师群体制造未来所需的任何登月飞行器。

    The lunar lander challenge is good news for NASA, because it can now count on groups of potential suppliers and experienced engineers to build any future moon lander.


  • 例如这种机制访问UDDI获取潜在服务供应商所有详细信息然后根据这些信息选择合适的服务供应商

    This mechanism could, for example, go to UDDI, get all the detail information about potential service providers, and then based on that information select the most appropriate service provider.


  • 随着公司成长开拓国际市场成为了知名的方案供应商——积极听取潜在客户需求问题然后设计解决方案

    As the company grew and expanded into foreign markets, it made a name for itself as a problem solver - listening to its potential customers' needs or problems and designing solutions.


  • 大多数公司都会认定增持库存增加供应商成本,超出了供应不安全性加大潜在成本。

    Most companies will decide that the cost of holding more stock and diversifying supplies outweighs the potential cost of greater insecurity of supply.


  • 随着亚洲,特别是中国,日益旺盛需求,巴斯夫更加快了本土化的进程,在降低成本同时使得企业原料供应商之间,企业与众多的潜在客户之间联系更加紧密。

    Moving into developing regions can have benefits beyond lower production costs. It can allow chemical companies to get closer to both suppliers of raw materials and more potential customers.


  • 还有两个潜在重要竞争对手思科EMC它们分别网络设备存储设备领先供应商

    Two potentially important contestants are rarely mentioned: Cisco and EMC, the leading makers of networking and storage gear respectively.


  • 2002年通用中方飞机发动机供应商,双方估计20年内卖出500架ARJ21通用潜在价值为30亿美元。

    When GE was selected by the Chinese as the engine provider for the aircraft in 2002, the companies estimated that about 500 ARJ21s would be sold over 20 years, with a potential value of $3bn to GE.


  • 一方面来说可以看作很好的想法,将供应商吹捧保持整体之外潜在增加白皮书的生命周期。

    On the one hand that can be seen as a good thing keeping vendor hype out of the picture and potentially increasing the longevity of the paper.


  • 要求潜在供应商发送的样品最近印刷书籍

    Ask potential suppliers to send you samples of their recently printed books.


  • 倒未必他们可以通过浏览站点识别潜在供应商然后取得联系。,。

    It is not necessarily the case. But they can search websites to identify potential suppliers, and contact them afterwards.


  • 率先主要供应商确定潜在的的电子商务机遇

    Take the lead in identifying potential E - commerce opportunities with key suppliers.


  • 部品工程师一起审核/批准潜在或者已存在供应商确保他们好的质量保证体系

    Work with Qualification Engineer to audit/ approve potential or existing supplier, make sure they have good quality management system.


  • 很多技术得到验证潜在市场(对于汽车制造商科技供应商而言)巨大的。

    Much of the technology has already been demonstrated, and the potential markets - for both vehicle makers and tech suppliers - are vast.


  • 率先主要供应商确定潜在电子商务机遇

    Take the lead in identifying potential E-commerce opportunities with key suppliers.


  • 最大潜在支出各种培训课程(在线课堂供应商提供的培训班)。

    Your biggest potential expenditure is for instructor-led courses (online or in a vendor classroom).


  • 供应商开发-评估潜在供应商,开发管理已挑选出的供应商按照质量成本交货标准进行筛选

    Supply base development-evaluate potential suppliers; develop and manage selected suppliers, make selections based on quality, cost and delivery criteria.


  • 鲍勃潜在顾客,“我们已经供应商合作了,”鲍勃于是列举一大堆好处说明为什么应该选择公司不是别的供应商

    When Bob's prospect said, "We're already working with a supplier, " Bob responded with a long list of the benefits of buying from his company rather than from other suppliers.


  • 可能需要来访者潜在投资者伙伴或是供应商客户介绍公司

    You may need to present your company to visitors, potential investors or partners, or new suppliers and clients.


  • 电话联系拜访供应商现有的或潜在供应商商谈产品的供应,折扣促销优惠以及互惠交易

    To contact suppliers by phone or personal visit; to confer with present or prospective suppliers concerning new products, discounts, promotions, reciprocal business deal etc.


  • AGCO希望意识上赞同我们立场现有潜在供应商应消除我们供应商业务环境造成影响

    AGCO expects existing and potential suppliers to support our position in terms of consciousness versus environmental effects due to our and supplier's business.


  • AGCO希望意识上赞同我们立场现有潜在供应商应消除我们供应商业务环境造成影响

    AGCO expects existing and potential suppliers to support our position in terms of consciousness versus environmental effects due to our and supplier's business.


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