• 潜在产出很难评估,更别说预测

    Potential output is hard to estimate, let alone predict.


  • 尽管实际产出就业状况跌跌撞撞潜在产出正在增长。

    Potential output is growing even as actual output and employment stutter.


  • 纵观这些趋势经济学家们便大致估计出未来潜在产出

    By looking at such trends, economists can estimate future potential output.


  • 因此潜在产出暂时偏离趋势,这使得它的估计更加困难。

    As a result, potential output can temporarily diverge from its underlying trends, making it even harder to estimate.


  • 如果生产能力潜在生长率保持不变意味着经济潜在产出能力减少10%。

    If the underlying growth rate of productive capacity had remained the same, this would imply that the economy was operating around 10% below its potential output.


  • OECD现在认为金融危机附带效果将会使富裕国家潜在产出平均下降3%。

    The OECD now reckons that the fallout from the financial crisis will, on average, knock some 3% off rich countriespotential output.


  • 全球经济复苏预期背景下结构性改革提高生产力潜在产出关键

    Against the backdrop of weaker than desirable global recovery, structural reform is key to boost productivity and potential output.


  • 在上世纪60年代时潜在产出增长大约每年4%,很大程度上是因为更多妇女参加了工作

    In the 1960s potential output accelerated to around 4% a year, largely because more women got jobs.


  • 实际产出超过潜在产出水平,产品劳动力需求哄抬起物价工资促成通货膨胀

    When actual output exceeds potential, demand for products and labour bids up prices and wages, fuelling inflation.


  • 准确估计潜在产出、计算产出缺口对于政策制定者制定恰当宏观经济政策至关重要的。

    It is critical for the policy maker who is in charge of formulating appropriate macroeconomic policies to estimate potential output and output gap accurately.


  • 如果真的实现了复苏由于大量空闲生产能力即使潜在产出受到打击)经济就会有增长空间

    If recovery does take hold, there is plenty of room to grow because of the amount of spare capacity (even if potential output has taken a hit).


  • 特别要指出产出缺口(实际产出潜在产出差额)已经成为一个重要政策指标

    Specially as is pointed, the output gap (the difference of actual output and potential output) has already become a very important a signal of the policy.


  • 实际产出低于潜在产出水平,稀缺销售量工作竞争就会通货膨胀产生向下压力

    When actual output falls short, competition for scarce sales and jobs puts downward pressure on inflation.


  • 尽管1950前统计数据不是那么可靠似乎20世纪早期由于技术革新加速移民潜在产出增长快速

    Though the statistics are less reliable for the years before 1950, it seems that in the early 20th century potential output grew rapidly thanks both to technological innovation and rapid immigration.


  • 为什么经济相对远离潜在产出不是一个经济体供给曲线陡峭的时候财政政策才是有效的?

    Why would fiscal policy be effective where the economy is relatively distant from potential output but not in an economy where aggregate supply curve is steep?


  • 人们通常会以3-3.5%潜在产出增长为标准进行调整,如此一来,金融市场受到扰动投资者也会调低他们预期

    Financial markets will be disturbed as conventional wisdom adjusts from an assumption of 3-3.5% potential output growth, and investors downgrade their expectations.


  • 财政部认为英国下滑程度:英国失去了5%的潜在产出能力,财政部没有改变接下来增长率保持2.75%的看法

    The Treasury thinks Britain will get off more lightly.It has lopped 5% off potential output, but has not changed its view that subsequent trend growth will remain at 2.75%.


  • 财政部认为英国下滑程度小些:英国失去了5%的潜在产出能力财政部没有改变接下来增长率保持2.75%的看法

    The Treasury thinks Britain will get off more lightly. It has lopped 5% off potential output, but has not changed its view that subsequent trend growth will remain at 2.75%.


  • 换言之实际产出下降潜在产出可能随之下降,这也是为什么WilliamsWeidner认为产出缺口小于CBO预测数据主要原因

    In other words, when actual output falls, it can drag potential output down with it-the main reason why Mr Williams and Mr Weidner believe that the gap is smaller than the CBO's estimates.


  • 美国潜在增长率——就是高通情况下年产出能够扩张速度——也正在下降

    America's potential rate of growth-that is, the pace at which annual output can expand without pushing up inflation-is also falling.


  • 如果能够开发成功来的话,这种下一代干扰计划潜在价值可能达数亿美元

    When developed and in production, the Next Generation Jammer program could potentially be worth several hundred million dollars.


  • 富裕国家潜在投资者紧张不安促成了当今产出萧条债券收益率低迷财政讨论

    In the rich world the jitters of potential investors are framing today's fiscal debate, even as output remains depressed and bond yields low.


  • 经济合作与发展组织最新经济展望估计美国产出缺口实际GDP潜在GDP的产值,几乎达到了百分之五,英国则超过了百分之六,二者都日本更大

    The OECD’s latest Economic Outlook estimates America’s output gap, the difference between actual and potential GDP, at almost 5% and Britain’s at over 6%, both larger than Japan’s.


  • 虽然真实产出30年代停滞不前,但是美国潜在增长率则一直在上升。

    Although actual output tumbled during the 1930s, America's potential growth rate did not.


  • 兹有事例可以证明近期小麦价格高涨(澳大利亚干旱所引发)正是气候改变影响食物产出这种潜在可能先兆

    Arguably, the recent surge in wheat prices (prompted by an Australian drought) is an early indicator of the potential for climate change to disrupt food output.


  • 相反考虑这些合成物如何自然生成的,这样科学家实验室里大量的生产出来,然后,才有可能研究潜在功效

    Instead it looks at how this compound is made in nature, which may allow scientists to make more of it in the lab and be able to research its potential USES.


  • 相反考虑这些合成物如何自然生成的,这样科学家实验室里大量的生产出来,然后,才有可能研究潜在功效

    Instead it looks at how this compound is made in nature, which may allow scientists to make more of it in the lab and be able to research its potential USES.


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