• 利用水流能量指数分析了洞庭盆地第四纪沉积环境演变特征

    The evolution of sedimentary environment in the Quaternary in Dongting Basin is analyzed by using the flow energy index.


  • 探讨容量形变等值线总体运动速率历次地震演变特征

    The factors such as the capacity dimension, contour of deformation and movement rates of blocks show the characteristic changes before earthquakes.


  • 得到电解铜雾化SPS烧结过程显微组织演变特征和规律不同结论

    We get the conclusion that the microstructure evolution of electrolytic copper powder and atomizing copper powder was different in SPS process.


  • 利用多种模型指数分析了平度市1990~2004年土地利用时空演变特征

    The spatiotemporal change characteristics of land use of Pingdu County during 1990~2004 have been researched by some models and index.


  • 本文用线性化全球原始方程模式研究地形强迫行星垂直传播过程演变特征

    The vertical propagating process and evolutive characteristics of planetary waves forced by topography are investigated by a global linearized primitive equation model.


  • 目的应用弹性定制模型通过调节模型标量参数记录组织工程纤维环演变特征

    Objective. Apply a hyperelastic constitutive model to characterize the evolution of engineered AF via scalar model parameters.


  • 近期日本相互持股总体上表现出解体趋势同时结构上又表现出不同演变特征

    Cross shareholdings in Japan have recently manifested a general tendency of dissolution while showing different evolving characteristics in structure.


  • 固体电极示差脉冲伏安水溶性有机还原性物质伏安行为及其演变特征作了探讨

    A study is carried out on the voltammetric behavior of water soluble organic reducing substances and its evolution characteristics by using the solid electrode differential voltammetric method.


  • 重点考虑降水蒸发因素所构造干湿指数可以更加客观地反映西北气候干湿演变特征

    With a view to the arid-wet index constructed by precipitation and evaporation synthetically, it may be objective to reflect the climate arid-wet evolution characteristics in northwestern area.


  • 主要分析了青海春季沙尘暴空间时间演变特征异常大气环流海温沙尘暴天气影响

    The spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of spring sandstorm in Qinghai province and the impact of abnormal circulation and sea temperature on sandstorm weather are analyzed.


  • 临界条件下获得了临界爆胞格结构沿壁面速度峰值压力曲线流场演变特征

    Under this critical condition, the cellular pattern, the velocity and maximum pressure along the wall and the wave evolution of marginal detonation were obtained.


  • 利用模糊聚类方法分析夏季太湖有色溶解有机质(CDOM)的吸收系数谱的时空演变特征

    Characteristics of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) between the summer and winter in Taihu Lake were analyzed using an fuzzy clustering method.


  • 阻塞过程中的大气运动分解正、斜压流场,研究了它们乌拉尔山极型阻塞个例中的演变特征

    The atmospheric flow is divided into barotropic and baroclinic flow fields in a dipole blocking case over the Ural mountains.


  • 完成蛋白质研究实验小组期望同样原则适用复杂演变特征包括身体形态生活习性新陈代谢有关的特性。

    The team who carried out the protein research expect the same principle to apply to complex evolved traits, including those involved in body shape, behaviour and metabolism.


  • 三角洲顶点城市基于城市区位三角洲自然环境演变特征提出经济地理概念,此类城市的存在具有一定的广泛性。

    The conception of the apex city of delta belongs to the field of economic geography, which is put forward based on the city location and the natural environment evolution of delta.


  • 遂宁分析遂宁市城市空间结构城市交通演变特征,分析二者演化过程中的互动关系提出遂宁市城市空间结构与城市交通之间存在的问题。

    Taking Suining for example, the evolution characteristics and interaction between urban spatial structure and the urban traffic in Suining is analyzed, and the problems between them is proposed.


  • 基于江淮梅雨区域50个气象台站1960 - 2002年梅雨量资料,利用EOF、RE OF展开方法分析了江淮梅雨降水空间分布时间演变特征

    Based on the data of Meiyu precipitation about 50 weather stations from 1960 to 2002, temporal and spatial distribution characteristics are analyzed with EOF and REOF methods.


  • 推测,非洲音乐舞蹈之所以演变高度复杂节拍特征不是欧洲早期音乐的旋律线性,部分原因,是因为它们表演在户外的。

    It is theorized that African music and dance evolved a highly complex rhythmic character rather than the melodic line of early European music due, in part, to its being performed outdoors.


  • 一些套路不同的风格演变行动名字特征移动方式并且技术理论,一些有明显显示图片诗词歌赋

    Some works wrote its genres, evolution, action names, characteristic, moving ways and technical theories, some had pictures and verses to show the action clearly.


  • 由于分散式开发模式新的特征添加用户开源软件的“演变一样,因为它们设计

    Because of the distributed development paradigm, with new features being added by users, open-source programs "evolve" as much as they are designed.


  • 本文四个方面分析中国产业组织演变特征

    The paper analyzes the evolutional characteristics of China's industrial organizations from four quarters.


  • 透过往昔儿童生活场景可以依稀发现一个历史时段儿童生活方式区域特色时代特征以及演变痕迹

    Through the past scene of children life, we can dimly find the life style, area feature, age characteristic and change trace of the children life in that history period.


  • 类似特征清楚地朝着人类方面演变

    The ape like features are clearly altered in the direction of humanness.


  • 废弃黄河三角洲地貌特征演变

    Morphological features and evolution of the abandoned Huanghe River Delta.


  • 本文简要介绍俄罗斯庄园历史演变主要特征分析庄园文化俄罗斯民族深远影响

    This paper briefly introduced the historical evolvement and main character of Russian gardens and analysed the far-reaching influence of garden culture to Russian nation.


  • 了解经济形态演变规律特征对于研究生物经济形态具有重要意义。

    Understanding of evolution law and characteristics of economic form is of great significance to research into biological economic form.


  • 第二部分论述资格名称演变、资格刑特征

    The second part elaborated the qualifications punishment name evolution, the character of the qualifications punishment.


  • 按照旅游开发时序关系,阐述模型不同阶段演变形态特征

    Thus, the evolution shapes and characteristics of the model in different stages are explained according to the time order of the tourism development.


  • 具有阶段岩浆侵入多阶段成矿演变矿床带状分异特征

    It has characteristics of polystage-magmatic intrusions, polystage metallogenetic evolution and zonal differentiation of the ore deposit.


  • 多期卫星遥感数据图像清晰地反映了易贡滑坡演变及其地貌形态特征

    The evolution and Geomorphologic morphological characteristics of Yigong Landslide were clearly identified through multi-temporal satellite remote sensed data and images.


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