• 上述演化趋势岩浆分异演化趋势相反。

    The evolutionary trends mentioned above are as opposed to that of magma differentiation.


  • 水化群体异常演化趋势地震活动密切相关

    The evolutionary trend of hydrochemical colony anomaly is closely related to seismicities.


  • 岩石主量元素组成玄武岩一致并且具有拉斑玄武岩演化趋势

    The compositions of major elements from the rocks are consistent with those of basalt and have evolutional current of tholeiite.


  • 提出研究岩石圈—软流圈动力学演化趋势中国大陆未来预测重要性

    The significance of study on the evolution trend of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system for the prediction of the China continent in the future is also discussed.


  • 另外讨论了有关性状演化趋势分析了导致牡丹组植物濒危的可能因素

    Lastly, the evolutionary trend of some characters has been discussed, and an important factor of endangerment has been analyzed.


  • 继而通过数学模型回归研究北京都市区人口分布空间结构演化趋势

    Then regression of mathematical models is used to study the distribution of population and the evolution of spatial structure of Beijing Metropolitan Area.


  • REE丰度逐渐增高,稀土分馏程度表现为愈趋显著总体演化趋势

    Their REE abundance increases progressively and their light and heavy REE fractionations also have a general evolutionary trend of becoming more and more marked.


  • 最后根据渭河中下游各河谷阶地演化特点演化趋势进行了初步预测

    In the end, we forecasted the evolutionary trend of the river terraces in the mid-tail of WeiHe river according to their evolutionary characteristics.


  • 本文阐述大连池形成地质条件,矿水中CO_2气体形成过程及其演化趋势

    This paper states the geological conditions of the formation of mineral water at the five linking lakes the formation process of the CO_2 gas in mineral water and its evolution tendency.


  • 岩浆演化过程不仅仅表现为物质上演化趋势而且也是能量的释放和转移过程。

    The emplacement and evolution of magma are not only a trend of material evolution but also a process of energy release and transfer.


  • 地区大面积出露太古宙花岗岩奥长花岗岩钙碱性岩浆双重演化趋势的复合产物。

    In northern Liaoning Province, there exists a great area of Archaean granitoid, which is dual-evolutionary, and represents a tonalitic-trondhjemitic(TT) trend and a calc-alkali(CA) trend.


  • 基础上,进一步提出环境犯罪中国出现必然性入世中国环境犯罪形态的演化趋势

    The first chart of the thesis gives a definition of environmental crime, analyzes the features of it and puts forward why and how it will happen in China after entering WTO.


  • 岩浆演化序列表现出岩浆基性程度、侵入深度由深变浅、围岩变由强变总体演化趋势

    The magmatic evolutionary series shows a general trend of evolution from high to low basicity of magma, from great to shallow depths of magmatic intrusion and from strong to weak wall-rock alteration.


  • 第三章浅析浅析农业旅游业产业融合产生新型产业农业旅游业主要特点演化趋势

    Thirdly, the paper analyses the main features and the evolution trend of the agri-tourism industry , which is generated from the convergence of two major industries of agriculture and tourism.


  • 相关试验数据验证表明,所建立的渗透率理论模型具有良好适用性反映一定条件的渗透率演化趋势

    Correlative test data show that this model has good applicability, and can reflect the development of the porosity under certain condition.


  • 石家庄市1991 ~ 1997年间浅层地下水环境质量进行了分析评价,查明地下水环境演化趋势

    Based on the monitoring data during 1991-1997, the groundwater environmental quality in Shijiazhuang was analyzed and assessed, and the evolution trend of the groundwater environment was studied.


  • 表皮特征较好地解决分问题,为确定分类单位之间演化趋势,亲缘关系等提供有参考价值的依据。

    The characters of leaf epidermis can be used in diagnosing species and elucidating the evolutionary trend and relationship among the species in the genus.


  • 通过研究显微镜质组分、镜质组分反射率分析有机质成熟度演化趋势评价气源的储气条件具有实用价值

    Based upon microcal rock and reflectance of coal rock, the paper analyses the heatalteration of ripening index of organic matter. It has practical value for evaluating gas storageconidion of coal bed.


  • 另外,群落谱系结构研究有助于探讨中性理论、密度制约假说等生态学 理论, 并预测干扰作用下的群落演化趋势

    Phylogenetic information also indicates the influence of environmental factors and studying community phylogeny at the metacommunity level helps to understand regional ecological processes.


  • 如果我们生命长期趋势,如果我们开始演化什么

    And if we take the long-term trends of life, if we begin to say, what does evolution want?


  • 生理演化理论解释这种趋势

    Physiology and evolutionary theory alike offer explanations for this tendency.


  • 我们演化威胁趋势回应:对威胁趋势本身进行持续评估进而调整我们的控制解决其中风险问题

    But our response to the evolving threat landscape is continuous assessment of the threat land-scape itself and then adjusting our controls to address the risk from that.


  • 干暖河谷特有成分各级植物区系标志种均反映河谷区系演化近代趋势及其独特性

    The endemic elements and the character elements are all the better to be reflect the evolutional tendency of tropical flora and the unique flora in these valleys.


  • 从农业生产实际出发,对水稻田杂草群落演化原因及其趋势进行了综述。

    The paper discusses the reason and trend of weed community evolution in paddy field.


  • 网络演化路径呈现网络密集度逐步提升核心组织逐渐突显趋势

    Network evolution path presents the trend of gradually increased intensity and increasingly prominent core organization.


  • 讨论了知识经济研究中的基本问题之一:经济形态演化过程,本质趋势

    One of basic problems studied in knowledge economy-process, essence and trend of evolution of economic formation is discussed.


  • 最后,运用生产力生产关系原理分析建筑施工企业项目管理机制系统演化规律总体趋势

    Finally, the rule and general trend for evolution of EPMM system in BCE is discussed under the theory of productive forces and productive relations.


  • 组织系统演化过程自组织趋势自分解趋势统一

    Evolution of system is a unification of the trends of self-organization and self-decomposition.


  • 青藏高原古近纪—新近纪古湖泊演化时间上讲,老到新面积逐渐加大趋势

    In term of time, the Paleogene-Neogene paleolakes of the plateau had a trend to increase gradually in area from the early to late stages.


  • 青藏高原古近纪—新近纪古湖泊演化时间上讲,老到新面积逐渐加大趋势

    In term of time, the Paleogene-Neogene paleolakes of the plateau had a trend to increase gradually in area from the early to late stages.


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