• 然而,一些自我控制能力研究对象可能收入非常单亲父母,父母的健康状况很差,很可能是重度药物滥用

    Whereas some of the low self-control study members are more likely to be single parents with a very low income and the parent is in poor health and likely to be a heavy substance abuser.


  • 但是父母自己可能技术最大滥用者

    But it may be that the biggest abusers of new technology are parents themselves.


  • 药物滥用发现自己优点格外重要

    Let's drug abusers found that the advantages of their more important.


  • 动物滥用者处处要当心,”这个小册子说。

    "Animal abusers everywhere beware," the pamphlets read.


  • 知道怎么帮助药物滥用者因为曾是其中的一员

    I know how to help drug abusers, because I was one of them.


  • 结论药物滥用个性心理缺陷行为模式改变

    Conclusion: There are changes in psychological deficiency and behavior model of drug addicts.


  • 使我们能够吓跑法律行动威胁潜在滥用者

    This would allow us to scare off potential abusers with the threat of legal action.


  • 结果显示滋生滥用仍在增加女性滥用者比例升高。

    Results showed that the number of new abusers and the proportion of female abusers were increasing.


  • 目的调查目前珠江三角洲地区药物滥用使用滥用二类精神药品情况

    Objective: To understand the situation of second kind psychotropic drugs (SKPDs) used and abused by drug addicts in the pearl river delta.


  • 为何其他一些Google产品创建应用密钥系统,借此可以关闭滥用同时“好孩子”继续提供服务

    Why not create an application key system like in some other Google products so that you can shut down the abusers while still providing services for the "good guys"?


  • 新的联合治疗以及他们以前在合格人群包括儿童静脉药物滥用者中的应用此次协商会议主要依据。

    New combination therapies and their application to previously ineligible groups, including children and intravenous drug users, were a major thrust of the conference.


  • 结果年轻的、单身男性、无业、文化程度家人支持、多药物滥用影响美沙维持治疗依从性危险因素

    Results:Single, young, male, unemployment, low educational level, no family support and polydrug use were dangerous factors that influenced the compliance to methadone maintenance treatment.


  • 滥用药物免疫抑制作用使成瘾感染性疾病发病率较高,药物滥用生活方式增加了其暴露病原体的机会

    Immunosuppression caused by drug abuse may increase the susceptibility to opportunistic infections, while drug abusers' lifestyles also increase exposure risk to infectious pathogens.


  • 该法创建了一个缩写为HADOPI机构机构跟踪网络滥用并且可以次警告仍然非法下载进行自动断网。

    The law innovated by creating an agency, known by its initials HADOPI, which would track abusers and cut off net access automatically to those who continued to download illicitly after two warnings.


  • 度冷丁滥用研究对象度冷丁滥用者毛发中检出度冷丁代谢物去甲度冷丁、N一羟甲基度冷丁N-乙酰度冷丁。

    Using meperidine abusers as subjects for this study, we detected in hair meperidine and its metabolites normeperidine, N - OCH3 - meperidine and N - AC meperidine.


  • 这部法律加强了滥用枪支惩处

    The new law toughens up penalties for those that misuse guns.


  • 滥用职权任命了26000名党派支持从事政府工作

    She misused her position in the appointment of 26,000 party supporters to government jobs.


  • 我们应该对付那些少数的滥用酒精不是大多数人为了饮酒乐趣付钱

    We need to tackle the minority that misuse alcohol rather than making the majority pay more for the simple pleasure of a bottle of wine.


  • 有些滥用酒精因为冲动自尊心或为了寻求认同感心理因素而饮酒无度

    For some alcohol abusers, psychological traits such as impulsiveness, low self-esteem, and a need for approval prompt inappropriate drinking.


  • 坦率地说大多数能力危险可能滥用减少攻击可以利用的能力有助于保护系统

    Admittedly, most of the capabilities are dangerous and can be abused, but reducing the capabilities available to an attacker might well protect your system from harm.


  • 如果其中任何一位命令滥用自己权限--即如果没有听取无名氏称之为"蜂巢意志"的群体聊天意见的话--其他命令便将其所在聊天大门之外。

    If any OP abuses his power—if he fails to heed what anons callthe hive mind” in IRC conversations— the other OPs can lock him out of the chat.


  • 个人层面风险包括受害患有痴呆症以及虐待存有精神障碍酒精物质滥用情况。

    Risks at the individual level include dementia of the victim, and mental disorders and alcohol and substance abuse in the abuser.


  • 不会容忍企图来自汽车金融公司信用卡公司里发薪日贷款人消费使用恶劣滥用创造漏洞

    And I won't accept efforts to create loopholes for the most egregious abusers of consumers, from payday lenders to auto finance companies to credit card companies.


  • 是的,现在一旦对布什时代权力滥用发起严正调查华盛顿势必成为个让人鸡飞狗跳的地方,不管是那些滥用权力还是他们帮凶辩护

    Now, it's true that a serious investigation of Bush-era abuses would make Washington an uncomfortable place, both for those who abused power and those who acted as their enablers or apologists.


  • 有权那些不公平交易”、“滥用职权无理侵占消费利益行为下禁令

    It will be able to ban practices that are "unfair", "abusive" or that "take unreasonable advantage" of consumers.


  • 风险资本家一向清楚假如高管们没有切身利益其中,寡廉鲜耻就会想方设法滥用支持信任

    Venture capitalists have always known that if executives have no skin in the game, the unscrupulous will find ways to abuse the trust of their backers.


  • 因为这些改变使得吸毒成瘾更加难以控制自己不滥用药物了,健康专家建议接受专业治疗彻底禁戒

    Because these changes make it much harder for the addict to control substance use, health experts recommend professional treatment and complete abstinence.


  • 因为这些改变使得吸毒成瘾更加难以控制自己不滥用药物了,健康专家建议接受专业治疗彻底禁戒

    Because these changes make it much harder for the addict to control substance use, health experts recommend professional treatment and complete abstinence.


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