• 中国矿业大学渣浆公司研究。

    China University of Mining and slurry pump is set on. Development.


  • 渣浆混合物管道输送心脏”。

    Slurry pump is the "heart" of transportation pipeline of solid liquid mixtures.


  • 介绍离心式计算机选型软件及其使用

    The software for the computer selection of centrifugal slag pulp pump type and its application are presented.


  • 揭示了离心式渣浆旋流性能一些特点

    Some characteristics of performance characters of centrifugal slurry pump and vortex pump were also discovered at the same time.


  • 研究设计技术提高性能根本途径。

    Applying two phase flow theory to the design of slurry pump is a key method for improving the machine.


  • 设计详细介绍渣浆总体结构工作原理结构设计

    This design was detailed to introduce the total construction that slurry pump, the work principle designs with the construction.


  • 本文分析磨损现象类型论述渣浆泵设计方法

    A slurry pump may exhibit different wear phenomena. Following an analysis of the different types of wear, the author elaborates on the method for designing such a pump.


  • 机械密封形式的密封特别适用多级串联渣浆的密封,完全无泄漏

    Mechanical seal: this type is especially suitable for multi-stage slurry pump in series and without leakage.


  • 扫描电镜分析等方法氧化铝厂叶轮进行了腐蚀磨损失效分析

    The failure analysis of corrosion erosion for high chromium cast iron impeller of slag pulp pump in aluminum factory are conducted using SEM.


  • 工业生产中应用广泛,对选择考虑流量、扬程蚀匹配。

    Tail pump is widely used in the industrial production. When choosing a pump, the flow rate, lift and the cavitation should be considered.


  • 结合粒度渣浆特点分析探讨了相应水力结构设计原则

    According to the flow's characteristics of a slurry pump for large particle, its corresponding hydraulic structure and design principle are analyzed and approached.


  • 因此本文针对渣浆耐磨涂层进行残余应力分析,并提出改进方案

    Therefore, the residual thermal stress in the wear-resistant coatings on the slurry pumps' front guard plate is analyzed and the improved scheme is put forward.


  • 使用硬度一般要求HRC58-62,用于比如零部件等耐磨易损件。

    The use of hardness of the general requirements for HRC58-62, such as multi for slurry pump parts wearing parts wear.


  • 得出了渣浆叶轮蜗壳速度分布相浓度分布以及漩涡结构等流场信息

    The distribution of velocity and solid particles and the information of axial vortex in the impeller and volute are discovered.


  • 发明有效降低制造成本运行成本,并且使渣浆泵抗腐蚀性能提高

    The slurry pump and the method for making the same can effectively reduce the manufacturing cost and operation cost of the slurry pump and improve the anticorrosive performance of the slurry pump.


  • 渣浆泵磨损,其性能发生极大变化效率会变得很低,浪费严重影响生产

    The pump may undergo great change in performance after wearing out. This generally leads to drastic drop of efficiency, waste of energy and adverse effect on normal operation.


  • 分析了部件破坏主要原因提出提高渣浆泵过流部件使用寿命的措施

    Analysed main damage reason of componnents through which liquid flow in slurry pump, and advanced measures improving service life of componnents through which liquid flow in slurry pump.


  • 离心式叶轮固液两相流动,对于不同颗粒粒径有不同运动规律渣浆浓度分布。

    The flow structure and the slurry consistence of the particle-liquid two-phase flows through the impeller of the centrifugal slurry pump are studied.


  • 因此迫切需要了解渣浆内部流动规律改进设计方法提高效率减少磨损

    There is an urgent need to understand the internal flow slurry pump to improve the design methodology, improve pump efficiency and reduce pump wear and tear.


  • 山东铝业公司拥有大量离心式形式主要填料密封(盘根)接机械密封。

    There are a large number of centrifugal pumps in Shandong Aluminum Company. The main type of shaft seal is soft packing seal and mechanical seal.


  • 采用变螺旋线渣浆扭曲叶片进行了尝试性设计,并初步总结了其设计方法和规律。

    Variable Angle spiral method was used in a trial way in the design of the warped blader of solid - liquid two phase slurry pump.


  • 使用寿命问题影响渣浆泵使用寿命因素有很多诸如水力设计吻合性,结构设计是否合理

    Issue of slurry PumpLife the impact of slurry pump life by many factors, such as: hydraulic design and paste the line, and the structural design is reasonable.


  • 叶轮设计取决于叶轮内部介质的流动规律,因而搞清叶轮内的流动规律设计高性能污水前提。

    But the design of impeller lie on flow-field of the inner of impeller, so the first step for improving performance of pump is to completely study the rule of flowing in the impeller.


  • 许多用户采购渣浆泵时候都会货比三家精确计算价格然后选择能够达到自己要求价格低的产品

    Slurry lot of users at a time when procurement will shop around, precise calculation of pump prices, and then be able to select their own requirements and a lower value product.


  • 方法应用浆泵调速型液力耦合器调速液位控制系统干扰流量变化很大的情况下,均获得了满意控制效果

    This method is applied in the pump liquid control system by hydraulic coupling, the experimental results is satisfactory when the flow disturbance varies far.


  • 方法应用浆泵调速型液力耦合器调速液位控制系统干扰流量变化很大的情况下,均获得了满意控制效果

    This method is applied in the pump liquid control system by hydraulic coupling, the experimental results is satisfactory when the flow disturbance varies far.


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