• 清理费用账单寄给我会钱退还给,好吗?

    Could you send me the cleaning bill and I will refund the cost to you?


  • 确定折旧费依据建筑造价、残值、清理费用折旧年限。

    Determining depreciation is based on the construction cost, value, the liquidation costs and depreciable lives.


  • 如果核电站爆炸多大区域多少波及清理费用多少?

    If Indian Point blew, how wide an area and how many people would be affected, and what would the cleanup costs be?


  • BP公司支付墨西哥湾海水清理费用清洁水质并不等同于恢复生态系统功能

    BP will pay to clean the water in the Gulf of Mexico, but cleaning the water and restoring ecosystem function is not the same thing.


  • 康菲公司称“科赫公司很简单地拒绝支付法院判决所应负担清理费用。”

    "Koch simply refuses to pay its share as ordered by this court," Conoco said.


  • 通常情况下城市居民所支付水价只不过运输管道费用污水处理厂的清理费用

    Usually, water pricing simply means that city dwellers pay for the cost of the pipes that transport it and the sewerage plants that clean it.


  • BP表示支付污染清理费用一切由于泄漏事件产生的法律上的损害赔偿请求

    But BP says it will pay cleanup costs and all "legitimate claims" for losses and damages from the spill.


  • 但是英国石油公司表示,公司支付清理费用以及因石油泄漏造成损失所有合理索赔

    But BP says it will pay cleanup costs and all "legitimate claims" for losses and damages from the spill. BP is also hiring local fishing boats to help with the cleanup.


  • 环保人士许多类场地污染了,他们希望美国它们恢复原来的状态负担所有清理费用

    Activists say many of these facilities are polluted and want the United States to restore them to their natural condition and pay all of the clean up costs.


  • 目前,英国石油公司的花费已经超过三十一亿元,并且同意建立一项超过两百亿元的赔偿基金处理索赔清理费用

    BP's bill so far has been more than $3.1bn - and it has agreed to set up a $20bn fund to deal with compensation claims and clean-up costs.


  • 符合预计负债确认条件废弃发生拆卸搬移场地清理支出实际发生时作为清理费用计入当期损益。

    If the conditions for the recognition of the provisions are not met, the expenditures for the decommissioning, removal and site cleaning will be expensed in the income statement when occurred.


  • 虽然准确数字难以获得,但是田纳西州冰毒特别小组(TMTF)负责人TommyFarmer预估,现场清理费用就在5,000-25,000美元之间

    Precise numbers are tough to come by, but Tommy Farmer, who heads Tennessee’s Methamphetamine Task Force (TMTF), puts the cost between $5,000 and $25,000 just to clean up the property.


  • 由于同种原因日本铁路局受害者家庭成员索取在处理不便卫生清理上的费用

    For the same reason, Japan Railway charges suicide victims' families for the cost of the inconvenience and clean-up.


  • 这些筒仓需要多级集成清理导致越来越多维护操作费用

    They require multiple levels of integration and cleansing, resulting in increased maintenance and operational expenses.


  • 不过重组削弱之一优势如果奏效可能不会鲑鱼养殖者希望高成活率过弥补清理费用

    The reforms might erode that advantagebut perhaps not if they work: salmon farmers hope that fewer dead fish will compensate for the cost of cleaning up their act.


  • 官方开始清理谣言,宣称该费用仍然会收取。

    But officials have been trying to quash the speculation, saying that "fees" will still be imposed.


  • 原油泄漏清理视角:忘了那些庞大船只众多的工人巨额费用吧。

    Here's a new way of looking at oil spill clean-up: Forget the big ships, massive work crews and hefty price tags.


  • 这样不仅节省前后打包清理时间省下了费用

    Not only did it save time packing and unpacking unwanted goods but it also saved us money moving it.


  • 如果使用容易产生异性纤维包装材料包装棉花卖方须承担全部清理异性纤维费用

    If any packing materials that may easily produce foreign matters are used to pack the cotton, the Seller shall bear all the expenses for the cleaning of foreign matters.


  • 而抛清砂则相反费用检验平板表面清理非常干净

    And is shot rust-removing, by contrast, cost is high, inspection of the surface cleaning plate are very clean.


  • 住户垃圾收集清理住户垃圾而征收费用

    Household waste collection charge: charge levied for removal of household waste.


  • 此外散货船节约港卸货时间货舱清理时间以及货舱维护费用等同样有着显著优势

    In addition, the double hull bulk carrier has the remarkable superiority on saving the time of unloading cargo in the port and the cargo hold cleaning up as well as the cargo hold maintenance cost.


  • 工厂水平下,考虑相关费用防止清理环境污染水基液压系统拥有节省巨大成本潜力

    Considering the costs associated with preventing and cleaning up environmental contamination, water-based hydraulic systems hold the potential for tremendous cost savings at the plant level.


  • 没有任何其他电站产权方享有所有利润让无关的纳税人支付所有的燃料保险清理废弃物处置费用

    No other power plant inexistence allows the owners to retain all profits while UNASSOCIATED TAXPAYERSpick all costs for fuel, insurance, clean up, and disposal.


  • 计划干洗支付合资格相关费用作出反应,进行调查清理污染造成新闻稿的干洗溶剂

    This program was developed by the dry cleaning industry to cover eligible costs associated with responding to, investigating and cleaning up contamination caused by releases of dry cleaning solvents.


  • 计划干洗支付合资格相关费用作出反应,进行调查清理污染造成新闻稿的干洗溶剂

    This program was developed by the dry cleaning industry to cover eligible costs associated with responding to, investigating and cleaning up contamination caused by releases of dry cleaning solvents.


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