• 但是王国真的深陷泥潭危险吗?

    But is the kingdom really in danger of being swamped?


  • 两个国家何以会深陷泥潭

    How did these countries get dragged so deeply into the mire?


  • 布什伊拉克越是深陷泥潭,就指责伊朗

    The more George Bush flounders in Iraq, the greater his temptation to blame Iran.


  • 西班牙之旅终于知道为什么亚洲飞猛进欧洲深陷泥潭

    After my travels in Spain, there was little question in my mind why Asia is leaping from strength to strength while Europe is Mired in slow growth and unemployment.


  • 也提出警告,称不少印度公司制订类似宏伟蓝图不料使自己深陷泥潭

    He cautions that plenty of Indian companies have made similarly ambitious plans, only to get bogged down.


  • 有时候深陷泥潭人们只是需要一个倾听者,不是一个指挥官

    Sometimes problematic people just needs someone to talk to and not someone to command what to do.


  • 对于美国最大小型企业信贷商cit深陷泥潭的状况,我们爱莫能助

    IT hardly helps that one of America's biggest small-business lenders, CIT, has run aground.


  • 只有家庭纽带中的宽容亲情四个深陷泥潭灵魂带来些许安慰。

    Only through forgiveness and compassion inhering in the family bond can they achieve some degree of family reconciliation.


  • 股市飞速下跌银行深陷泥潭但是有这样一家日本公司反潮流而行

    STOCKMARKETS are slumping and banking is troubled, but a Japanese firm hopes to buck both trends.


  • 郭士纳在1993年接掌公司时,IBM深陷泥潭,处于将自己拆分出售绝境边缘

    When Mr Gerstner took the helm in 1993, IBM was in deep trouble, on the verge of selling itself off in pieces.


  • 为什么所有艺人唱片公司从未停止过抱怨哀叹音乐产业深陷泥潭无药可救?

    So what have all these artists and record labels been going on about, complaining about what a dire state the music industry is in?


  • 同时还品味美国明显衰弱。美国阿富汗深陷泥潭,也未能使伊拉克实现和平。

    At the same time, he savours the apparent enfeeblement of America, as it flounders in Afghanistan and fails to pacify Iraq.


  • 白宫在积极的这场深陷泥潭战争设立明确目标提供更多资源国际社会支持寻找更好理由

    The White House also is pushing forces to set clear goals for a war gone awry, to provide more resources and to make a better case for international support.


  • 有人建议,深陷泥潭新闻集团解决公司治理问题,董事会成员汤姆金斯应该股东的“救命稻草”。

    It has been suggested that, to fix governance at the beleaguered company, News Corp. board member Tom Perkins is shareholders' "best hope."


  • 这里杠杆不是金融杠杆——资产负债表中加入越来越多的债务这种做法导致一些公司金融危机深陷泥潭

    We don't mean leverage in terms of financial leverage — adding more and more debt to the balance sheetthat is what got quite a few companies into trouble during the downturn.


  • 尽管更多证据表明,深陷泥潭美国房市可能过去记录暴跌开始复苏,但是在10月份人们的情绪还是更加低落。

    October's dip in sentiment came despite further evidence that the troubled us housing market may be in the early stages of recovery from its record slump of the past three years.


  • 亲爱的知道心中有数:那些深陷泥潭不能自拔的人们,如此匆匆地重施故技,进行秘密审讯处决,正好我们个大好的转机他们自己个倒霉的时刻。

    You see, dear, I know that the Stick-in-the-mud people are doing us a good turn and themselves a bad one by going back to secret trials and executions as soon.


  • 越来越多证据表明如今年轻人深陷信用卡债务泥潭他们中的许多人这些债务带进坟墓

    There's a growing body of evidence suggesting that today's young adults are also drowning in credit-card debt and that many of them will take this debt to their graves.


  • 越来越多证据表明如今年轻人深陷信用卡债务泥潭他们中的许多人这些债务带进坟墓

    But there's a growing body of evidence suggesting that today's young adults are also drowning in credit-card debt and that many of them will take this debt to their graves.


  • 特别是重要对象深陷严肃问题争论泥潭时,自己的观点搁置一边来聆听对方起来近乎天方夜谭。

    When we're knee deep within a serious discussion or argument with our significant other, it's hard to put aside our point for the moment and just listen.


  • 他们继续前行看见到处绿洲,他们正打算在那里洗澡时,刚才打的不小心陷入泥潭开始深陷朋友救了他。

    They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.


  • 美国如今深陷债务泥潭难以改掉靠负债过活坏习惯

    America has got ever deeper into debt, unable to kick the habit of living beyond its means.


  • 在全球银行业深陷美国次级抵押贷款泥潭之际,由于欧洲银行自身信用风险评价方式相同,使投资者平添了更多困扰

    As Banks globally grapple with souring investments tied to U.S. subprime mortgages, Europe's Banks have added to the problems for investors because they differ in how they value their credit exposure.


  • 家庭努力偿还债务脱离不断深陷泥潭如果他们放弃拖欠债务,就周围负债借款人造成更大压力

    Households are struggling to pay down debt to get out of the hole they're in, and if they give up and default, that places more pressure on indebted borrowers around them.


  • 这项声明的本意为了消除疑虑,然而更像是强调美联储多么财政金融政策泥潭之中。

    It was meant to be reassuring, but it mostly served to emphasise how much the Fed has become entangled in fiscal and financial policy.


  • 大规模工资上限监管机构更加深陷微观管理的泥潭

    A wholesale cap on pay would lead regulators further into the swamp of micromanagement.


  • 曾经深陷这种泥潭,度过了一令人尴尬且绵无止境的时期。

    I've been in these kinds of ruts, often, and sometimes for embarrassingly extended periods.


  • 曾经深陷这种泥潭,度过了一令人尴尬且绵无止境的时期。

    I've been in these kinds of ruts, often, and sometimes for embarrassingly extended periods.


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