• 儿童读物意义在于传达故事背后深刻内涵

    The meaning of children's books lies in conveying the profound connotation behind the story.


  • 这种善恶观念抽象的对错深刻内涵

    That sense of good and evil may be about more than a right versus wrong abstraction.


  • 分析深刻内涵利益协调作为条主线贯穿其中。

    To analyze its deep connotation it is necessary that take interest coordination as a main line to impenetrate in it.


  • 分析深刻内涵利益协调作为条主线贯穿其中。

    To analyze its deep connotation, it is necessary that take interest coordination as a main line to impenetrate in it.


  • 校园艺术体育文化一种有着深刻内涵丰富外延文化现象

    Campus artistic culture is a cultural phenomenon with profound connotation and denotation.


  • 立足于考古发现文献资料重新论证了“洪水神话”深刻内涵

    This article, on the basis of archaeological findings a nd document data, makes fresh remarks on the profound connotations of the flood myth.


  • 春节中国重要传统节日集中地展示中国文化深刻内涵

    Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is also the time for observing the richness of the Chinese cultural heritage.


  • 深刻内涵不像广告平面印刷广告网络广告旗帜仅仅开始过程

    Deep content: Unlike commercials or print ads, a Web AD banner is only the beginning of the process.


  • 正确理解代理人深刻内涵提升律师职业群体尊严使命感已经迫在眉睫

    It is exigent for us to understand the profound nature of an agent and promote his dignity and sense of mission.


  • 二十世纪深刻内涵未提上日程,由于我们一直忙于真实建造无暇反思

    But the meaning of topophila and topophobia could have been derailed since the twentieth century as we continue to be overtaken by actual building without sufficient reflection.


  • 塔尔科夫斯基电影所包含丰富内容深刻内涵必将我们提供有益的借鉴和启示。

    The abundance content and connotative meaning of Tarkovsky's movie view is very helpful for us.


  • 总之我们应该真正理解谚语深刻内涵我们未来生活工作采取正确行动

    In a word, we should truly understand the profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions in our life and work in the future.


  • 这些原初文学意象,具有“原型”的典型特征,表现出远超出文学作品本身的深刻内涵

    These original images have the typical feature of archetype and imply deep implications beyond literary works.


  • 油气保存单元一术语深刻内涵及其中国南方海相地层油气勘探作用十分重要

    The profound connotation of the terminology"oil and gas preservation unit" and the role it plays in oil and gas exploration in marine strata in South China is very important.


  • 通过太行山道路实践总结,阐述太行山道路与太行山精神形成的历史背景深刻内涵

    Through summarizing the practice of Taihang Mount Road, this text has elaborated on historical background and profound connotation of Taihang Mount Road and Taihang Mount spirit.


  • 文明一词有着深刻内涵文明也是我们经常挂在嘴边话题语言文明不失为美德

    A civilized word has its profound connotation, talking the topic which the civilization also we mentions frequently is. The civilized language is one kind of moral excellence.


  • 菲茨杰拉德生命社会历史悲剧意识小说中得到了充分体现,具有深刻内涵美学意蕴。

    His tragic sense of life, society and history is well demonstrated in his novels which is rich in tragic and aesthetic meanings.


  • 显然以上所述两功能外,广告语言含有深刻内涵反映我们文化每天都在面对的现实。

    Besides the above-mentioned informative and persuasive functions of advertising English, it is clear that advertising language is also a kind of connotative language.


  • 我们试图厘定校园文化深刻内涵、透析校园文化的功能入手提出校园文化的构建优化对策

    This article, starting from an analysis of its definition and function, will try to put forward counter-measures to construct and optimize campus culture.


  • 通过罗伯特·弗洛斯特诗歌分析,揭示了其诗歌的深刻内涵展示了其诗歌中所表现出现实主义

    By analyzing the poems of Robert Frost, this pa per reveals deep connotations and presents the realistic beauty in the poems.


  • 文章首先阐述哈贝马斯交往理论回归生活世界之后,生活世界作为交往活动的经验场所具备深刻内涵

    At first, I discuss how Habermas "communication theory reverts into the life world and what profound meaning the life world contains as an empirical ground of communication activities."


  • 论文分析铁姑娘形象所诞生社会历史背景同时研究了“铁姑娘”形象外表特点其所表达的深刻内涵

    The author of thesis analyzed social and history background on naissance of iron girls, appearance and connotation characteristics of iron girls.


  • 希望在德奥艺术歌曲演唱教学中,特别是面对马勒这样蕴有深刻内涵作品时,能够找到一条适当途径

    Associated with the ground of the Lied's composition, this article also trys to find a more fitting way of this kind of songs' singing and education, especially refer to the deep ones as Mahler's.


  • 由于语言基于对话,所以,应该采取对话的方式理解语言深刻内涵不仅仅是对字表含义简单解读猜测

    As language is dialogically based, the meanings of language can be understood only through reading in a dialogical way rather than through decoding or guessing simply.


  • 本文尝试乐府诗传统及乐府文化角度入手探究鲍照乐府雅俗兼具风格的产生渊源深刻内涵深远影响

    This article is written to attempts to explore the origin, the profound meaning and the potential impact of Bao Zhao's folk poetry from a cultural perspective.


  • 作者激扬的文字别具一格文风历史现实视角紧扣时代主题审视诠释和谐之本质及其深刻内涵

    The author is in inspired characters, peculiar writing style, from history and realistic visual Angle, link the era theme closely, scrutinize and annotate "harmonious" essence and deep intension.


  • 商品化大潮中,文学家、新闻出版人只有放弃自己批判立场,文学新闻所包容深刻内涵才真正能够共同得以呈现。

    In the tide of commerce, if litterateurs and publishers give off their animadvert to society, the profound connotation which contains in literature


  • 商品化大潮中,文学家、新闻出版人只有放弃自己批判立场,文学新闻所包容深刻内涵才真正能够共同得以呈现。

    In the tide of commerce, if litterateurs and publishers give off their animadvert to society, the profound connotation which contains in literature


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