• 持续降价促销降低消费者产品信任度

    A steady diet of price-off promotions lowers the esteem in which the consumer holds the product.


  • 不过我们应该看到,在市场竞争激烈环境下,降价厂商促销行为,也是有利于消费者的市场行为。

    With the intense competition we should also be aware that the price reduction is not only the marketing method of the manufacturers but the market behavior which benefits the customers.


  • 而且,越来越市场营销人员正在利用网络2.0工具消费者合作从事产品开发服务改进促销

    And a growing number of marketers are using Web 2.0 tools to collaborate with consumers on product development, service enhancement and promotion.


  • 消费者逐渐期望运费省钱零售商促销方式回应顾客。

    Consumers are increasingly looking to save on free shipping and retailers are responding with promotional offers.


  • 无论是中间商还是消费者,只要有了心理障碍,便使促销活动效果打折扣。

    The effectiveness of sales promotion can be tempered by psychological barriers, and this fact is applicable to middlemen as well as consumers.


  • 零售商喜欢促销因为这样可以商店带来一些生机,而且还能通过消费者冲动购买榨取更多

    Retailers like them as they add a dash of colour and buzz to shops, and because they can squeeze more money out of each customer through impulse purchases.


  • 时机恰好的促销可以帮助商家淡季处理掉多余存货,因为消费者不再寻觅便宜的替代品

    A well-timed promotion can clear excess stock or, in austere times, stop consumers trading down to cheaper alternatives.


  • 当然没有能够提供确定答案预计将更多真正优惠促销价格出现供应商将通过更多途径,从消费者身上赚取更多利润

    Nobody, of course, can tell for sure, but I expect a lot more really great promotional prices and a lot more ways for suppliers to try to wring extra bucks out of your pockets.


  • 至于是否运用传统营销策略就取决品牌自身比如促销或者跟消费者互动保持消费粘性

    From there, it’s up to the brand to use traditional marketing tactics, like promotions and good communications to make those fans stick.


  • 促销不仅局限拉动消费者需求可以用来赢得中间商的支持。

    Sales promotion is not restricted to the stimulation of demand at the consumer level. It may be used to gain middlemen's support as well.


  • 并不是所有促销活动都能给消费者带来大量节约

    Not all promotions result in substantial savings for guests.


  • 宝马发言人科沃斯基(TomKowelski)以前经济衰退期不同的是,消费者传统促销手段提高购车动机刺激、提供租车条款加大广告力度等)无动于衷。

    But unlike past downturns, consumers aren't responding to traditional marketing devices like increased incentives, lease deals or beefed-up advertising, said BMW spokesman Tom Kowelski.


  • 消费者可以浏览最新促销信息,还可以类别进行预订,对比不同的价格

    Customers can browse the latest in new promotions and offers, shop by category, and compare prices at a glance.


  • 一些公司特别是那些短期打折促销公司,他们首先姓氏字母靠后的消费者发出促销信息。

    Companies, especially those pitching limited-time offers, should first mail out those promotions to consumers with surnames that fall deeper in the alphabet.


  • ——为了刺激需求许多酒店推出免费住宿其它促销活动一些消费者借此延长度假时间。

    In order to stimulate demand, many hotels are offering complimentary nights and other promotions, and some consumers are leveraging this value to extend their vacations.


  • 消费者旅游公司收到电子邮件促销时会什么反应?项针对这一问题的广泛调查显示:忠实客户会有非常强烈购买意愿

    A wide-ranging survey to understand how consumers behave when they receive email promotions from travel brands has indicated a strong desire to purchase from loyal customers.


  • 汽车销售顾问当然也是促销专家,我们看看他们消费者建议

    Ask the sales Consultant: Experts who advise car dealers on how to boost sales offer their car buying advice.


  • 不计后果的折扣价可能隐藏着肮脏伎俩一些店铺对手的新店开张之时,派出消费者抢购促销品,而真正的消费者却往往一无所获。

    Crippling price discounts can be accompanied by dirty tactics: some stores send fake "customers" to rivals' new stores to snap up all the promotions before genuine customers can get them.


  • 免费送货、免费礼品包装老顾客特别优惠、促销加长营业时间、以及各种形式折扣,这些是令消费者无法抗拒的促销高招

    Free shipping, free gift wrap, savings for current customers, sale prices, longer hours of operation and rebates are all examples of promotional hooks that may resonate with your audience.


  • 消费者将可以期待航空公司使用移动条形码登机牌酒店启用移动支付技术当场收取费用以及在线旅行社推出移动定位的旅游促销活动

    Consumers can expect airlines that offer mobile barcode boarding passes, hotels offering mobile payments for on-site charges and OTAs launching geo-aware travel promotions.


  • 业内专家提醒消费者,置业谨慎,不要促销手段影响客观评价

    Industry experts warned consumers to be cautious home, do not let your marketing impact means objective assessment.


  • 一方面,消费者可能诸如返还款项促销承诺心存怀疑,他们会认为这样产品肯定问题

    Consumers, on the other hand, may view promotions such as money-back guarantees with suspicion, thinking that something must be wrong with the product.


  • 他还,“对于高端商品,一点可能真实行业优势或是高端消费者使得他们不必那么多促销活动—仅仅只指高端商品。”

    Now that may not be true at the high end - the strength of the business or the higher-end consumer has allowed them to do a little less promotion - but that's high end.


  • 不同类型促销工具导致消费者产生特定反应行为方面具有差异性

    There are differences among different types of sales promotion instruments in leading consumers to make specific behavioral response.


  • 不同类型促销工具导致消费者产生特定反应行为方面具有差异性

    There are differences among different types of sales promotion instruments in leading consumers to make specific behavioral response.


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